
Chapter 52: The Neutral Zone – Interlude 2: The Stars That Follow Their Own Paths and Those Who Oppose Them

** Third Person (POV) **

"Come on, keep up the training, you need to have a strong body if you don't want to die. You only have this month to train your body and learn about group combat strategies, after that you will have to participate in the missions and complete them all," said Claire Agnes with considerable ferocity. At this moment, she is in her infernal trainer mode, overseeing the training of the Yi siblings, Yun Seora, Hao Win, Tong Chai, Odelette Delphine, Shin Sang-Ah, Salvatore Leorda, and Hyun Sangmin.

She is training them at the request of Seol Jihu, who in return promised her a practice duel every week.

"I'm a Mage, I'm supposed to be training in magic and meditation instead of physical training," complained Odelette Delphine, who is the only person in the group brave or reckless enough to complain in front of the woman nicknamed 'The Demonic Instructor of Sicily.'

"Class doesn't matter, a Mage with infinite mana is useless if they don't have the physical endurance to keep up with their group or the battlefield. If you don't have the minimum physical condition, you'll just become a burden to your group and end up being the reason for their death. But if you feel you don't have the will to continue, then you can quit. I won't waste my time training those who don't deserve it," said an annoyed Claire Agnes.

"I never said anything about quitting, I was just expressing my thoughts. There's no need for you to get so upset, Miss Agnes. If you keep being so grumpy, Mr. Seol Jihu will lose interest in you," said Odelette Delphine, intending to annoy Claire Agnes.

Upon hearing these words, Claire Agnes blushed and said in a very low voice, "I'm not grumpy," so quietly that no one heard her.

"Chatting time is over, now continue training," said an annoyed Claire Agnes after regaining her composure.


The weeks passed quickly, the first month ended, and everyone's training came to an end.

So now the group of 9 was forced to split into 2 groups, one of 4 and another of 5 people, to complete the missions.

The first group to form was the one with 4 members, composed of the strongest members; Odelette Delphine as a long-range attack Mage and tracker, Yun Seora as a close combat Mage, Yi Seol-Ah as a Priest, and Yi Sungjin as a close combat Mage.

The second group was composed of Hao Win as a close combat Mage, Tong Chai as a close combat Mage and tracker, Salvatore Leorda as a long-range attack Mage, Shin Sang-Ah as a Priest, and Hyun Sangmin as a close combat Mage and tracker.

The reason the first group is stronger than the second, despite having less people, is that Odelette Delphine as a Mage is far superior to most Mages, and Yun Seora is superior to the other close combat Mages.

Both groups, standing in the plaza on the first floor right in front of the mission board, immediately caught the attention of all the survivors, and the reason is simple. It's the first time in 2 months that they've been seen with the intention of doing missions. During the 2 months that the Neutral Zone has been active, the survivors have rarely seen the group because they normally kept training during this time and have not participated in the missions. But today, for the first time, they are seen gathered in front of the mission board, and all the survivors began to gossip about it.

"Alright, we'll do as we planned. We'll start with the normal missions, and if we can complete them without problems, then we'll increase the difficulty," said an excited Odelette Delphine, finally having the adventure she desires.

So the group split into two, one led by Hao Win and the other by Odelette Delphine, and they took the first normal difficulty mission scroll they saw.

"Don't forget the bet, Miss Delphine, the last one to finish the mission pays for dinner," said Salvatore Leorda as he stroked his short hair, which doesn't seem to have been growing for long.

"Of course, I won't forget. After all, I'll make sure to order the most expensive things to make your group pay more," said Odelette Delphine playfully. Both groups then tore their scrolls and embarked on their first mission as a group after two months of training.


Two weeks later

In a forest where the trees and vegetation are withered, a group of dozens of skeletons can be seen surrounding four people, three of whom are women and the last is a man.

This group is led by Odelette Delphine, who at this moment are completing their first difficult mission.

"Sungjin, focus on protecting Seol-Ah. Miss Seora, advance without fear and take down as many as you can. Don't worry about defending me; I'm protecting myself with my [Mana Cloaking] and the protection Seol-Ah gave me. I'll charge my spell and when it's ready, I'll give you a signal to get away from the skeletons," ordered Odelette Delphine to her group. Over the last two weeks, the two groups have completed all the normal and somewhat difficult missions. Now all that's left is to complete the difficult missions and finally complete their task in the Neutral Zone.

