
The Lost One (English Version)

When Gwendoline commits suicide, she finds herself on Trillia in the company of four teenagers who have been summoned to fight a superior being in two years: Damahan. Together, they form the Lost Ones and quickly become invaluable assets to the government... On this fantastic planet, both modern and medieval, authoritarian and democratic, the Lost Ones will face many trials before confronting Damahan. Demons, elves, dragons, and especially humans, are far from what they thought they were. Humans, sometimes, will prove to be far more cruel than demons. They will learn the mysteries of this world, be at the heart of the plots and manipulations of the leaders, face increasingly powerful enemies. But above all, they must come of age and mature before experiencing the outcome of their adventure on Trillia. So, are you ready to follow their journey and discover the worst on Trillia? (Please note that the MC is girl, but it's not a romance!)

LordDVL · Fantasy
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76 Chs

World Collapsing

The days following the Haradi incident were especially turbulent. Throughout Trillia, demons and archdemons were conspiring to commit mass murders with one aim in mind, the same as Abaguo's: to become a transcendental archdemon.

Before the Summoning of the Lost Ones, demonic attacks were easily avoidable. The union of technology and magic served as a formidable deterrent, reprimanding any demon that dared harm humans or other living creatures. Moreover, thanks to WADI, the intergovernmental police, demons were under constant threat of being captured and imprisoned in Argha. This system effectively lessened the demonic threat and maintained lasting peace on Trillia. However, with the return of the Archdemons of emotions and the bloodthirsty quests of the demons, this balance was on the brink of shattering.

Throughout the ages, the question has often been asked: could demons be found with a pure heart? According to ancient theories, the answer was no, as demons are supposed to be tormented in Hell until they become cruelly ruthless. However, many managed to transcend this mental barrier and live in harmony with other living beings. Even today, some demons hope one day to be able to live in society and enjoy the daily pleasures that life has to offer.

[Elven Forest of Sylvaria, South of Edra]

The sun's rays purified the expansive, verdant forest of Sylvaria, where birds sang harmoniously, backed by the gentle murmurs of flowing streams. Spanning over 1200 kilometers, this forest was a maze where the unwary could easily get lost forever. Warning signs were scattered along the paths for this reason. In addition, a plethora of surveillance cameras covered almost all of Sylvaria, ensuring the safety of potential visitors keen on exploring Edra's attractions.

Nearby, a tourist family from the Kingdom of Rymis, dressed in quaint attire, ventured through the forest, crossing a bridge over a river. The mother held a tourist guidebook detailing all about this forest. One fact frequently reiterated was that this forest was instrumental in Edra's foundation.

Twelve centuries ago, the elves lived harmoniously within this forest. Their primary mission was to guard a mana fountain at its heart. They avoided contact with dragons, humans, goblins, ogres, and demons that populated the planet then.

When Trillia was first created, elves were the second life form to emerge after humans. Evendria and Adrael, the primordial elves, were created from pure mana, which flowed directly from the fountain. As a result, of all the other races on Trillia, including the demons, the elves have the greatest reserve of mana. They are capable of using their energy for a month non-stop.

In theory, this attribute provided the elves with a significant advantage in combat and magic. However, in truth, they were extremely pacifist, shunning unnecessary violence.

The father finally spotted a sign leading them to the coveted fountain.

"Look! It says the fountain is just 150 meters away!"

"Yeah! Awesome!" their daughter exclaimed.

Seeing their daughter's enthusiasm, both parents beamed in unison, sharing her excitement.

However, as they neared the fountain, they were greeted by three elves in modern attire, standing before a massive iron gate. An intricate wooden emblem, decorated with floral patterns and accompanied by beautifully crafted swallows, adorned the gate.

One elf began with a friendly gesture, "Greetings, travelers. We trust you enjoyed your stroll through Sylvaria?"

"Yes! It was breathtaking! Truly, Sylvaria is a paradise on Trillia!" the mother exclaimed.

"Thank you, madam! Sylvaria is a significant part of Edra's heritage. We're delighted you appreciated it! You're from the Kingdom of Rymis, right? On a journey?"

