
The Lost One (English Version)

When Gwendoline commits suicide, she finds herself on Trillia in the company of four teenagers who have been summoned to fight a superior being in two years: Damahan. Together, they form the Lost Ones and quickly become invaluable assets to the government... On this fantastic planet, both modern and medieval, authoritarian and democratic, the Lost Ones will face many trials before confronting Damahan. Demons, elves, dragons, and especially humans, are far from what they thought they were. Humans, sometimes, will prove to be far more cruel than demons. They will learn the mysteries of this world, be at the heart of the plots and manipulations of the leaders, face increasingly powerful enemies. But above all, they must come of age and mature before experiencing the outcome of their adventure on Trillia. So, are you ready to follow their journey and discover the worst on Trillia? (Please note that the MC is girl, but it's not a romance!)

LordDVL · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
76 Chs


In the garden of the house, with the sun shining down and warming the surroundings, Jacob practiced his sword skills shirtless, showing off his well-built torso. His improvement in wielding the wooden blade was evident in the precision, speed, and fluidity of his movements. Hours had passed since he began training, evident from his drenched sweat and labored breath. The sun now reached its zenith, signaling the lunch hour.

"At last! I'm starving!" he exclaimed, making his way to the shower in his home.




Fresh from a rejuvenating shower and dressed in his signature black t-shirt and blue jeans, the thought of treating himself to a meal at a village restaurant crossed his mind. It would be a good way to unwind and appreciate life on this new planet.

"Time for some good food," he declared. Stretching out with a gentle grace, he headed towards the bustling street at the heart of the village. Leaving his house behind, he merged with the throng of busy villagers. As he moved, an unsettling feeling gripped him; the eerie sensation of being watched.

It feels just like that night in the forest...

His unease grew as he sensed a discreet figure tailing him. Cloaked in a long, black cape that concealed every feature, the mysterious figure exuded an eerie aura. Distinct black magic patterns adorned the cloak, adding to the sense of foreboding.

A distorted voice, almost digital in nature, echoed in Jacob's mind as if establishing telepathic communication: This is the second time our paths have crossed, Jacob Kalis! On our third encounter, you will join us.

The voice carried an undertone of madness. Hearing the intrusive voice, Jacob swiftly turned around, but the figure had already vanished.

What on earth was that? What does she want from me? he pondered, still in shock. Shaking off the unsettling encounter, he continued navigating through the crowd of bustling villagers.

Let's move past this... and focus on food.

Soon, the aroma of well-cooked dishes drew Jacob to a quaint tavern with weathered wooden shutters and a faded sign. Pushing open the doors with a mix of curiosity and anticipation, he stepped into the lively establishment. A cacophony of conversations blended with muffled laughter, making the atmosphere warm and inviting.

Under a wrought iron chandelier, a chalkboard displayed the day's specials. The highlighted dish was a mouth-watering marinade of meat and vegetables, complemented by a vibrantly colored Haradisian salad.

Jacob's eyes brightened, and a smile graced his lips as he settled down by the window, engrossed in the bustling scene around him. However, his attention was soon drawn to two men engaged in a heated argument.

"Watch your mouth! I won't stand here and let you badmouth my wife with tales of her with every man in the village!" the bearded man shouted.

"Watch how you talk about my wife, or you'll find my fist in your face!" the younger man shot back.

Jacob was taken aback; he'd thought people were more civilized in this world. Not wanting the dispute to escalate, he stood up, placing himself between the two, hoping to defuse the situation without resorting to force.

"Both of you, calm down! This is no way to settle disagreements, especially not in a public place like this," Jacob warned.

"Mind your own business, kid!"

"You're too young to interfere!"

"Look, you're in a public place; you can't just cause a scene here," Jacob admonished.

Suddenly, a young stranger appeared, garbed in a graceful white kimono. His slender form was gently outlined behind the bearded man leading the way. His face, enigmatic and veiled in mystery, was hidden from view. With confident strides, he placed a hand on the bearded man's shoulder and spoke with a voice both calm and steady:

"He's right, calm yourselves. You're supposed to be adults."

Whirling around, the farmer's face showed a mix of shock and recognition upon seeing the young man.

"Ma-Marshal? Is that you? My apologies! It won't happen again!"

Marshal stood with remarkable calmness and gravitas. His sparkling blue eyes exuded an inscrutable wisdom, yet they were softened by a hint of angelic gentleness. His hair, short and radiant, gleamed with an unmatched purity reminiscent of the finest silken threads.

"Leave. And see to it that it doesn't happen again."

The two men departed, heads down, amidst the disapproving stares of other villagers. Jacob faced Marshal, stunned by how the young man had diffused the situation without resorting to brute force.

"Jacob, right? Come dine with me. There's something we need to discuss."

"But... I don't know you."

"Oh, you do, just think about it."

As they sat down at a nearby table, Jacob noticed a badge decorating Marshal's kimono. This badge, a blend of divine inspiration and nature's beauty, featured a circle encompassing a blessed flame with angelic wings. Its delicate golden and silver hues, adorned with green floral patterns, made it a captivating work of art.

That's the same badge Hermiel has... Of course! This is Marshal Anabito! Hermiel spoke of him; he's another possessor of the angelic energy.

"You're... Marshal Anabito? The kingdom's second possessor of the angelic energy?"

"Exactly! So, you do remember."

"Why did you want to see me?"

"I won't beat around the bush... I need a student to teach my martial art. I don't have a successor."

Jacob looked surprised.

"You should focus on Yanis instead of me. He's better than I am, a true martial arts prodigy. He's mentioned mastering over a hundred different styles."

