
The Lost Returned

A mess of a story, just something I'm writing to see what I can do as I reshape my other fanfics. "Who am I, to ask for more than I deserve, good wine, a mouth to warm my co*k, and the free skies.. what do you say, brothers?" I own nothing. Tags = #2loveinterest #tragedy #action #non-powerseekingMc #strongfromstart

CrazyDemon23 · TV
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53 Chs

Chapter 4 - Cruelty..

[Keth Pov]

The words that left my lips were heavy, heavy enough to sink my heart in unwanted feelings, ones darker than I wanted to speak of from this mistake I had made. I let my heart cool, along with my skin under the heavy rain, my hair sticking to my skin as I walked through mud of the winding garden, pass the cherry blossom tree only to come to a stop as I looked around myself.

"Clover, I know you are there, ever present in her shadow as always.." I spoke, even as well versed as I was in combat, I was not an assassin, while I was sure I could fend off attacks even if it would be difficult unarmed. Trying to sense the ming takes a lot of concentration, so I merely closed my eyes and called out.

"It was your order, my lord, I will no longer if you wish it to be so my lord.." Clover covered in the hat and black cloak of the Ming, placed one arm out from under the draping leaves of a weeping willow tree, his head low as he pulled it apart and took a knee.

"Clover, tell me something, in all its truth." I spoke, I could tell his voice came from behind, but I still did not turn around, looking into the sky as I watched the clouds twisting into a darkened mess.

"Yes, my lord.." Clover spoke, I could not read his thoughts, but his voice fluctuated slightly, I asked many things of my ming, but I usually kept matters of my queen to myself, her, and Clover. Surely he was thinking it was strange for me to ask him to speak freely.

"Am I truly.. Am I truly so cruel? Maybe it is misplaced merits and worry? Is it cruel to want to save them from the mistakes I've made.." I spoke, I wanted to know, while I was a man of many things, was it cruel to push so that my family would be safe.

The silence between us two seemed to spend what seem to be eternity, the rustling leaves and the trees, along with the drifting raindrops that pedal on the ground, gave this strange scene a somewhat peaceful feeling. The awkwardness only creeping in as the clouds above started to twist once more.

"My lord, I merely think the lady misunderstood your words. Her worry has been great as of recent times.." Clover finally spoke, his body moved beside me as he knelt once more, his head low as he removed his hat, his blonde hair hanging as it dripped with water.

"No excuses, Clover, I thought I said we would speak truthfully, as truthful as your love for Baelor.." I said, my eye looking down at him, watching as his hand that rested on the ground gripped lightly, only to relax as he bowed his head even deeper. Not even flinching as I reached for his sword, pulling it free as I looked at its chipped edges.

"There is no need to be so tense, I knew of his nature, just as you told me of yours, I merely wish to hear the truth of who I am.. what I am.." I said, stabbing the sword down beside his hand, it's tip sinking into the mud as I watched him tremble once more.

Once again, silence filled the air, the cut of the blade as it was placed into the mud still rang, if only a hum of nothing, like the rain that started to fall slower, almost as if the raindrops wanted to capture this moment in their reflection.

"You are a man who has killed the guilty, and the innocent alike, without flinching or caring.. the man whom's cruelty knows no bounds. The man who put his brother's rule before anything else, and the man who killed the only thing that I've truly loved in this world! And even placed his ring on anothers hand!" Clovers' emotions seemed to get the better of him, his voice low at first, only to grow over time as he yelled. His eyes firmly looking into mine as I looked at his young face.

"That is the real you, Clover.." I said, placing my hand on his face, making him look up more so than he already was as I spoke gently. It was true I knew Clover for many years, a lost child fueled by scars of his past, I raised him up, teaching him with the ming about how to use that pain as power. It did not mean his heart was not hurt over a matter that I did myself, who better to talk to, a soldier, or the person we bury deep in our heart.

Clovers eyes looked watery, not just the mix of rain that beat on our foreheads but the weight that was in his heart. My eyes moved to the sword next to him as I thought back, knowing it was something he would have never given up, even after what happened. His head turning with me as I thought about why I made so many mistakes in this life, but mistakes I would not, and could not take back.

"My lord.. I know you, you like to see the person as they are, not as they try to be. So I will say this.." Clovers voice dropped, no longer filled with anger as they were before, not now calm as he looked up to me once more. "You are all of those things, but you are a man who weighs the hearts of those around you. Putting a single village to the sword to save others, you killed innocent and guilty alike, to show that no one was safe from the sword, to help instill a understanding of neutral law. Your cruelty spoken of, but not the care you have for your people, and while you devote your life to his grace, they laughed and drank wine while you were blamed but you took that upon yourself." Clovers words were a mix of pain and understanding, his eyes shifting between sorrow and worship as he spoke from his heart.

"And no matter what the faith, the king, or anyone says, you cut down baelor's for more then just an order.. more then just your madness, as Aemma knows as well.. My lord, you may judge me however you see fit for how I have spoken, but you merely don't want to past to repeat, even for you.." Clover continued, pulling his sword from the ground as he placed in my hand, bringing his neck down to its blade as he lowered his head.

"But, I know longer think your heart is willing.. Not to lose everything.. and yourself again.." Clover spoke his last words, I could not read minds, but I knew why Clover devoted himself to war and work, he was just like me, a son not of my own blood but all the same.

"I will not judge you, I have done all these things hoping to make something better, but cruelty only leads to more cruelty, to be wary of holding a sword.." I spoke, something I had not spoken in a long time, a time where I was filled with a different desire.

"Because a sword will surely end your life.." Clover said, his eyes looking at me as I bent down, taking his hand up as I placed the sword in it, the shadow seemed to cover my eyes as I smiled a small smile, the rain falling as clovers eyes went a little wide.

"If you ever wish to turn your sword against me Clover, I will not judge you, but make sure it is something you can walk with, a heart full of sin.. is yet hard to carry." I said, standing as I walked deeper into the paths, my eyes looking at the muddy steps of foot prints on the ground as I shook my head lightly.

"Stay by her side, Clover, until she has made a decision.. That is all.."