
The Lost Returned

A mess of a story, just something I'm writing to see what I can do as I reshape my other fanfics. "Who am I, to ask for more than I deserve, good wine, a mouth to warm my co*k, and the free skies.. what do you say, brothers?" I own nothing. Tags = #2loveinterest #tragedy #action #non-powerseekingMc #strongfromstart

CrazyDemon23 · TV
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53 Chs

Chapter 7 - Death before..

[Keth Pov]

My heart drifted with the piles of shit that I had shoveled on to myself, first Alicent, then My Queen.. Rhaenys, Clover, and now Mysaria. My head became heavy as i thought on the path I had set ahead. It felt like I would only have to break it down and build again, but I would and now could not. My army, the ming, my dragon, were all things I had firmly within my hand, it swept my mind many times, but after 15 years of Slaughter, I had nothing to show for it. Even more so that I may lose my child, that I may have to break my brother in order to save him from himself, and even more so that I will have put someone to task to see about my brothers child.

"The gods shit in my dinner once more.." I spoke, moving through the keep that was dead, all but the guards that roamed the halls from time to time, or the occasional maid that will walk past me, a blush along their skin from receiving cock no doubt.

My steps brought me closer and closer to what I wanted, to stop the never-ending thoughts within my mind. I just wanted to leave tomorrow's problems to tomorrow's me, because I can not change things I have done, but in the coming days, I could at least soothe over a problem that will grow over time. I just needed a moment for the world to fall dark, wash away this day like the rain that fell outside.

'*Ha.. I guess that saying was true..' walking down the winding path of the keep, I thought to myself, my body moving towards the windowsill, looking out over the vastness of the city watching as the rain fell on the dirt roads, "If you pray for rain.. you must deal with the mud as well.." I spoke gentle words in the night wind, my feet bringing me to my door as I opened it slowly.

My eyes became calm, The Velvet sheets that seemed to stretch out like the vast ocean, rolling over and over as if the clouds above. the light of the Moon shifting In and Out of the Shadows as it ran its way along each crevice as a body shifted. In the vastness of the moon's glow, brown seemed to have a brilliant luster. While, the paleness of the skin began to become ever more beautiful, blissfully sleeping and unaware.

"I merely hope.." I spoke, walking over to grab a cloth, wiping my body of water and my feet of mud. for going the need to be fully clothed, I merely put on comfortable trousers and walk towards the bed. climbing atop the sheets, my body moved her into my embrace, feeling the shifting of her body as a light smile came to her lips. Her fingertips rubbed along my skin as if to search for me, my lips parting as I smiled slightly.

'This does not lead to your broken heart.. there are things, even time can not fix.." My last words seemed to trail off into silence, my hand bringing Alicent to my chest while rubbing her hair gently, my back on the headboard, propping one leg up on one side of her body, and letting my other leg fall loosely beside it, looking out the window once more as I kissed the top of her head.

'Or maybe it will be another sleepless night..'

[Days Later]

"Little flower, come here for a moment.." The sun shifted high in the sky, rolling out warming light of orange and goldish coloring. The wind yet cold by the softness of the breeze, while I stood adjusting my formal attire, my eyes looking at the dressing curtain, calling out to Alicent, who was being changed by the maids.

"Surely you are not in a rush, not with you being least of all excited about this tournament, or is it merely to leave this room after spending so many days spent with me." Alicent spoke back from behind the curtain, her voice back to normal almost in a teasing manner, causing the maids to laugh lightly.

"Or is it merely because one could not walk, yet I had no qualms attending to my flower." To her teasing, I retorted back, my words more blunt than hers, causing even more collective giggles to reach my ear from behind the curtain.

"Your tongue is still sharp, your words ambiguous, I still yet remember walking." Alicent had grown used to my teasing to a certain extent, yet her voice still rang with embarrassment as I leaned on my knees, smiling while I shook my head.

"Oh yes, that must have been my imagination.. Very well, little flower, it seems you have grown lax in changing if it is taking you this long." I did not push any further, allowing my words to be taken as whatever anyone wanted to hear. Only to rush her out so I had time to speak with her.