Immediately, the whole group got to work and fulfilled their roles. Yi Sungjin positioned himself with his shield and sword in a defensive stance in front of his sister, and Yun Seora left the group and advanced, using her two swords to destroy any skeleton that crossed her path.

As for Odelette Delphine, she was left alone, chanting and preparing a high-powered fire spell with which she plans to destroy most of the skeletons, an AoE spell if you will. As she chants her spell with great concentration, she ignores the skeletons that are constantly attacking her. These skeletons are not capable of penetrating the combination of the protective shield granted by Yi Seol-Ah and her [Mana Cloaking] ability.

After a minute of chanting her spell, she finally finished. Yi Sungjin, who was defending his sister, was also keeping an eye on Odelette Delphine in case her defenses failed, he would intervene, or in case she finished preparing her spell, he had the duty to warn Yun Seora to get out of the way, and that is what he did with a sharp whistle. That was the agreed signal, and upon hearing it, Yun Seora did not hesitate and fled the place as fast as possible. A few seconds after she moved away from the area, an immense fireball swept through the place, reducing the dozens of skeletons there to ashes.

Now only a few straggling skeletons remained, which were quickly eliminated by the group.

Anyone who saw the group would think that Odelette Delphine is the only Mage and that Yun Seora and Yi Sungjin are very powerful and experienced Warriors. But the reality is that all three are Mages, and the reason they are so good at close combat and so strong is that they are reinforcing themselves with the [Physical Reinforcement] ability and strengthening their weapons with [Mana Cloaking]. Both abilities were taught to them by Seol Jihu, and the only reason they can use them so well in such a short time is that as mages, they have better skills to control mana, not to mention they have larger mana reserves.

Having completed the mission, they were transported back to the notice board, where they began to look for their companions from the other group. Upon seeing that they were not there, they sighed with relief and celebrated.

"Well, this time we won, today it's their turn to pay for dinner," said a relieved and happy Yi Seol-Ah.

"Definitely, these days our competition has become fierce, and it's becoming unpredictable which of our groups will lose and pay for dinner," said Yun Seora.

"Well, at least we don't have it as hard as Maria Noona. She looks more tired each day. I still can't imagine the kind of training Hyung is doing, but if it's as hellish as it seems, then I don't know if it would be better to stop him before he ends up seriously injured or worse," said Yi Sungjin with considerable hesitation.

"Mr. Jihu is definitely overdoing it, but not even I could convince him to stop. The only relief is that Miss Maria is taking care of him; otherwise, I would really fear for his life," said Odelette Delphine with considerable sadness.

"The man has clear goals and a strong will to achieve them. If you really want to support him, then instead of showing those sad faces, wait for him and greet him with a smile, and relieve his mental and emotional burden as much as you can, or become strong enough to take some of the load off him," said a new voice. But when the group saw the person to whom the voice belonged, they immediately realized who it was—it was Hao Win, the leader of the second group, who apparently had just come out of the mission.

"Come on, Hao, don't be so harsh. We're all worried about the leader, especially these days. His clothes usually come back in tatters and soaked in blood. Even Miss Agnes and Miss Cinzia are terrified by whatever he is doing to train. But I agree with you, if we really want to relieve some of his burden, we have to become strong, or we won't even have the chance to stand by his side and will only be able to chase his shadow," said Salvatore Leorda.

The others could only sigh and accept the words of Hao Win and Salvatore Leorda, as both had some truth in them.

"Just like Orabeo-nim, we also have to strive and give the best of ourselves," said Yi Seol-Ah.

"Then let's say no more, let's go back. We have to complete this mission at least 5 more times before dinner time, so we can greet Oppa with the best enthusiasm possible," said Yun Seora.

The whole group agreed with Yi Seol-Ah and Yun Seora and resumed their tasks with more determination than before.


In the temple of Invidia in the kingdom of Scheherazade, there was a woman kneeling before the statue of the Goddess Invidia.

"Are you sure that is what you want? It will cost you all the contribution points you have," said Invidia, quite surprised by her visitor and her request.

