
The Lost Returned

A mess of a story, just something I'm writing to see what I can do as I reshape my other fanfics. "Who am I, to ask for more than I deserve, good wine, a mouth to warm my co*k, and the free skies.. what do you say, brothers?" I own nothing. Tags = #2loveinterest #tragedy #action #non-powerseekingMc #strongfromstart

CrazyDemon23 · TV
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53 Chs

Chapter 9 - Maliketh part 2

(Rhaenyra pov)

The dragon above the rim, slowly lowered its body to the ground, its body far too large to go inside the pit. I watched on as it calmed, my head turning to look at Syrax who was slowly making its way over to the dragon, my heart felt strange at the sight, but seeing what happened early I thought it wise not to follow.

"Rhaenyra! are you ok! what is going on!?" Freeing myself from Ser Harwin's grasp, I straighten my clothes looking at him with a strange face, watching him awkwardly smile as he bowed. yet before he could speak, a body collided with my own.

"Calm down Alicent, I know just as little as you do, didn't you hear that roar earlier?!" Holding the body of the girl in front of me, Alicent Hightower, my best friend from childhood, looking at her panicked face a she looked over at the massive grey dragon.

"I did, but I hid within the carriage, it was so loud I thought my ears would leave my head." Alicent said, hearing my excited voice I watched her face calm slightly.

"It looks like Vhagar, but she is not that coloring, I have no idea who this dragon is.. it's fascinating." I couldn't help but speak what I thought, holding Alicent's hand as I looked on at Syrax, watching her lay beside the large dragon.

"I will never understand your fascination with dragons, but it is hard to believe that even you haven't seen this dragon before." Alicent said, looking over to the dragons with me, my hand squeezing hers as I wish I could get closer.

"Don't even think about it Rhaenyra! it could be dangerous!" Alicent said, unknowingly a smile was on my face as I watched on with hope.

"What? I'm just curious, I wouldn't risk my life so easily.." I said, being caught I spun around as I giggled lightly.

"If no one was here, I'd say otherwise, you can't help but want to poke it." Alicent said, interlocking her arm with mine as she whispered in my ear, knowing me so well I giggled as I looked at Ser Harwin who was at a loss.

Me and Alicent continued, I knew I would have plenty of time later to ask about this dragon, maybe my father or even my uncle knew something about this. Yet my feet came to a stop as Alicent did the same, the ground shook as the massive dragon made it's way toward the center, its head swaying as it lifted it's wing allowing Syrax to move pass. The dragon only took a few steps, it's throat shaking as it looked at the dragon keepers, Ser Harwin my sworn protector, and the few guards placed their hands on their sword hilts.

"I wouldn't do that, not If I wanted to live to fight, more than a mere few seconds.." Before anyone could make a move, a voice unfamiliar to me rang out from the dragon.



The dragon keepers spoke, holding their sticks and hands out, trying to calm the large dragon. It's mouth opening a little, as it leaned its head down, making light roars as it did so, as the dragon keepers took a step back.

"I would stop talking to her in Valyrian, she doesn't like that much either.." The voice spoke again, it seemed it was true as the dragon's mouth opened as if she was about to roar again.

"Mitescere, Fortassax.. calmează-te, nu e nevoie să-i omori.." (calm down, Fortassax, calm there is no need to kill them.) then the voice came again, this time speaking words I don't understand, as I watched the dragon move its arm, a hand running along its underbelly as a man stepped out.

"Uncle Daemon?" seeing his long bloody, messy white hair, his head holding a bloody sack, as his armor was caked and covered in blood, but to my shock, I did not know his face. His body was tall, yet lean unlike Daemon, his face slender but handsome, with lips that seemed to be forever in a grin.

"Oh is my younger brother here? I didn't think I'd see his face so soon.." The man said, his head turning as he spread his arms, spinning with a smirk on his face.

"No, he is not. It has been some time Prince Maliketh, how have your travels been?" In my confusion at the man's words, I watched as Harwin let go of the hilt of his sword, bowing lightly as he spoke to the man.

"So I am a Prince now, Ser Harwin, when did that change?" The man Maliketh said, his head tilted, smiling a smile that made me want to giggle as he looked at Harwin's confused face. "I jest, it's good to see you again Ser Harwin, no need for formality, You can call me Keth.." The man continued, chuckling at the man's confusion.

"Uncle, it seems I had forgotten, uncle Daemon, and my father had another brother, forgive me for not remembering." trying to break the awkward air, I pulled myself from Alicent, and stepped forward with a smile as I apologized.

