
The Lost Returned

A mess of a story, just something I'm writing to see what I can do as I reshape my other fanfics. "Who am I, to ask for more than I deserve, good wine, a mouth to warm my co*k, and the free skies.. what do you say, brothers?" I own nothing. Tags = #2loveinterest #tragedy #action #non-powerseekingMc #strongfromstart

CrazyDemon23 · TV
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53 Chs

Chapter 29 - Garden - black sky..

(I want to say, this story is slow, it's how I wanted to write it, so please understand. P.s this chapter if you don't like slight tragedy, I wouldn't read it. Everyone else enjoy.)

(Mc pov)

I watched as Alicent's face glowed, 'I'm sure she doesn't even know..' I thought for a time at how she acted differently lately. I never intended for it to go this far, but who am I to deny a lamb ripe for slaughter.

"Uhh! what are you doing?!" Alicent spoke through her laughter as we fell on the bed, my body falling on top of hers as I ran my fingers up her dress, to her stomach where I teased her.

"What is the problem, you seemed so happy, I thought I was being left out.." I teased with my words as I kissed her nose, watching her blush as I tickled her thighs.

"This is your Idea of fun? then why is it only I that is laughing! stop.." Alicent's voice came out louder then before, laughing as I felt her roll me over, her hair hanging around my face as she looked at me.

"I'm quite in favor of this position, what do you think?.. although it's quite bold of you, is it not?.." I laughed watching her face blush from her actions.

"And whose fault was it, the only one bold is you and your rampant teasing that never ends." Alicent spoke back with a cheeky voice, it was amusing to see her try and hide her embarrassment.

My head leaning up as I was pressed down, opening my mouth as I pulled her bottom lip, her eyes seemingly liked it as she drew close, first with a peak, drawing more into each other as I grabbed her neck. Her face was a glow of faint red as the sun crept across the sea of covers to her face, her curly brownish-red hair given more beauty by it's light.


Our bodies seem molded together, her body curving to fit mine as I raised my head to bite her neck. My hands given purpose as I caressed her thighs, watching her eyes close as she let herself be taken by the feeling, only for a giggle to be heard as I turned my eye to the door.

"Uh! Rhaenyra! what are you doing!?" Feeling my kisses had stopped, Alicent came back to herself, her eyes following my line of sight, only to almost throw herself off me as she looked at Rhaenyra.

"Do not mind me, clearly you have a more important matter than to accompany me." Rhaenyra teased, her voice low but a mess of small giggles as Alicent straighten her dress.

"You sure have a way of dousing out my fire, to what do I owe this well-timed interruption." Leaning my back up I joked, my coat open, showing my chest, my eyes saw Rhaenyra stare as I pour a cup of wine.

"The days have been to silent without Alicent, I merely wished to alleviate some of my boredom, I'd even study if it meant I no longer had to listen to father and his court." Rhaenyra tried to play it off as if she wasn't lonely, but I could see it as I winked. Yet her words after were filled with annoyance.

"You would study? you must have been left no other option. I'm sure pouring wine has become a trying task, but you can't have grown bored of flying ." Alicent's whose embarrassment had died some spoke, her words playful as she watched Rhaenyra's face change.

"Father forbade me from riding until after the tournament.. uhh!!" Rhaenyra eventually walked over to the bed, Sighing loudly as she hugged alicent. "Will you not come to the garden?" she continued with a mocking hurt face.

"Enough, very well.. just get up! Rhaenyra, let go." Alicent gave in as Rhaenyra forced her head into Alicent's lap, not allowing her to move away.

"I'm rather comfortable, it seems your thighs have grown softer Alicent." Rhaenyra said, Sighing as she sat up, leaving teasing words behind. "I wonder if that was your doing also uncle.." It was likely she was truly bored from how she teased without pause.

"I thought this was about you and Alicent, what need for me to go.." I said, not really wanting to go out as I have everyday.

"It wouldn't be strange, the whole castle knows of your relationship, it's not as if your presence would be out of place." Rhaenyra spoke lightly about it, but Alicent's face seemed to change.

"The whole castle?" Alicent asked completely unaware, which made me laugh at her lack of knowledge about the happenings of the castle at this point.

"Maids have loose tongues, and you haven't been seen within the castle for days, the only place you've been is within the prince's room they say.." Rhaenyra shrugged, of course maids and servants talk, they just fear getting caught.

