
The Lost Returned

A mess of a story, just something I'm writing to see what I can do as I reshape my other fanfics. "Who am I, to ask for more than I deserve, good wine, a mouth to warm my co*k, and the free skies.. what do you say, brothers?" I own nothing. Tags = #2loveinterest #tragedy #action #non-powerseekingMc #strongfromstart

CrazyDemon23 · TV
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53 Chs

Chapter 23 - Plucked

(Alicent pov)

The night seemed longer, my mind in a loop of stress I could not understand, the books that lay on this bed, his bed grew as the hours passed. The maids around me fluttered like birds remembering where fresh water was, many times was my hair brushed, before I would ask them to leave once more. The night wind licking at the candles, there red glow dancing in my eyes as I paced the room. My mind adrift of fantasy, and love, but the reality yet to sink within my skin.

*Metal falling

'Has he returned, finally?' My eyes slowly opened, hearing the sounds of metal meeting stone, my eyes flicking to life as I looked out from the pillow.

"I grew worried.. my prince, I thought I'd not see you till morrows light." I spoke slowly, yet even now as I talked, my cheeks felt hot, but unlike his playful voice I thought I'd hear, my words were met with silence.

He stood taking off his armor, his every movement as if practiced over a lifetime, yet the beauty in it, was felled by a clang as the metal fell to the floor. His hair bloody like the first day I saw him, his hands now bloody from the armor he removed, but unlike our first meeting, no words were to be had between us.

His body free from the shell of the armor showed in all its glory, all but his manhood. Yet each of his muscles were packed, as if iron was given life, molded into flesh. My eyes wandered every inch in this silence, each time I scanned a new scar would be brought to my eye. Every scar I could see seemed to tell a story, ones I hoped I'd know one day, but still I hesitated.

"My prince, what is it that troubles you? I can lend a ear.." I spoke again, watching him drop his sword, my body moving to pick up the armor, opening the door for the maids to come in and take it to be cleaned.

"Fetch water for the tub.." My hand dipped into a basin, cleaning the blood from my hands, my eyes watching the maid nod as she left the room.

*sfx for water

My words each time were answered with silence, only to see him strip his last clothes, his body dipping into the water as a sigh left his lips. His long hair hung on the rim of the tub, almost caressing the floor, and his eyes closed looking to the ceiling.

I did not say anything, watching the maid come back. "I will take it from here, you may go back.." seeing the rag she held to help clean his body, I simply took it from her hands, dismissing her with a few words.

I have read books, I've seen my mother with my father, I see the love King Viserys has for queen Aemma, yet I have no idea what I should do, my words ignored, and my presence looked over but I wanted to do something. My mind quickly focused as I sat behind the tub, my hand dipping into the water as I ran it across his chest.

My hand squeezing out the water, the drips finding a place atop his skin, only stopping as it reached a scar. Looking at the large scar under his heart, I gently rubbed along its length, feeling the muscles around it.

"Like as if the scars, are trying to find fault in his hardened flesh.." I spoke lightly, drawing my hand away as I became absent-minded, the heat in my cheeks raising as I realized.

Soon my hand reaches for his hair, cleaning it as if mine, yet unlike most of Rhaenyra's family, his luster was different, it has a touch of gray but was far different from the Velaryon's. It looked beautiful as the beads of water ran down its length.

After some time there was nothing left, and seeing him relax I did not say a word, only standing as I prepare to return to bed, and continue to read.

"Quiet!!" But that thought was short-lived, hearing his voice for the first time, his head leaning forward as he yelled out, my body jumped but quickly I placed my hand on his back, feeling his heart pounding in his chest.

"My prince.." I was confused, not understanding what had brought this on, but all the same I stay at his side. Yet words seemed to fail me as I felt my hand be grabbed, forcing me to beside the tub.

His lips pressed into my hand, the warmth of his breath tickled my skin, as I looked into his pale blue eyes. Even as I looked, I could not tell the emotion that was in them, confusion, happiness, sorrow, and a pained look I knew all too well. His head leaned into my chest, my body feeling how gently he was when touching me, my mind still lost as I kissed his forehead, allowing him to stay like this as long as he wanted.

[A few hours later]

Before I knew it, the night had passed, the shifting of the sun coming from the window licked my face, as my eyes fluttered open. The high ceiling of the keep greeting me as the world came into focus.

"It seems you slept well my little flower.." Before I could raise my head, a deep and yet sweet voice licked my ears. My head turning to see the man in question dressed beside the bed.

"Yes, I'm hoping you have as well.." My words came out stiff, seeing the spot beside me was well kept, as if he had not slept next to me.

"As much as I.." Maliketh wanted to reply but I lifted my body from the bed, turning my back to him as I picked at my nails.

"My pri.. no, prince Maliketh.." I had started to feel comfortable calling him my prince, but I stopped myself.

"Hmm, a farcry from your words yesterday, what is it flower, are you mad with something I've done?" Keth's words were playful as always, yet I did not take to them.

"Is your plan to truly marry me? a girl you barely know, and while I know we lusted for each other, you merely could have denied my father's words.." I said, after we laid together the sweetness in my heart grew, yet he does not touch me unless to say words of comfort, nor will he share a bed with me.

"I could not, no matter how the situation unfolded, the correct option was clear, knights talk just as much as the common folk, word would spread, within the keep and outside. Saying I forced myself on you.. and Otto nor the king could do nothing to stop it. The king's brother had forced his hand's daughter to lay with him. A king allowed such a thing to happen in his home, and did nothing, what would the people say? or his court? No matter how untrue the claim would.. I merely acted in kind." Keth's words were full, unlike he carries himself, he spoke with understanding of the situation, and now that the sweetness had calmed, I could see the weight of his words.

"So it was merely out of loyalty, to not drag the king, your brothers name in the dirt.." I said, I finally understood, it was my foolishness to think I would be allowed free from my father. My hands coming to my mouth as I bit at them for my naivete.

"The king has summoned me, we will talk more when I return." I could hear his voice, but my mind was lost, it seems fairytales are just that, only wanten tales.

"But it seems you have mistaken my words.." without knowing, Keth stood in front of me, his hand stopping mine as I looked up. Feeling his hand caress my face gently as he took my lips.

"I did not pluck you to vent my lust, yes I will honor my word.. but I did so, because I take whatever it is I truly desire."

His words faded in my ear, his steps a far distance, while my eyes finally cleared to his words. Yet unbeknownst to me a smile formed on my lips.