
The Lost Returned

A mess of a story, just something I'm writing to see what I can do as I reshape my other fanfics. "Who am I, to ask for more than I deserve, good wine, a mouth to warm my co*k, and the free skies.. what do you say, brothers?" I own nothing. Tags = #2loveinterest #tragedy #action #non-powerseekingMc #strongfromstart

CrazyDemon23 · TV
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53 Chs

Chapter 13 - Nothing

[A few hours before the meeting with lord Corlys]

(Rhaenyra pov)

I watched as my uncle looked around with uncaring eyes as he walked into the keep, than to Alicent whose blush had yet to leave her face.

"Stop your daydreams, of marriage and love Alicent. Hoping for a day you carry Prince Keth's child and.. come on." I couldn't help but speak out, watching as Alicent looked at the ground, her mind a drift as she smiled ever so often while squeezing her hand.

"Rhaenyra! Don't say such things in front of all would-be eyes.." Alicent said, walking faster as she hooked my arm, her face still smiling as she and I walk across the open hall. "I am merely grateful for his kindness, nothing more.." She continued, her face trying to calm as we walked up the stairs.

"Grateful? so much so that you didn't deny any of his blatant words to gain your favor, but rather blushed like a young maiden in love." Giggling I teased her as I rushed forward a little, watching her face turn surprised as I did.

"Rhaenyra it is not like that.." Alicent said running after me, "He is only good with his words, just as he was with you." Catching up to me, she pushed my shoulder lightly as she spoke about the carriage.

"And I merely thought he was funny, that is all." I could feel my cheeks heat up at her words, she was right, he was a man that picked his words carefully, and was easy to talk to.

"It seems you girls are having fun.." Giggling about my uncle, both of us walked into a room, full of maesters, maids, and aids. Hearing a sweet voice call out to us as we entered deeper within the room.

"Something rather interesting happened mother." I said, watching a woman lean back in a chair, my mother Aemma, her belly with child as I spoke walking up to her.

"uh, I see, more interesting than riding your dragon?" Groaning as she moved her body, her face serious as she spoke. "You know i dont like you to go flying while I'm in this condition, especially with what is going on within the city." I could understand her worry but I couldn't help but roll my eyes, I knew what Fortassax did earlier probably scared her even more.

"You don't like me to go flying while your in any condition." I said, walking near her, seeing her hand outstretched as I saw the care in her eyes.

"I only worry Rhaenyra, from a time ago, I could hear the cries of a dragon. When I asked, the maesters said there was a problem at the dragon pit, how could I not worry.." My mother said, I knew that Fortassax must have scared her, I know she worries whenever I'm out flying, but today it seems worse.

"Mother I'm fine, worrying will only make your condition worse, well more so than It already is.." I said, I knew it was my fault she worried, but I wish she would trust me more.

"And what happened within the dragon pit was just a coincidence.. A dragon I'd never seen before came to the pit. She was beautiful, and as large as Vhager." I said, getting lost in what happened earlier as I sat next to my mother.

"Rhaenyra.." She said softly, rubbing my cheek as she looked at my smiling face.

"I'm fine mother, uncle Maliketh.."I wanted to continue, putting my hand over hers as she rubbed my cheek lightly, watching my mothers face change as she spoke.

"What did you say? Rhaenyra where did you hear that name?" she said, her face confused as she spoke a little louder.

"The cries you heard earlier, uncle Daemon's twin brother, Prince Maliketh came here on dragon back, and made a big show of it. He even allowed me and Alicent to touch her." I said, my face twisted slightly as I didn't understand why she spoke up about this, surely she knew fathers brothers. Yet as I spoke her face grew more and more ugly at my words.

"You spoke with him?" She asked, her words full as she tried to sit back holding her belly.

"Yes, he needed a ride to the keep, me and Alicent aloud him to ride along with us. what is the matter mother?" I gestured towards Alicent speaking about the events that had happened, turning back as my mother gripped my hand.

"Rhaenyra, listen to me, stay away from that man, do you hear me?" My mother said in a serious voice, looking at me, then to Alicent. "You as well Alicent, keep yourself away from.. uhh." I could see the serious nature in her eyes, my head turning to Alicent who looked equally confused, only for mother to grab her stomach in pain, groaning as she tried to speak.

"Mother, Mother what's wrong? Mother.." I said, seeing she did not stop like normal, her head back as sweat rolled down her skin.

"Princess Rhaenyra, please calm down, and let us tend to the queen." My slight yells were answered with a young maid's hand on my shoulder, her calm voice in my ear as she spoke to me, gesturing for me to stand as maids and maesters rushed to help my mother.

"Rhaenyra, she will be fine, you know your mother is strong.." Alicent said, hugging me lightly as I stared at my mother, her words trying to calm me as I looked on with worry.

"Alicent, will I be like that one day.." I couldn't help but question, my mind in a mess as I watched my mother in pain, picturing myself in her place as I held Alicent's hand.

"You do not need to worry yourself with those things right now.." Alicent spoke back to me, her hand firmly gripping mine as she whispered. "I'm sure it will be a challenge to find someone to even lay with you." her words of teasing in my ear as I turned to see her face with a slight smirk.

"If seems my uncle rubbed off on you.. in such a short time. Who knew you could stop being so stiff.." I said with a little giggle, our bodies swinging as I looked back at my mother, seeing her calm down, I smiled as I walked out of the door.

"Nothing is set in stone right, Rhaenyra.." Alicent said as we moved deeper into the keep, going to meet my father.

"I suppose his words do have some merit.." I said, hearing her quote my uncle, watching her face blushing lightly, my steps faster than hers as she stayed a step behind me.

"yeah, nothing.." Alicent spoke, but I couldn't hear her clearly, nor did I see the key hanging from her fingers, her face full of a smile as she followed.