
The Lost Hero's Guide

After the death of his mother, Liam found himself on a journey with no destination, with a stubborn company. Liam is quite unsure of what his goals are, maybe at the end of this journey, he'll find answers. While looking for the answer, Liam and his friends encounter monsters and unravel the secret of the war thousands of years ago and the hero who turned her back to the light for good.

Qingge_Liu · Fantasy
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3 Chs

A Will To Live

'What Am I going to do? Where will I go? How will I live?'

Liam screamed multiple questions in his mind. He does not have a plan or imagines a life outside the village. The young man sobs silently inside the room Albert had lent him. He is just one of the 3 survivors in his village and Liam wished that he should have died alongside them.

He wanted to scream, punch the wall, or threw himself off the window, but he cannot. He does not have a previous breathing problem but right now his airways are blocked. Liam takes deep breaths every three seconds. He clutched his chest trying to catch his breath.

'What did do wrong to deserve this? I did my best, I did nothing wrong, but why did fate take everything I'd ever had?'

Liam knelt on the floor and hugged himself, right now he doesn't have anyone else but himself, thus the comfort of his own is the only thing he can get.

The station is busier than usual after the attack. Liam's village is not the only one that got attacked, but there are 5 more, but Liam's village took the brunt of the ambush, south is the direction those ghouls came from.

Despite being busy Albert can't stop thinking about the boy, Liam is still young, barely an adult, and the loss of his only relative hit the boy hard. He hasn't left the room for 3 days after waking up. He tried giving him food but few bites from the bread and only the water were touched. He knew Liam is trying, he knew Liam needed help, but he does not know how can he offer it.

"Officer Quill, we have a report from the stationed guards in the gates of Dragons' chest village, a group of wraiths and ghouls are marching in the direction of the capital."

The statement made Albert freeze, an attack on the capital? Right away? He can't possibly, it's too early for everyone in the station to fight a war.

"Officer Quill, Should we-"

"Why, why are you asking me? Of course, go report this crap to the headquarters, hurry up."

Albert felt ashamed for shouting at his coworker who shuddered a little when he suddenly raised his voice, but who can blame him? He is not a high-ranking officer, he's just like them, why him, he doesn't want to carry any more guilt because of an impulse decision he shouldn't be making. Albert just wants to see how was Liam doing right now, definitely not better than him.

Liam woke up hours later after falling asleep while kneeling on the floor. He went to check the window if its day or night, but to his groggy eyes, the dark skies just indicates that its night time. For the first time n three days, Liam walked out the door with a robe on, he just wanted to blend into the night. While strolling he realized that something is very wrong. There are as many people active right now as it's the middle of the day, the vendors haven't closed, and the children are still around, but none seems to be happy.

"Excuse me," Liam tried as politely as possible. "May I ask what seems to be happening right now? I may have stayed in my room longer than I should have."

"I don't know boy, we only receive an announcement to evacuate, but of course vendors like me would like to take this as an opportunity. I just sold 2 boxes of dried fruits n 30 minutes." Liam thanked the vendor and decided to go to the officers' station to thank Albert.

While walking a cold and familiar feeling was over Liam in a second as he watched everyone run in the direction he came from.

"Run, RUN!!!!"

"Why didn't they inform us??"

Liam couldn't move, his body froze on the spot. There they are, the murderer of his mother and fellow villagers, those bloody ghouls whipping their tails and clawing into the skin of the unfortunate people who got caught up. Liam knew he isn't one of them, the lucky ones who managed to escape. As Liam fell butt first to the ground he knew what was coming to him, he was about to die, he simply closed his eyes.

"Are you dumb!!!" Liam's eyes flew open at the familiar voice. Albert with some of his coworkers came running to him. Liam felt Albert manhandling him again.

"Is this what your mother wants? Think William Thames, think." This time Liam had the energy to push himself up to look at Albert's face.

"How do you-"

"Just keep still there, we'll talk later."

"Let me down then."

"No, I can't trust you."

Liam resides to his fate of being carried once again on Albert's shoulder.

Their group tried to use the back gate but its also filled with monsters. It's official, they are stuck, and they are going to die, and it's all Liam's fault. After a little more complaining, Albert decided to put Liam down.

"I'm sorry, I feel like this is all my fault."

Liam sighed, trying to catch his breath. They all look at him as if he had said something so controversial.

"I think I know exactly why Officer Quill is so fond of you." One of the mumbled. "Both of you tend to self-blame on something you cannot control, it's very annoying, but it only shows how big your heart can be, and that's admirable."

"Ahh, i was really looking forward to knowing my new coworkers much better you all seem to be as good people, i just started yesterday and today is actually my last day right way, fate is too cruel." Another complained.

"It was an honor, working with each and everyone, may your journey in the afterlife, be more hopeful. Officer Albert Quill, signing off." Liam watched as everyone says their goodbye, Liam had no one to say goodbye to.

"I- I want to live," Liam does not what came to him, he does not have anyone, and his future s unsure, but why does their word make Liam feel something like this? " I really want to live, I don't know why, but I want to be hopeful."

Liam felt warmth in both of his hands and raised them towards the direction of the upcoming monsters.

"I want- I want to live, I might not know why yet, but I'll figure it out soon."

He managed to manipulate the mana in his body that he didn't know was there before. In his hands, he fired explosive projectiles of mana. He was baffled but thankful. He doesn't want to die yet, nor does he want everyone around him to meet their early end, it's too early.

"Wow, I didn't expect you have a lineage of mage."

" Neither do i."

They all managed to get out of the infested city. Outside the gates awaiting them are the royal soldiers, preparing to enter the city. Liam is thankful and he can tell that so is the others, Liam wants to live, he does not know why, but he'll figure it out.

The usage of mana made his body so tired, that he can't help but fall to his knees.

"Liam!!! Liam what's wrong, hang in there…"

To him, everything was all static, he can't recognize who was calling, but he knew Albert is there. Maybe a nap is alright, he just needs to close his eyes.

Liam collided with Albert's waiting arms, his coworkers are also worried and it took them quite some time to let Liam get checked by the medic.

All is well, no one is truly injured. Albert felt the fatigue rush into him as he relaxed, after this, he'll quit, life is too short, he wants to see the world, he wants to explore its beauty to the fullest, maybe he'll bring Liam, but today, he'll rest.

He closed his eyes hoping for a peaceful sleep next to where Liam lies asleep.

"Can you feel that?" One of the elders started.

"An ancient power? How could it be, Lady Callista was the last on to be blessed." Another female voice.

"Maybe the Gods felt like we needed help?" Another one, but from a child.

"No matter, send the young William here, I want to see what makes him special."