"Yes, I have no doubts. I want to raise my class level, and I want you to give me the opportunity to prove myself to be your Executor," said the woman who spoke those words, none other than Yun Seohui. After discussing many matters with Roe Scheherazade, Yoo Seonhwa, Yoo Seunghae, and Seol Jinhee over the past few months on Earth, she finally decided that she must become stronger and gain more influence in Paradise to be able to help Seol Jihu.

"Alright, with my authority as Invidia, I grant you the Unique Class 'Savior of Hope Level 6' and impose on you the trial of participating in 2 great feats that will make your name known throughout Paradise. You have 1 year to achieve it. If you can do it, then I will grant you the position of my daughter, and you will be known as the Executor of Invidia," said Invidia.

"Thank you, Invidia-nim, I will fulfill it," said Yun Seohui and left the temple of Invidia.

Once she left, the temple received 6 new visitors whose presences were as overwhelming as that of Invidia, because they are her goddess sisters of Paradise.

"Another unexpected change, ever since the prince entered the Tutorial, many changes have started to occur, and the stars seem to move erratically. The forks are altering too much, and our sight can no longer keep up with the changes. Do you think the Parasite Bitch can see clearly amid all this chaos?" said Gula.

"Of course, she can. She has the authority of the Supreme Deity. Even if all this chaos clouds the paths, she can see the most likely outcome," said Superbia without a doubt.

"She's been quite calm for a long time, I don't like it, it feels like the calm before a big storm," said Luxuria with a voice less flirtatious and lively than usual.

"Definitely, even with all that chaos, you can still see the storm that is coming. The question is whether the cause of all this is strong and capable enough to overcome it," said Ira.

"Look on the bright side, if the young woman now fulfills her task and is named Executor, then for the first time in a long time, we will have all Seven Executors occupying their posts," said Avaritia.

"You're right, maybe not all of them are strong enough to face the commanders with their divinities unleashed one-on-one, but together they cannot be underestimated, and each Executor has the ability to share their authority with their chosen ones, thereby further strengthening their ranks," said Gula.

"Yes, we just have to weather the storm to see the rainbow, right?" said Acedia with quite a bit of tiredness in her voice.

"That's right, so all that remains is to wait and see if we will be able to endure," said Superbia.


"These toys are great, I can't believe I've been in a fantasy world for so long and had not yet experienced the wonders of the sky," said Sung Sihyun as he walked on the clouds at high speed thanks to Pneuma's Sky Boots.

"It's a pity they can only be used for such a short time, but with my physical abilities and without obstacles in the way, I can cover great distances in that short time. I suppose it will take me a couple of days at this rate to reach the fortress of Trigol. It's time to go test the fruit of my training and my new capabilities," said Sung Sihyun in his loud self-reflection.

'I also have to solve the bad habit of saying my thoughts out loud that I developed after being trapped training alone for so long,' thought Sung Sihyun.


Meanwhile, on Earth, in a café club exclusive to ladies, there was a great commotion. Anyone who didn't know what this café club is normally like would think that the commotion was due to a sudden event that caused it, but the reality is that the commotion in this place is quite common.

After all, this is where the fans of a certain Korean social media idol gather.

"Jinhee, this is your fault. We were supposed to have a simple business to cover for Seonhwa, but now we have a terribly prosperous business full of customers that need to be attended to," said an annoyed Roe Scheherazade, holding her forehead that hurt from so much commotion.

"You said you wanted a good cover. If the business isn't successful, then my parents and yours would never allow us to continue with the business and would force us to look for something else or quit," said an annoyed Jinhee because she is accused of the flourishing success of her business. After all, she was the one who came up with the idea of making the café an exclusive club for her Oppa's high-class fans.

The result was a success; the café quickly filled with wealthy and upper-class guests who joined the club. The only problem is that it gave a terrible amount of work to Seunghae, Roe, and Jinhee, who had to take charge of the café club. Since Seohui and Seonhwa are in Paradise, they can't help them.

"The biggest issue is that we urgently need staff, and at the same time, it has to be highly qualified personnel, but no one has yet responded to the recruitment ad," said Seunghae, tiredly, after just having taken another order.