"Yes," the father replied, "but not exactly a journey. We left Rymis a few weeks ago. Soon, we'll be relocating to Edra, in Ombreval specifically. We came to Sylvaria while our paperwork gets processed."

"Oh, I see! May I ask why?"

"The kingdom is becoming increasingly perilous, especially after what happened in Haradi... I shudder to think what might have happened if we'd stayed."

[Rymis King's Castle, Council Chamber]

Dasra, Charles, Hermiel, and Rymis stood in the stifling silence of the council room, perched at the pinnacle of the castle. The breathtaking view of the medieval capital starkly contrasted with the weighty atmosphere inside. A vast round wooden table, bathed in the blazing light of the rising sun, marked the attendance of each one, symbolizing the duality of beauty and gravity at this moment.

Of everyone present, Charles was undeniably the most imposing, with his towering presence and unwavering demeanor.

"Rymis," Charles sighed heavily, "this cannot go on. We've documented 22 villages under siege by archdemons. We are starting to lose control."

"I have ordered the deployment of a hundred expert mages and S-class knights. Everything should be back in order within a few weeks."

"The Haradi incident could clearly have been avoided if you had embraced technology sooner. Marshal would still be alive, and Abaguo would have been apprehended before he became a transcendental archdemon."

"I have always upheld the traditions and customs of my royal lineage."

"Your Majesty," Dasra interjected, his voice filled with both respect and frustration, "for centuries I have served your line in the place of the Anabito. Not once have I defied your orders! The one time I disagreed with you was about summoning the Lost Ones. Yet, the tragedy that befell Haradi was the last straw for me! The Lost Ones were mere teenagers, living peacefully on their planet. We practically coerced them to stay on Trillia. Now they are broken and traumatized! How do you plan to mend that?!"

"Dasra, I..."

Suddenly, Dasra rose from his chair, overwhelmed with anger and frustration at the dire state of the Lost Ones. "Have you seen their physical and mental health?! Did you look at them?! How can you call yourself a king after deliberately subjecting innocent children to the pain of our world?!"

Dasra's words struck Rymis deep, reminding him of the handshake with Milityasha from a year ago that had led to this very moment. Had he made the right decision? Milityasha had made a compelling case: the Lost Ones truly bolstered his kingdom's defenses. But at what cost?

"Listen... I realize I might not be a good king. But believe me, I never intended harm to anyone."

"All we're asking," Charles continued with a steadiness in his voice, "is that you grasp the full magnitude of your actions and make some radical decisions. We're clearly on the brink of a new era for Trillia. The future rests on the choices made in the coming weeks. If you truly want to ensure your people's safety, you must embrace technology. Mana-powered firearms are efficient in battle; cars and planes are vastly superior to carriages; the internet is a far better communication tool than letters. There are countless such examples. The superiority of technology over magic is undeniable, Rymis. Haradi is a perfect testament to that. We all remember Rosaria Ashford. With her genius, she had the potential to transform the kingdom into a superpower, surpassing both Argha and Edra in technology and military prowess. But you rejected her ideas. And the outcome? Here you are, with the weight of countless massacres on your shoulders."

Not knowing how to respond to the profound truth spoken by Charles, Rymis simply nodded his acknowledgment. Shortly after, he shifted the topic, "I'd like to discuss another matter if you don't mind. During my discussion with Marc, I decided to entrust some of the Lost Ones to Edra in exchange for mana from the Elven Forest of Sylvaria. Knowing Marc, I'm confident he'll take good care of them. I'm aware that this decision may weaken my defenses since the Lost Ones form a significant part of my military might. Yet, Edra seems to provide a more nurturing environment."

"That's a commendable decision," Charles observed. "By doing this, the Lost Ones can find some semblance of home and hopefully ease their pain. But Rogue Grimez should be off the list immediately."

"Why? What happened?" Rymis inquired, concern evident in his tone.

"In your absence, I received a letter from the Cleared family," Charles replied.

At the mention of 'Cleared,' everyone gasped.

"The Cleareds?!" Hermiel exclaimed. "Are we talking about the wealthiest family in Trillia?"

