
The Lost Returned

A mess of a story, just something I'm writing to see what I can do as I reshape my other fanfics. "Who am I, to ask for more than I deserve, good wine, a mouth to warm my co*k, and the free skies.. what do you say, brothers?" I own nothing. Tags = #2loveinterest #tragedy #action #non-powerseekingMc #strongfromstart

CrazyDemon23 · TV
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53 Chs

Chapter 31 - Pleasure of the flesh..

(Rhaenys pov)

The cake seemed to lack the sweetness I wished for, my lips leaving the fork as I licked them, my hand placing the plate down, not finding any sweetness to be had in it, but it did not stop me from enjoying laena annoy her brother as I walked towards the balcony.

"So you grew impatient?" I asked Corlys who was leaning over the balcony edge, hearing his story of what happened in the kings chamber.

"No, I merely told the king of his plans, it is my job to tell the king anything, and everything that may affect his rain, far from what I thought, It seems that he was thinking further than the conversation we shared." Corlys eyes wandered the views outside, the wind carrying with it our words as I looked at the garden far below.

"*Sigh, you mean you merely looked for the fastest result, Corlys, I know better then anyone the importance of the stepstones, but surely an agreement is meant to be honored." I spoke my thoughts, yet my hand gripped the balcony stone railing, watching as Maliketh, Rhaenyra and his whore walked the garden, uncaring as the Hightower girl brought herself close to him.

"What he said, could've been taken as treason, what would you have me do Rhaenys? I only worried for his thinking.." Corlys went on, placing his hand on top of mine as he tried to calm me for a reason he misunderstood.

"What could be taken as treason, and actual treason are far different. What of after, when pirates roam the stepstones again, what if another takes its place after the carbfeeders, would it not have been more beneficial to have him and his dragon as an Ally." I questioned, he knew as well as I did that he moved to rashly, I understood his worry but having his support would have brought greater reward.

"I did not foresee him coming to me, nor did I think his want in my favor was true? I misjudged his wants and mixed in my own. Having Maliketh and his black legion allied with our house may have been best, but it seems that is no longer an option." Corlys understood his faults, he only wished to put this matter behind himself and acted in his own interest.

"Corlys, the stepstones will not fall in a day, but you couldn't wait even a moment. No matter, I will talk to my cousin about the matter, if the king means to give him his own land and castle. An understanding between our houses will still prove to be beneficial, if he still wishes to do so." I said, I truly meant these words because this did affect my house, yet I still wanted to speak with him for my own reasons.

"Rhaenys.." Corlys once again placed his hand on top of mine, his eyes looking into my own with a pained look in the shadows of his face, that look alone, I could tell his worries without him speaking.

"Corlys, whatever you may think, it is not so and I meant at the tournament. I'm sure he will attend, and it would allow us to be seen on good terms with the prince." I tried to put his worries to rest, even if they were true it would only further them if I spoke alone with him.

"Yes, I think I should clear up the misunderstanding, I will leave it to you, I'm sure he will be more understanding if it's you who speaks on a further alliance in the future." Corlys finally gave in as I rubbed his face, smiling a understanding smile as he thought on what to do next.

My eyes cast down to the garden once more, my hand coming to my face as I felt my aged skin, my thoughts turning dark as I looked at the young girls around him. Even if I knew my place in his heart, it did not change my feeling of fear, no matter how I thought on it, knowing it was just a part of course, I still did not like the feeling of another with him.

The sun finally reaching its point in the sky, where the orange changes into a fiery gold, washing its brilliant light over the kingdom, the flowers within the garden given beautiful life, with an ugly seen of his wanten lust, but i pulled my eyes away, a smile on my face as I turned inward looking at my happy children.

"Laena, Lanor, come its time to return to your room.." I said as I walked to my children with a smile, trying to forget the topic of that hateful man.

(Mc pov)

"While I would love to spend all day with you flowers, I think it is time to take my leave." Walking through the garden, we eventually came to a courtyard, its walkways of beautiful red stone with resting seats in its likeness.

"So once more you must leave, say for enjoying flowers you have a knack for wanting to be far away from them. Especially the one who is to be your wife." Rhaenyra's voice rang in my ear, my eyes closed as I sat on the stone rest, my mouth in a grin as I heard her teasing.

"What need do I have for that, she returns to my bed does she not? I only leave to deal with matters, missing her more as I am away." I placed my head in my hand, cracking my eyes slightly as I saw Alicent blush.

"Your way with words is misleading, who will be in your bed?" Alicent tried to faint my words as falsehood, her hand waving as if it was not true, yet her face still blushed as I stood up.

"You have hurt my feelings, here I thought my bride-to-be would like the warmth I provided her.." My eyes swaying over the both of them, Rhaenyra in the steps of her life where she likes this kind of forwardness, only smiled, while my little flower blushed.

"no that's not it my.. uh, your doing this on purpose are you not? I keep falling for your sly words.." Alicent seemed to have caught on as she looked at my grin, her face even redder as I winked at her embarrassment.

"Sly? I merely said what was true.." I wanted to control my laughter, but seeing her pout got the better of me as I drew close, pulling her into my embrace. "My bed would be yet cold without you, is that not why you stay? You could have returned to your room on many occasions, but you'd rather stay with me.. am I wrong." I spoke words of playfulness in her ears, her face coming into my chest as she said nothing, only nodding slightly.

"Good, then wait for me, as you have already." My fingers pushed back her hair, watching the sun dance atop her little head, only to bring my lips low as I kissed her forehead once more.