Just then, the door opened, and four beautiful women entered, but one of them stood out completely from the other three. The reason was that, despite being as beautiful as the others, she had a very distinctive feature that made her stand out anywhere: she had sky-blue eyes so beautiful that many would wonder if they were real or the result of one of the recent cosmetic Surgeries.

Roe sighed wearily and prepared to attend to the four women who looked like they were new applicants for membership in her café club. But to her surprise, the woman with the beautiful eyes spoke first, and what she said left Roe, Seunghae, and Jinhee completely astonished.

"Ah, so this is the café club opened by Jihu Oppa's girlfriends. Look how bold Oppa is, letting his girlfriends open a club for him and not telling me anything. I guess it's time to formally introduce myself to my sister girlfriends," said the woman with the sky-blue eyes, whose identity is Eun Yuri. She was very angry with her magic teacher, Seol Jihu, who had gone to Lost Paradise without saying goodbye to her personally. That's why she decided to play a prank on him, by pretending to be his girlfriend and joining the café club group.

What followed was a long conversation between Roe, Seunghae, and Jinhee to verify the truth of Eun Yuri's words. After a lengthy interrogation, they undoubtedly realized that she and Seol Jihu really knew each other. Although they still had doubts about whether she was his girlfriend or not, it was hard for them to deny it when the girl gave them a lot of private information and plenty of evidence with photos and videos of her and Seol Jihu doing many things together.

In the end, they had no choice but to temporarily accept the girl and her three friends who seemed to have come to apply for the job to support the café club until Seol Jihu returned and gave them a proper explanation.

In this way, Eun Yuri and some girls from the Shadow infiltrated the Café Club to improve security and reduce the workload of the girls, and most importantly, Eun Yuri would carry out her little revenge on her master.


Sitting on her Corrupt Throne, the Queen of the Parasites opened her eyes; she had been asleep, digesting the divinity of the Supreme Authority of Paradise, but she had a bad feeling, which is why she woke up. And seeing the stars spread out before her eyes, she immediately realized the reason for her bad premonition.

The stars were acting outside the chains of Fate, following their own paths and creating new and infinite possibilities. These possibilities were still new and weak, but she did not like them.

And what she liked least of all was that the star that had been asleep was showing clear signs of awakening. She could only attribute the changes in the other stars to the influence of the awakening star.


Slamming her hands down, she rose from her throne. At the same time, the 14 pairs of bone wings on her back unfolded.

The Parasite Queen, who had been watching the stars, opened her mouth.

[Come, Undying Diligence!]

Her furious call echoed throughout her domain.

'Undying Diligence'

This was the title of one of the Seven Commanders of the Parasite Queen, the second strongest commander and the leader of the Nosferatu.

The being known as Undying Diligence did not delay in responding to the call of his Queen. He knelt before the Corrupt Throne and asked, "How may I serve you, Your Majesty?"

The Parasite Queen was about to issue an order, but before doing so, she raised her gaze to the sky to contemplate the stars once again.

After carefully observing the stars, the Parasite Queen gently closed her eyes. Her eyebrows trembled weakly.

'Do I have doubts and fear?' thought the Parasite Queen.

And no matter how much she pondered, she could not find the cause.

It was not that she was afraid of that sleeping star. But every time she looked at it, parts of her body convulsed involuntarily.

It was as if her instincts were signaling an abnormality. The problem was that every time this warning sounded, it forced a memory she wanted to forget.

The Parasite Queen was once the ruler of a world but had nearly been exterminated due to a wrong choice.

It all started with the birth of a demigod.

Starting as a human and having achieved divinity on his own, the Martial God had led his forces and invaded both the Great Realm and the Heaven Realm.

The Parasite Queen was surprised when the Great Realm followed its prophecy and surrendered without a fight, but when the Martial God even invaded the Heaven Realm, she could not stay still in the face of temptation.

It would be correct to say that she had long been looking for an opportunity to devour the divinities that had recently been born in the Heaven Realm, divinities that were still too weak to pose a threat to her and thus increase her power and expand her influence.

That was why when she learned that the Martial God's forces had invaded the Heaven Realm, she thought that no matter which side won, they would be weakened and wounded by the battle.

But when the Parasite Queen entered the Heaven Realm after waiting for the battle to end, she encountered a sight that surpassed her wildest imagination.