"I care little about how many martial arts your friend knows," Marshal sighed, "Jacob, I've seen something in you. You have an adaptability that transcends human limits."

"I see... Well, that makes more sense!"

"You're also incredibly determined and possess an extraordinary fighting spirit."

"How do you know all this?"

"My personal power relates to the human mind. I can read everyone, but I only use it when absolutely necessary, out of respect for privacy."

With a graceful hand gesture, Marshal beckoned the server, exuding an air of calmness. He then addressed Jacob, confidence radiating from him.

"Jacob Kalis, I know we've just met... But you can't imagine how long I've been searching for someone like you. Will you become my disciple?"

"You're indeed quick with your proposal... I'm always seeking to learn more, so why not... By the way, what does this art involve?"

"A demanding and rigorous swordsmanship technique. That's why I've found no one to carry it forward."

"That's fantastic! I was looking to learn more about such arts!"




After savoring their meal, Marshal and Jacob embarked on a tranquil stroll towards a dojo located just a stone's throw from the village. This martial haven was delicately framed by lush nature, bathed in the serene whispers of a crystalline river and the melodious harmonies of majestic birds singing in unison.

Upon reaching the threshold of the establishment, Marshal paused, gripping the door handle tightly.

"Remove your shoes before entering."

"Sure thing, no problem."

Jacob quickly complied without hesitation, placing his shoes gently beside the dojo's steps. Then, alongside his new instructor, he stepped into the sacred space.

"Thank you, Marshal. It's truly an honor to be mentored by an angelic human."

Once inside, Jacob was immediately struck by the dojo's unique design. Unlike most traditional dojos, this one boasted an open roof, allowing sunlight to filter through and bestow a warm, radiant ambiance. The harmony between the exterior nature and the inner martial sanctuary was breathtaking.

As he explored further, Jacob curiously noted portraits artfully drawn of individuals clad in kimonos, their style eerily reminiscent of Marshal's—the current dojo master. Each portrait seemed to capture the essence of the warrior's soul, emanating wisdom and mastery through their eyes.

The dojo's decoration didn't stop at artistic depictions of its ancestors. Wooden katanas hung on the walls, bearing witness to the ancestral art of weapon handling, adding an authentic touch of respect for ancient martial traditions.

The venue's ambiance was imbued with serenity and dedication to the combat arts. Jacob could almost feel the energy emanating from the walls, as if past generations of fighters had poured their very souls into the space.

"Let's sit," Marshal said.

Facing each other, Jacob and Marshal sat cross-legged.

"I'll tell you everything you need to know. Are you ready?"

"Yes, I'm all ears."

"I come from the Anabito lineage, a family crafted by mages, designed to serve and protect the King following a major conflict with Nerhel. It's based on a people from your world called the 'Japanese'.

"I noticed, from your surname and attire."

"Our martial art, Adaken, draws inspiration from the Japanese martial art known as 'iaidō'. The key difference is that each strike requires energy manipulated at the subatomic level."

"If that's the only difference, why can't anyone practice Adaken?"

"Watch closely," Marshal replied with a smirk as he stood.

He swiftly grabbed a steel katana nearby. Suddenly, a transformation overtook him. The energy radiating from Marshal felt almost mystical, transcending the mere human he once was. His gaze met Jacob's, who was now paralyzed by his master's overwhelming presence, fully aware that any movement could be lethal given Marshal's concentration and power.

What is this immense pressure? Is he doing this? It feels like my body's about to shatter!

Like a swift, piercing lightning bolt, Marshal cut through the air with his blade. For a brief, tension-filled moment, all was silent, broken only by the nearby stream's soothing murmur. Then, as if rising from the depths of space-time, a dimensional crack appeared where the blade had slashed. This otherworldly rift showcased the very foundations of the universe, leaving Jacob both awe-struck and stunned.

"You just created a tear in space?!"

"Yes. The overpowering angelic energy allows me to do so."

As Marshal reached towards the rift, white magical runes and symbols began to adorn the dimensional tear.

[Angelic Magic: Reborn]

The rift closed upon itself, with the runes and symbols fading away.

"There's another reason I chose you."


"Four years ago, I lost the ability to father children... making me the last of the Anabito. I don't want the Adaken to vanish with me... do you understand?"

"Yes, I do... Rest assured, I'm honored to learn it, and I'll ensure the Adaken legacy lives on, even after our battle with Damahan."


[An Undefined and Unknown Realm]

In a distant place, far beyond the confines of space and time, a striking scene unfolded. A shadowy figure, both serene and unsettling, sat upon a majestic throne, positioned against the backdrop of the remnants of a universe she had once obliterated.

The gaze of this enigmatic being bore a terrifying intensity, unambiguously revealing her destructive intent and insatiable thirst for power. Around her, a myriad of voices from varied horizons incessantly reached out, hammering commands into her ears.

"Strike her down now!" demanded a woman.

"Destroy her!" commanded a man.

"Stop wasting time, Damahan!" implored a child.

"Act now!" ordered an elderly woman.

"Seize her at once!" instructed an elderly man.

Damahan's deep, resonant voice echoed throughout the entire cosmos, causing an unprecedented cosmic tremor.

"Fret not, Founders. There's no point in sending Ergania to oblivion just yet. I patiently await as she completes her journey on that wretched planet and her power peaks," he stated.

As the enveloping darkness slightly receded, his face became discernible, unveiling an expressionless visage beneath deep crimson eyes and framed by long, white hair.

"Two years in my perception is but a blink. So, dear Gwendoline, continue. Enhance your skills alongside your comrades, so you might have a glimmer of hope to defeat me... Then, we shall see who emerges victorious in the end..."