"There is no need to apologize, princess Rhaenyra, you were barely able to walk last I saw you." Tilting his head to me he smiled, his pale blue eyes looking into mine as he stepped forward. "But it looks like that is no more, all I see is a budding new flower.." His voice was calm, not caring about the people around us.

"And this is.." Feeling Alicent grip my arm again, I looked at her as I smiled, trying to speak before he stepped forward.

"Alicent Hightower.. Lord Otto Hightower's beloved daughter. And just the same, she is coming into her own." Keth said, his hand reaching out as he pulled a leaf from her hair, making her check her hair as she blushed slightly.

"Hello Prince Maliketh, Unlike Rhaenyra, I do not remember you at all, it is a pleasure to meet you." Alicent said, doing a small curtsy as she spoke pleasantries, making the man Keth chuckle as he did a mock bow.

"The pleasure is mine, it is not every day you get to see such beautiful flowers." Keth said, only for the massive dragon to low its head to look at us as Alicent gripped my arm.

"She is beautiful Prince Maliketh, I'm supirsed there is a dragon I know nothing about." Looking into her orangish-red eye, I couldn't help but comment as I watched her sniff the air.

"I'm surprised, well, that your father or my brother never told you of her." Stepping back, he rubbed the dragon's neck as he spoke. "She is Fortassax, she has been my partner since I was 4.." The man Keth said, I could hear his deep care for her as he rubbed her body.

"Fortassax? I've never heard a name like that before." I said, I knew many dragons, and gods of Valyria but never heard this name.

"A name lost to time, but she took to it rather well.." He said, his hand gesturing to us as he waved us over. "Would you like to touch her.." he said, and without question I moved forward, pulling a reluctant Alicent along with me.

My hand reached out slowly, but stopped as her throat moved hearing a low growl, as I hesitated, her body moved as she lifted her head.

"calmează-te, Fortassax.." Keth said again, petting her as she stopped, his head nodding to the dragon as I felt her scales, her belly as if filled with fire was hot to the touch, feeling her deep breath as I closed my eyes.

"There is nothing to fear, lady Hightower.." Keth words sounded as I slowly opened my eyes, looking at Alicent too afraid to move. "Fear is something to be admired, but you can not let it rule you." He said, gripping her hand as he pressed it with hers on her stomach.

"Feel her breath, her strong heartbeat, feel the way her body sways, and her scales move." Keth said, coming behind Alicent, his arm over her shoulder as she practically rubbed her ass against him, causing her to blush.

"It's not as bad as I thought it would be." Blushing Alicent said, her hand feeling his as she touched Fortassax.

"*Cough, I am sorry Prince Maliketh, please un-hand the young lady." As if trying to break the atmosphere, Ser Harwin coughed awkwardly as he spoke to us from a distance away.

"Ah, forgive me, It seems I grew unaware.. I hope you at least enjoyed the experience Lady Hightower, Princess Rhaenyra." Keth said, pulling Alicent's hand to kiss it, as he turned to me bowing.

"Du-te, leneveste după cum vrei, până voi veni din nou." (go, laze about as you wish until I come again) he spoke again, the dragon moving as it backed away, her head low touching keth before she climbed the walls of the pit, roaring as she took off into the sky.

"Well, if you will excuse me, I have a prior engagement.." Keth said, bowing as he walked past us and Ser Harwin.

"Prince Maliketh, what is it you plan to do.." To my surprise it was Alicent who spoke up, her face smiling as he stopped, turning his head back to us slightly.

"I plan to see my brother, your father Princess Rhaenyra, I have news for him." He said as he looked at me, then to Alicent as it was not her place to ask she froze. Seeing her say nothing he continued his steps.

"Why not ride with us Uncle, it has been along time since we last met, did you not say, I would love to hear stories of your travels." Giggling, I spoke up, twisting a little with my hands behind my back as I spoke.

"Do you think it wise? I could be dangerous.." Keth said, smirking as he placed his hand on his Warhammer.

"If you could best, Ser Harwin and the guards, clearly I am in the wrong company.." I said, looking at Ser Harwin as he nodded, walking to Keth as we moved towards the carriage.

"After you, my ladies.." Keth said, Bowing in an overly dramatic way, his arm gesturing towards the carriage, winking at us as it cause me and Alicent alike to giggle, walking arm in arm as he followed.

"It would seem my luck has grown, you there, don't lose this..".Keth said as he called to a guard, throwing the bloody sack at him with a smirk. The guard made a frustrated face but he held on to it all the same.

"Good boy.."