
The Lost Heir of the Dragon Throne

A young orphan, Aric, discovers he is the last surviving member of an ancient dragon-riding royal family. With the help of loyal companions and powerful allies, Aric must learn to control his powers and reclaim the throne from the tyrant who has taken over the kingdom.

Moses_Samuel_8864 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 17: The Dragon Heirs

The search for the true heirs to the Dragon Throne intensifies, drawing the attention of ancient dragon lords.

A Legendary Lineage

Aric and Aria's lineage as heirs to the Dragon Throne becomes the focal point of their journey. The ancient dragon lords, sensing the awakening of their power, begin to seek them out.

"Our heritage is more than a title," Aric reflects, his voice thoughtful. "It carries the weight of responsibility and power."

Aria nods, her gaze steady. "We must embrace our destiny," she affirms. "The dragons are our allies and our legacy."

The Awakening

The power within Aric and Aria continues to grow, drawing the attention of the dragon lords. These ancient beings, majestic and powerful, recognize the siblings as their true heirs.

A massive dragon, scales shimmering like polished metal, descends from the sky. "You are the chosen heirs," the dragon intones, its voice resonating with authority. "You carry the blood of the Dragon Emperor."

Aric steps forward, his eyes locked with the dragon's. "We accept our legacy," he declares. "And we will honor it."

A New Alliance

The alliance with the dragon lords strengthens the resistance, bringing powerful new allies into their fold. The dragons, with their unmatched strength and wisdom, offer guidance and support.

"We are stronger together," Aria observes, her hand resting on the dragon's snout. "The bond between us is ancient and unbreakable."

Aric nods, his expression resolute. "With the dragons by our side, we will face any challenge," he vows. "And we will prevail."