
The meeting

"My name is kane, so again, I ask, WHO are YOU and what are you doing here?" The man says to me in a stern voice, as his hand ignites into a rich blue flame, at first i start to panic in my head because his and isn't burning but when i realise it isn't burning and he's controlling it i have this huge wave of fear comes over me "My grandfather sent me here." I answer him afraid of what may come next, as I point to the photo on the wall of grandpa and I when we won that fishing contest together. "Wait your the 'Caps granddaughter?" he looked at me and notices the arrow and matching archers bag. "Tch, they got to him that explains why Ace told me to stay here until the package arrived." he says his demeanor calming down and relaxing as his hand goes out. "I'm sorry if I scared you there i was staying on guard for intruders and figured you one. Well, I should explain to you then why your here and why he left you his archers bow. Your grandfather is the Captain of a group of rouge government experiments, there are the original six who you'll meet along the way, we all possess different abilities based off of our DNA strands. Mine as you saw is fire anything i touch burns and leave no evidence behind. Our jobs for the government were to be their person assassins, most of us started training at young ages and al we knew was our programing, your grandfather taught us it's ok to be different and to fit in easier amongst our peers. One day he decided enough was enough and so he helped the six of us to escape and now we work against the government to foil the plans for taking over the world. Which with you being here means your grandfather was taking and why we were all asked by Ace to meet up at the secret base." He concludes, I look at him as my head spins, i need to lay down it's late.`` I say as I take the stuff off my back and set it down and curl up on the couch across the room from kane as my eyes close i realize how cute he really is. He has black hair that comes down to the nape of his neck, he looks to be a few inches above 6 feet tall he has on a black tshirt and tight jeans that compliment his muscular body figure high top tennis shoes and hat looks to be a dog tag strung around his neck. Oh and don't let me forget those piercing blue eyes that make any girl swoon. My eyes begin to close as he becomes the last thing i see before i fall asleep.

Kanes P.O.V

I watch her walk across the room exhausted and crash onto the sofa across the room from me, her dark brown hair flowing down to the middle of her back, kinda messy to but that was probably from the wind outside. As she faced me and I watched her brown hazel eyes shut only a candle on the table lighting up her freckled face, I let out a soft sigh and notice something on the floor the red flannel she had tied around her waist now on the floor. I take the flannel and cover her shirt and jeans she has on up with it like a blanket then mumble under my breath :sweet dreams and go into the kitchen and make a pot of tea. "What a journey this is gonna be" i say allowed.