
Chapter 3: Draven

The day was finally here. As I stood outside waiting for the carriages to arise, I heard the giant obsidian doors that leads to the inside of the castle complex open. " Draven! Draven!" I turn around to find my sister, Moonlight, running towards me, intent on tackling me with a bear hug. She is successful and the force of her hug causes me to stumble."Do you see all the carriages? They look so pretty!" She pointed to each carriage excitedly and started talking about each of them and the people they might hold. As she did so, I saw the first carriage roll up to the end of our circular driveway and halt. It was clearly from the Swamp kingdom, due to its color and materials. The door opened and a boy about as tall as I am stepped out. He had the look of a typical Swamp Dweller, darkened skin,black hair, and enough muscle to lift almost anything. Usually they were thought of as the brawns of the group, but could actually be quite intelligent when they want to be. "Hello," the boy stated. "My name is Marsh and I am here as the Swampdweller Council member. Would you be able to direct me to Prince Draven?"

"I am he," I replied. "It's nice to meet you, Marsh."

"Oh, Your highness," he stuttered, suddenly bowing awkwardly. "I didn't know it was you."

"It's fine. I was hoping that you would be able to join me and the other council members for a meeting later today?" I give him a pat on the back and he continues to walk toward the doors. Servants quickly gathered his things and hurried after him. I chuckle to myself. I had never left the Night kingdom, so I had never had the need to pack and transport luggage anywhere. The hustle and bustle of this always makes me laugh whenever traveling nobles come and visit. One day, I hope to travel and explore the continent that I call home. Unlike my father, I would visit the various tribes and make negotiations myself.

As the various carriages come and roll up, I count that 5 have gotten here so far. A Sandshifter, a Rainnative, an Oceantreader, a Skylander, and a Swampdweller. However, the Ice Nomad representative was nowhere to be seen. As soon as I had introduced myself to them and told them about the meeting, I turned around and started walking toward the doors. I had almost reached the doors when I heard my sister squeal and the sound of her running feet. I turned around to find that she had run straight up to the now present Ice Nomad representative and hugged her. I ran up after her and apologized.

"I'm sorry for my sister. She can be a little impulsive."

"It's fine," she laughed.My sister released her from a bear hug and ran up the steps and through the doors. She looked up at me and the first thing I noticed about her eyes. She had big dark chocolate brown eyes that looked like she could look into your soul and see exactly what was going on with you. "I love kids. They are so innocent and their main goal in life is to have fun and be loved. I wish I was that young again."

"However, kids grow up and mature," I replied. "Mature people are the ones that make all the decisions. Not children."

"Children can open our eyes to see things that are so simple that they fly over our heads." she protested indignantly. She may have a beautiful face, but her mind was as sharp as a two-edged sword.

"Touche," I admitted. I made up my mind that I liked her instead of finding her annoying. Not many people can combat with me and my tongue, so it is welcome when someone can put up with it. She is somebody that will a fine queen for the country and a fine wife for me. "What is your name? "

"Khione," she replied as she stuck her hand out toward me. I shook it and she smiled at me. I smiled back and suddenly felt a little queasy. I had little time to think about this feeling as another girl came out of the carriage and accidentally stumbled on the last step before coming out. "And this," she laughed as she pointed to the girl now beside her. "Is, Mynx."

"Nice to meet you," I replied. " I am Prince Draven." To my surprise, Khione didn't show any indication of recognition or having any intent of bowing like regular people would do. I could see that Mynx was trying to slyly signal to her to show some respect but Khione didn't do anything. I was disturbed by this but quickly regained my composure and asked, "We are having a Council meeting later today. I am hoping that you would be able to attend? Are you available?"

"Probably," she snickered, as if she was laughing at a private joke that only she knew. "I mean, my schedule isn't that full."

"Well , then it's settled. I will see you later today." I give her my most charming smile and walk away. As I walk through the doors and into the castle I am struck with the thought that I had just had my first encounter with my future bride. Or at least I hope so, I all goes according to plan. I opened the door to my room and thought that Khione entered my mind shocked me. I quickly shove that thought aside and open the scroll of Armageddon. I open it to a random page and I see the words ``A beautiful and powerful queen she will be. Her influence and guidance will make a powerful empire '' written on it. I knew that when Armageddon died, he had magicked it so that if you had a wish, the book would respond to it. It has been passed down through my mother's family for generations and it was now finally mine. I didn't know where it came from or who Armageddon was, but it didn't really matter. I shut the book with newfound knowledge and put it back in its place on my bookshelf.