"Well I have been forgotten, like a mist along the air as you to show such loving faces." Rhaenyra for all her teasing, had a complicated look on her pretty face as I turned to her.

"A mist? no more like air, that blows out my flame.." Laughing.i take her hand, kissing it lightly as she blushed. "But still welcome as it provides comfort." Letting go of Alicent who had freed herself from my embrace.

"Then go, you seem to delight in teasing even when I stand next to you." Alicent grabbed Rhaenyra, grabbing her arm as she pulled her away.

"It is only you I delight in doing so with.." Watching her face of mock jealousy, I grin with a slight chuckle as I look up to the keep. "Even if it might have me seen as wanting.." My eyes looking at Rhaenys who's figure could cut any armor.

"Well uncle, at least you know what your words are taken as. Go, I will take care of your prize." Rhaenyra said, Giggling even more so at Alicents pouting.

"I am not a prize to be won.." Alicent tried to say but was taken back by my smile.

"A gift then? one i am glad to receive.." My words left on air as I turned from them, laughing as my steps carried me out of the garden, away from a young flower, and angry mother.

My feet seemed to carry me like the wind, uncaring in my path away from the keep, the air stung with shit, piss, and all matter of sexual happenings. The sun dying the streets a color of muddy red as it started to become low, the streets once claimed by the more common folk, ones who did not indulge in the night life, soon was taken over by the pleasure houses who opened there doors, women of all kind wearing clothes meant only to awaken a man's lust, hung out of the doors and windows. There calls to the many still taken by the want of flesh clear in my ears as I walked the grounds.

"Hello, prince, are you not looking for a home for your cock.." A tanned woman, in almost a gypsy style dress said, her words forward as she moved close to me, rubbing her ass over my cock as she smiled.

"My hair must have given it away, but I assure you, I have a home yet to be ruined by my own hands.." My words clear, unworried about the woman's flirting as I thought of an angry flower.

"I do not mine you ruining my own, prince, or is your taste something different.." The woman wrapped her arms around me, singing sweet nothings as I could see men looking out of the house.

"I'd sooner kill a man than to indulge In one, but sun-kissed, you could provide me a service.." I said, taking three gold from my pocket as I teased her lips with them. "I would make it worth your time.." I continued seeing her eyes fluttered, as she tried to reach out for it.

"Ah, you have yet to know my wants, but still wish for my payment." I laughed at her change in character, my hand gripping her neck as I watched her shiver.

"Whatever you ask of me, my prince.." The woman said, her ass once again around my cock as I gripped her neck even more.

"Do not call me that.. but I like your awareness. tell me, do you know of my brother Daemon? and where I might find him.." I said, my ears turning off her flirting as words my little flower says.

"Ah, forgive me.. But you are in luck, your brother, prince Daemon finds himself warming a woman's bed frequently here.." The woman still shivered, but took back her words, her hand gesturing to the pleasure house she came out of as I placed the gold between her lips.

"Very well." Finding what I was looking for, I let go as I was led inside. The smell of dead flowers, lust and sweat thick within the walls. Men and women openly fucking, the same or different sex as I turned my eyes away from it. The girls who had watched my exchange with the Sunkissed woman, had there eyes glow as they followed.

"Do not mind them, they only wish for a prince of their own.." The woman who led me said, my head nodding as I didn't mind, following her to the top floor, as I could hear moans and see used up flowers watching through a wall ripe with designed holes.

"It seems it's like a sport for you women, watching my brother deep within a woman.." My face never once looked within, but my words brought the women out of their lusting, turning to me with anger and then happiness.

"Move girls.." The sun-kissed woman spoke, before any of the girls could promote their wants and bodies. Allowing me a place to sit as the woman sat on the stone, and I sat between her legs, her back to the holes in the wall as she rubbed my neck.

"By design, I would say you did me a great service.." Feeling her warm hands rub my neck, I took my pouch from my side, handing it quietly to the woman at my back as she kissed my neck. "let no one say I am not a man who leaves others in wanting." The rest of the gold I had on hand, I poured onto the floor, 30 coins dropping as the women around me went to their knees.

My back leaning against the woman's body, her hands roaming every inch, say for my manhood, the women at my feet rubbing my legs, arms and midsection as I grabbed a young woman by her neck who tried to go for my pants, only for the sun-kissed woman to smack her hand away. My face smiling at her, turning my head as I bit her neck, making her moan as the women continued their touching. My ears remained open as I heard the moans from behind the wall stop.

"What troubles you, my Prince?" I could hear the sweet words of a woman, talking gently within the room.

"I could bring in another." It seems these were words of comfort, my body moving along with the woman who bit my neck as I listened closely.

"Perhaps a maiden. I have several. I could even arrange one with silver hair." The woman spoke, and from how he had looked at our niece, I could understand how she knew his wants.

"You are Daemon Targaryen. Rider of Caraxes. Wielder of Dark Sister. Your brother does not want the throne, so who else could take it? The King cannot replace you." Then her voice turned more inward, her words trying to reassure him, even if he would be replaced by our brothers heir.

"Be careful brother, her words could be taken as treason.." With a laugh, I spoke allowed, watching as boy stood in the corner as it was out of place, only to see a hand come out of the shadows, covering the boy's mouth as he melted away.

"That would be if anyone cared to listen, or even cared what was said or not, dear brother.." I could hear Daemon's voice grow closer, his body leaning in the doorway as he looked out to see my situation.

"I do not care for your wants Daemon, I am here for another matter.."