"Surely you must have, and here I thought it was the woman who nagged the man.." Alicent said her voice as if a little bird singing, drawing closer to me as her hand reached out from behind the changing area. My eyes seemed to grow in light. Her body was not as mature as I was used to, but the freshness of a blooming young flower still had its own taste.

(No shit, I hurt myself to write this part, the whole time I've wrote alicent I've pictured her older self, then you realize as a grown man, she is young ash.. like -_-..)

Her beautiful autumn red hair went well with the sunning morning, each strand and lock carefully placed within a braid that flowed down her shoulders and back. Her pale skin fit well and was not exposed enough from her shoulders, the neck line of her the top sleeve only showing her collar bone. The over lays of sowing lines, overlapped down each side until over her chest, slipping around her midsection. The sleeves down its length split into two pieces, with strings tied above each arm and her sewn in sleeves extended down to cover the rest of her arm. Her sleeves on the end had clipped like jewelry, along with her reddened lips, her sliverish earrings, her two jemed, three string necklace, and balor's ring.

[Image here]

"I'd say you'd cut the image of any high class lady, Little flower.." I spoke with sweet words, standing as I walked towards her, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear while rubbing her cheek gently.

"Enough of your honeyed words, My prince, now that I am done, it seems your mind is lost on why you rushed me.." Alicent spoke slowly, no matter her words, her hand still intertwined with my own as I held her hand to walk with me near the couch.

"Very well, I will partake in it later anyway.." I waved my hand as I sat next to her, leaning over as I whispered in her ear, watching as the young maids moved to the off room as I gave them a knowing look. "Marcus, come.." When the door had shut, I called out a name, watching as the black door that led to this room was opened, and a man walked in slowly.

His height was about my own, his black cloak covering more of his body as he pulled his hood down, he was a man slightly older than me, a well-groomed face, long black silky hair, along with three scars that ran across either side of his face. His skin was tan, and his body was well formed as he parted his cloak and then took a knee before us.

"My prince?" Alicent's words came out in a questioning tone, her eyes looking over the man only for a moment, her hand gripping on to mine even more so as I tilted my head with a smile. Yet I did not speak a word, allowing this to happen on its own.

"My lady.." Marcus said, lowering it head, his voice deep and smooth, calling out to Alicent who looked at me for guidance, my hand rubbing her with a reassuring smile. Giving a nod of understanding to her as I pushed her back gently.

"Ah.. Yes, uh, Marcus, was it.." Alicent seemed to catch on, her lips parting as she spoke in an unsure tone, but she spoke all the same.

"I am your sword, your shield, born into flesh and formed to whatever purpose you have for me. My blood that runs warm will only be spilled in your name. For now, until I die, my sword is yours.." Marcus spoke, pulling his sword from his side, holding it up with both arms as if offering it her.

Alicent did not know what to do, looking at the man with his head down, her hand gripping me even more so than she already was as I shook my head, moving her hands to my will as she reached out to the sword, her hands holding the sword gently as I could feel them drop slightly from the weight.

"I offer my blood.." Marcus said, taking his palm and cutting it on the sword, the blood dripping down in one spot as he didn't flinch from it at all. Alicent's eyes seemed to go wide slightly, looking at me with a question.

"Every kingdom, every warrior, knight, or would be swordsmen have a code. My men have one as well. He will be tied to you until his last breath." I spoke, remembering how Rhaenys was the first time as my heart beat slower for a moment.

"It is death or dishonor, like my lord said, I will die in your service, and if I fail to protect you.. I will take my own life.." Marcus said in an even tone, taking the sword back as he placed it within his sheath.

"He will be in your shadow even if I can not, my little flower.." I said, giving her a knowing smile as I chuckled lightly. Her face went through many changes, but still she smiled as she looked at Marcus.

"Very well, Ser Marcus, protect me well.." Alicent said as she watched the man bow deeply. Maybe it was not just me, Alicent was protected, but it was not personal protection, maybe the feeling of how Rhaenyra felt washed over her but I did not know.

"There is one more thing.." I said, this was the matter that would be rather interesting, but I would see how it would play out, my eyes moving to Marcus as he moved towards the door, my lips smiling lightly as I looked at Alicent.

"As you wish my prince, it can't be greater than this surprise.." Alicent said with a smile, sitting lady like as she rubbed my hand.

"Come in.. Shae.."