
The Lost Royal Bloodline of Archantia

In the realm of Thaloria, a land steeped in magic and mystery, the birth of Prince Aleric marked a new era of hope. Born to Queen Elara and King Amed, his distinctive white hair symbolized a powerful magical heritage. However, destiny had a cruel twist in store. On the way to celebrate his first birthday in a magical forest, their carriage was ambushed by bandits led by the notorious Damien, who mercilessly killed Aleric's parents before taking the young prince under his wing. Raised among bandits, Aleric's royal blood was veiled by the shadows of his upbringing, transforming him into the most skilled thief and fighter within the crew. On the eve of his 17th birthday, fate intervened once more when a lord from a distant land tasked the bandit group with a perilous mission - to infiltrate a renowned magical academy and steal a powerful and elusive magical stone. Adopting a false surname to conceal his true identity, Aleric enters the academy, a place brimming with wonders and dangers alike. As he navigates through challenges and uncovers secrets hidden within ancient halls, questions about his true family and their fate begin to surface. Will Aleric fulfill his mission and uncover the truths about his past, or will the academy reveal a destiny far greater than any heist? Embark on a journey of magic, betrayal, and discovery as Aleric confronts his heritage, challenges his allegiances, and explores the fine line between being a hero and a villain. In a world where magic intertwines with legacy, Aleric's story is a testament to the strength of spirit and the quest for identity amidst the chaos of life's battles.

ErickVazquez17 · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Arcane Riddles and Legendary Potions

Aleric's mind raced with questions as he traversed the familiar halls of the academy. The enigma surrounding Marcus's sudden surge in power weighed heavily on his thoughts, prompting him to seek counsel from the most knowledgeable minds he knew.

Professor Galadon's study was a haven of ancient wisdom, shelves lined with texts whispering of forgotten secrets. Bursting in, Aleric found Galadon engrossed in a tome bound in weathered leather, the scent of old magic lingering in the air.

"Professor, I must inquire about something of great import," Aleric began, his tone a blend of urgency and curiosity.

Galadon, ever the sage, peered over his spectacles with a knowing glint in his eyes. "Ah, young Thornfell, the seeker of truths. Speak your mind."

Their ensuing discussion touched upon the arcane prowess inherent in noble bloodlines, Galadon's words weaving tales of past glories and innate talents. Despite the professor's assurances, Aleric couldn't shake the feeling that there were hidden depths to Marcus's recent feats.

Leaving Galadon's study with more questions than answers, Aleric chanced upon Elara in her alchemy laboratory. The room was a symphony of bubbling cauldrons and glittering vials, Elara's focused expression betraying her deep engagement with her craft.

"Elara, forgive my interruption, but do you know if there's a potion or maybe an ingredient that could exponentially power up your mana?" Aleric ventured, his gaze drawn to the intricate alchemical apparatus surrounding them.

Elara, with her signature absent-minded brilliance, juggled ingredients and calculations effortlessly. "Ah, the Guardian's Blood," she murmured, her eyes alight with recognition. "A legend steeped in mystery and danger."

Aleric leaned closer, intrigued. "Why is it so rare, and what risks does it entail?" he probed, his curiosity piqued by Elara's expertise.

Elara paused, her expression shifting to one of cautious respect. "Legends whisper of its origins in the blood of ancient protectors, potent with untold magic. But its extraction and utilization are perilous endeavors, with consequences unknown."

Their conversation danced through alchemical lore and cautionary tales, Aleric absorbing every nuance as Elara deftly handled her craft. The allure of such raw power mingled with a sobering awareness of the dangers it posed.

As Aleric bid Elara farewell and made his way to the arena, his mind buzzed with newfound insights and lingering uncertainties. Amidst the electrifying atmosphere of the event, he settled into his seat, the battles unfolding before him like pages of a living legend, each duel a testament to ambition and hidden potential.