
The Lost Returned

A mess of a story, just something I'm writing to see what I can do as I reshape my other fanfics. "Who am I, to ask for more than I deserve, good wine, a mouth to warm my co*k, and the free skies.. what do you say, brothers?" I own nothing. Tags = #2loveinterest #tragedy #action #non-powerseekingMc #strongfromstart

CrazyDemon23 · TV
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53 Chs

Chapter 27 - Worry not..

(Viserys pov)

"I will do so because you are my blood, I owe you as much, the stepstones will fall as all other things have in my service to you brother. But there will be no more after this, in a court filled with shit, hoping to crawl its way up, as if thinking it will stop being shit.." Maliketh's words fell, and each word before it picked apart the headache that had been growing lately.

"15 years, and yet you still deny my loyalty.." Keths words left me opening my mouth many times, I had promised him freedom for many years, but each time I dragged him back, not even letting him mourn the passing of his son.

'It seems I have misstepped, I had taken the words of others in mind but ignored the person in question..' I thought, my body leaning back in my chair as I thought back on what has transpired, in my absence of mind, I once again placated my court, over my brother's wants.

"Your grace, regardless of what he has said, the crown must be firm in its decision, or it will fall on you to.." in the midst of my thoughts, Otto spoke slowly, he and lord Corlys were the cause of this, without knowing everything they came to me, forcing my hand in lu of judging my brother.

"That is enough Otto, let it fall where it may.." I said, picking up the letter I had written my brother. The promises of an end, of a place in my home, yet I thought him still wanten for pleasure and bloodshed.

"Your grace, even I did not expect the prince to think so far ahead, my words unlnowingly mislead the conversation.. but the matter of the shipping channels were, and are of great importance. Having prince Maliketh involved seemed to be the best course of action.." Lord Corlys once again rambled on, trying to pick his words carefully as to why he came to me.

"Lord Corlys, my brothers words rang true, it is you who will suffer the most, misplacing his words for gain, is it not?" I said to Corlys, Watching his face change many times.

"Your grace.." Lord Corlys was at a loss, he opened his mouth but it was met with me raising my hand.

"It seems even his supporters, lack the patience to actually fulfill it. Rather than mutual benefits, in service to the crown, and betterment of the realm, one can not think of anythihg except ones own benefits.." I said, my head tilting while i rubbed my fungers along the table, Corlys soon calmed as he nodded, I could only shake my head as I couldn't believe it.

"My cousin, Lady Rhaenys, I heard she has had complications with the child, at her age, being with child could be risky, you should be by her side Corlys, and please do tell my cousin I wish her well." I spoke as I felt there was nothing left for us to discuss, dismissing him, but i could still see concern on his face.

"My brother is 'mad', lustful, and always ready to swing his sword.." I said, looking at Otto who nodded slightly at my words, "but he is no liar, I think you know that very well, lord Corlys, be at ease.." I finished, watching him try and faint as if he was surprised by my words.

"I will give your warm words to Rhaenys your grace. I will take my leave.." Corlys with his agenda met, stood as it was clear I would not speak on the matter for now.

"Your grace, no matter if you find it true or not, each of us only want what's best for the realm, allowing the prince to move unchecked, and to say anything that could be taken as treason, will only cause a Fracture to grow in your court." Otto said to me, while I could understand his words, no man should be tied to service for a life time.

"I know you mean well Otto, but I will not have my word taking as if mendacious. Or be seen as if I am disingenuous, once the problem has been solved in the stepstones, the wedding will be held and I will give land to your daughter, along side my brother." I had already made my decision, if my brother wanted freedom, so be it, him and Daemon are so alike, but Maliketh has never wanted the crown.

'Even if you can not have an heir, even if something befalls you or Aemma, I will never sit on that throne, I've seen enough death, I do not wish to sit atop it..' My mind went back, feeling the breeze, the coolness and salt in the air. A time where I spoke to Maliketh personally, but even as I laid out what would be asked of him, his mind would not be changed.

"Very well, your grace.." Otto said as he finally took a hint, I would not yield on this, my brother deserved much better, in the midst of my peace, I forgot that I built it atop his back.

"Leave me, I wish to be alone for a while.. Ryam, go and inform the queen I will be with her soon.." Waving my hand I dismissed the court, watching as the council bowed, giving their pleasantries before leaving.

"Your grace, all I do is for the betterment of your rule, I do not wish to see all you have achieved, burnt in a fire of your own making.." Otto stood like the rest, bowing lightly, but paused as he gave these words to me, making me think even more deeply.

"I know Otto, but a man must be allowed to rest, or the fire you speak of, may be accompanied by a dragon.." I said with self-deprecating laughter, standing from my chair as I watched Otto leave the room.

'I thought I was supposed to be the older brother.. yet here I am relying on you once more.' I thought, as I started laughing lightly, it was a lot has happened. 'As my peace grew, so did your shadow, until it engulfed the whole each of kingdoms.' My mind was a mess of a myriad of lost thoughts, wondering what I have done.

'Yet no one will sing praises of you, no one will know the stories of your feats, and even now they cover the truth in the faith of lies.' My eyes looked into the distance, the sun dancing along the tops of buildings as it covered the keep.

'I wish to be known by the peace of my rain, but shadows will always follow, claiming those who make hard decisions, to be mad.." I thought putting my hand in my pocket, my back hurting as I felt for something.

"I'm sure I wouldn't feel as I do now, if it were not for your worry of me, you do not say it but I know your heart has changed.. more so than any other." I looked at my hand, taking out the pill holder as I took a ball-like pill out of it, placing it in my mouth as a warm filling spread within my body.

'You will have your freedom brother.. as I promised..' The thought lingered for a moment more as I placed the holder back within my pocket, walking to the side chamber as I placed my hands behind my back.