"It is only natural, you will be my wife soon, I thought you'd be more proud." I took another sip, bringing the cup to the edge of my lips while i smiled lightly.

"I am proud.. I mean it is only right we are seen together.. if I'm honest, everything has happened faster than I thought, and I thought you'd be angry with me." I could understand Alicent's feelings, most did not approach her unless it was maids, servants, or needed. Her best friend bar none would hurt the most to lose.

"While I didn't expect you to be so bold and lay with him, it seems you are glowing because of it.." Rhaenyra couldn't hide the small frustration in her eyes from me, but it was clear she was not truly mad at Alicent.

"..., did you go over what the septa asked us to?" Alicent was happy but still awkward, pausing for a beat before asking a question.

"Alicent, as I said before, fuck the septa.." laughing Rhaenyra couldn't help herself, as Alicent hooked her arm.

"Rhaenyra!" Alicent called out laughing as they walked to the door, my body stood still as I watched the girls talk without a care.

[Small flashback]

"He just wishes to be with you sometimes, love, he is your son, I don't think he couid ever just sit idle.." The sweetness of a voice licked the air with its grace, a woman sat atop a large bed as she rub the boys head on her lap.

"That is why I am worried, as of late he has acted to much like me.." A deep voice rang back, stepping out of the shadows of a memory as he looked at the woman.

"He is a boy, he will grow out of it, if your worried then show him differently, I have told you many times Maliketh.." the woman again spoke, smiling a smile that could shake any man's heart as she continued.

"No one's fate is written in stone.." Both the people said, the man showing a faint grin as he walked to the woman, kissing her forehead lightly.

"If only fate had been so fickle.."

[Black Night]

The world was a mess of fire and ash, the embers of the flames seemed to rise and burn the very sky, the smell of flesh, mud, and metal alike, heavy enough to sting the nose. The sky was a light of fire, burning as the rain that fell only looked as if blacken blood, beating along the mud of the earth.

"It seems fate truly is but a fickle thing.." A voice rang out, the echoing beating against the wind, spinning in a miasma of confusion, while the shaking of the earth brought the world into focus.

The loud, slow breathing of a beast could be heard, her wings broken, her neck bleeding, and her body beon its limit, and yet still she crawled, her want pushing her forward, as she came to a stop.

Her eyes of crimson gold, her black body swaying as she looked down upon the earth below her, her eyes fixing on that of two people, their bodies leaning close together as the sounds of flesh rang out.

A hand bloody, covered in mud and filth. A sword wet with crimson, as a hand pulled a sword from one of the figures chest. The boys body fell over as the man caught him.

"Was I wrong, wrong for wanting to change.." The boy said, his face a mess of tears as he looked up, his hand bloodied by the hand that caressed his face.

"Was I wrong.. tell me, father.." The boy repeated, his words a mess as blood came from his throat, his eyes widening as he watched the man bring his forehead to his own.

"Te văd." the boy said, his eyes finally clear as he looked at the man's face, cold and still, but sorrow could not be miseed, not with the loud beating of his heart.

Silence filled the air, the rain forever falling, beating against the man's hair, now drenched and clouded, the boy unmoving as the dragon lowered her head. Her body moving close to the both of them as she laid her head next to the boy. Their breath as if shared, moved in and out of their chest. Their eyes low as they flicked a few times, until both their chest moved no longer. The mans body swayed slightly, unable to go back, but broken to move forward.

The black sky cracked with thunder, the mud below trying to take its share of the battle as the man took the boys sword, laying him next to the dragon, as he felt the earth shake once more. Then a beast much larger than the first stepped forward, her body swayed with the man as he walked under her, his back turned as he stood, minutes, compounded into hours in just a moment as he spoke.

"Ignis..Fortassax.." Words drowned by the world as the man moved his lips, his body moving forward as the earth was burnt once more.

The man stepped out from under the massive dragon, her body turning to him as he walked, his body swaying, his legs off as he dropped his sword, then pulling the armor from his chest as he fell to his knees.

His head back to the sky, his mouth open as the rain beat around him, a sound the world would never hear as he looked at the black sky.

[Back to present]

"Uncle? are you coming?" Rhaenyra asked for the both of them, whose eyes were questioning, as Alicent smiled.

"Very well.." I said, placing the cup down as I followed them, my eyes looking out at the vast sky.

"What a beautiful sky.."