She had made a mistake. Who would have thought that there would be two Rank Nine Celestial Gods, who were in the league of the Creation God alongside the Martial God? There were even two Rank Ten Celestial Gods, a rank she did not even know existed!

A single movement of the finger by the Crimson Goddess had created 'Eternal Blazing Flames,' which instantly turned the Parasite Queen's army to ashes.

And in front of the next 'Cosmos-Destroying Inferno,' the Parasite Queen had to endure a horrible pain that could not be described in words.

Then the Martial God, dressed in black armor and adorning a crimson cape, decided to attack and, with a face that clearly expressed amusement, caused a storm with a blow of his invisible sword. The divinity that the Parasite Queen had carefully accumulated over thousands of years was cut in half in an instant.

[Eh? I thought you would at least entertain me a little... Why is a so-called God so weak?] As the Parasite Queen screamed in desperation, she heard these words clearly.

How could she forget the humiliation of that day?

Undying Diligence, who was silently studying the face of the Parasite Queen, suddenly felt a tearing pressure descend on the area and struck his head against the ground. The Parasite Queen's bone wings trembled.

'Why?' Why does looking at that star evoke this memory?

Because no matter how long she spent thinking about the matter, she could not understand it, she felt increasingly frustrated.

'I definitely have to take care of that star once it wakes up, but I can't be hasty, nor careless. The future that was heading towards a Destiny in my favor is now weakening and heading towards other Destinies. I have to be careful and move all my pieces correctly to win this game,' thought the Parasite Queen.

With clear resolution and great firmness, the Parasite Queen spoke, "How is the progress of Raging Temperance and Twisted Kindness in the conquest of the Spirit Realm?"

"It's difficult to maintain contact with them, but their last report was of good news. At the rate they're going, they could finish the conquest in 5 or 6 months as long as we maintain the siege on Trigol Fortress to prevent them from sending reinforcements to aid the Spirit Realm. Once the Spirit Realm falls, Trigol Fortress will lose its major support, The World Tree. Without The World Tree, the conquest of the fortress will be just a matter of a few more months of siege," Undying Diligence immediately replied.

'5 or 6 months, that's not much time, I can wait for that long, especially because that star is still asleep and therefore out of my reach, but I know it will awaken soon, so I won't wait any longer than that. I feel that if I don't take care of that star as soon as possible, everything will be doomed,' thought the Parasite Queen.

"Undying Diligence, I order you to prepare 7 armies of Cockroaches, Lizards, Hydras, and Jellyfish, led by a superior species, and have those armies await my orders—"

"Your Majesty, what is the purpose of creating 7 cannon fodder armies?" Undying Diligence interrupted the Parasite Queen with his question.

"Do not interrupt me! I have not finished. Prepare those armies with those specifications and then leave them awaiting my orders. When you have finished preparing those armies, I want Explosive Patience, Vulgar Chastity, and you, with your personal armies, to join Unsightly Humility and Abhorrent Charity in their assault on Trigol Fortress.

But most importantly, none of you five commanders are allowed to release your divinities unless your lives are at risk, but otherwise do not do it. I will need you to return in 5 months and have your divinities available regardless of whether you conquer Trigol Fortress or not.

Before you go, send a message to Twisted Kindness and Raging Temperance, inform them that regardless of whether they succeed or fail in the conquest of the Spirit Realm, I also want them back here in 5 months," ordered the Parasite Queen with a firm and determined voice. Despite the many questions Undying Diligence had, seeing his Queen order him with such firmness, he did not dare to question her and only bowed respectfully as he left the throne room to carry out what he was ordered.

'5 months, if with this attack force Trigol Fortress and the Spirit Realm cannot be conquered. Then it's better to have my entire army gathered to make sure to finish off that star without any mistake, which by then will surely have awakened.

Trigol Fortress and the Spirit Realm are not such a great or immediate threat, even if it takes a few more years to conquer them there will be no problem, but I cannot give this star more than a few months, I feel that if I do I will regret it forever, but I have to wait for it to wake up and be within my reach to find out its identity, I must not make any mistakes,' thought the Parasite Queen before closing her eyes again and continuing to digest the divinity of the Supreme Deity, while waiting for the awakening of the star that is causing her so much distress.

Next chapter