"Exactly," Charles confirmed. "For a hefty sum of fifty million gold Eres, they demand my daughter, Lana, and Rogue Grimez as their personal guards. Given the rising threat of demons, the Cleareds want to ensure their safety."

Rymis muttered, "I suppose I don't have much choice then..."

"But you're okay with sending Rogue on this assignment?!" Dasra shouted. "Don't you have a heart?! Of all the Lost Ones, Rogue has suffered the most trauma! He deserves some rest."

"I did mean for the Lost Ones to have their deserved rest. When did they want Rogue?" Rymis asked Charles.

Charles hesitated, "Well, and I know Dame Dasra won't like this, but... he's scheduled to leave for the Cleared Mansion tomorrow."


"The Cleareds are known for their compassion," Charles assured. "I'm certain they'll look after him. Besides, I already approved his departure in Rymis's absence. I can't go back on that now. However, I fear the issue may not be with the Cleareds but with my own daughter."

"Why do you say that?" Hermiel questioned.

"Even though she's my heir and possesses powerful time-controlling abilities, her behavior is less than admirable. She's arrogant and demanding. I only hope that with Rogue's past trauma, she might learn to behave better," Charles sighed.

Rymis coughed slightly, drawing everyone's attention. "Back to the Lost Ones... Specifically, Jacob. I know he was close to Marshal. I believe it would be best for him to stay in Haradi to mourn... don't you think?"

Hermiel nodded, "Indeed. Jacob was Marshal's sole disciple. I can only imagine his grief."

With the words spoken by Hermiel, a somber mood settled among those in the room, and all present dropped their gaze in empathy for what Jacob was enduring. The Lost Ones were just teenagers, summoned against their will to Trillia. Even though precautions were taken and Charnald had nearly begged them to join their cause, they could never have imagined the hardships that awaited them. But who was to blame? Was it the Kingdom of Rymis and its lacking leadership? Abaguo and his demonic cruelty? Or was it this world teetering on the brink, with its failing society? Perhaps it was orchestrated by an external force, one that remained unsuspected?

After a lingering moment of silence, Hermiel suddenly stood from his chair, bowing deeply as he said, "Your Majesty... Allow me to join the Lost Ones in Edra, please...

"But you're the last angelic human of the Kingdom! It would be suicide!" an official protested.

"I trust Lady Dasra implicitly. I do not question her expertise or her loyalty to you. This is why I solemnly request your permission to accompany the Lost Ones, to better assist and understand them... I wish to be there for them... Please... I need to make amends for my debt to Marshal..."

For the first time, all eyes turned to Hermiel, who had always managed to hide his emotions behind a stoic facade. But now, that mask slipped, revealing a face of sorrow and vulnerability. "Marshal was one of, if not the most extraordinary angelic humans to have ever lived. He was endlessly kind, wise beyond measure. His strength and determination knew no bounds, his selflessness, unparalleled. In his shadow, I feel unworthy of being called an angelic human... no one can ever truly be..."

"I understand your feelings, Hermiel," the King responded slowly, "but I must decline. Your presence is essential to the Kingdom."

In the midst of the stunned silence, Hermiel's emotions poured forth in a flood of tears, as he knelt before the King, baring the torment of his soul. From the deepest recesses of his being, a heart-wrenching narrative emerged. "I promised Marshal I would look after the Lost Ones. Those were the last words I ever said to him... I remember his kind eyes, staring intently into mine... He responded verbatim: 'Of course, Hermiel, I trust you. Protect our young saviors on their missions, okay?' Your Majesty, I beg you, grant me this one request! I want to make Marshal proud and honor his memory..."

King Rymis lowered his head, deep in thought. He faced a dilemma that demanded both sound judgment and strong leadership. But Hermiel's heartfelt plea and evident sorrow clouded his thoughts. Nevertheless, the King knew that either decision would come with consequences.

"Very well... I accept your request... you will accompany Gwendoline, Yanis, and Alora to Edra. Dasra will fill your position here."

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I will forever be in your debt..."

Charles once again shot Rymis a disapproving glance, clearly criticizing the King's emotional decision.