
The Lost Guardians

They were powerful,they were our only hope and they were lost

Shantal_Wafula · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter Three

Aurelio wasn't a bad boy. Well, not exactly. He tended to gravitate towards less than favorable tendencies frequently. Which to some people may mean addictions like drugs and sex and for Aurelio it was not much different because his was an addiction to toxic men. Yes, you heard me right . I really am addicted to toxic men. I don't know what it is about them that makes me drawn to them like a moth to a flame. My life before then , had been fairly simple . I studied at a private school, fully paid for by my parents , and graduated with a degree in electrical engineering later when i went to a prestigious university in another country . It wasn't too long after I came back that s*** hit the fan .

I had just finished unpacking my bags into my room and had opened my laptop to apply for a job that I felt something bad was going to happen.

This kind of thing usually have been to me i sent enough that i could no sort of consulate . I was touching my ex's laptop so that meant that whatever was going to happen would be in relation to him. I tried to think about what could go wrong with a guy who was several countries away that could possibly affect me here but i drew a blank . That was until I heard a knock on the door . I heard the heavy thuds of the house manager's footsteps as she went to open the door .

"Who are you?" She asked in her gruff yet gentle voice.

"Blaise Bambuka, pleasure to meet you,"he said and Aurelio envisioned his bow paire with a smug smirk. The bastard knew his charm was effective and he used it to get the many boyfriends and girlfriends he had. Just thinking of his sleazy, pompous self made Aurelio want to combust.

The door clicked shut as he was welcomed in. Aurelio shook his head. He hadn't heard how he had introduced himself.

He silently unlocked his door and crept down the stairs to peek into the living room.

His parents had just come in, expecting to find out the identity of their mysterious visitor.

Blaise introduced himself again and stated that he wished to speak to me .

My parent,being as curious as any normal human being pointed out that he was not from around there and enquired on his origins.

He told them we studied together in school and I silently cursed him in my head.

"Please call our son to the living room," my mother said to the house manager as she sat down to continue engaging in the conversation, already sufficiently charmed.

"You seem to be very good friends seeing as he told you exactly where he lives,"

She said conversationally and Aurelio spun on his heel and went back to his room to pack. Whatever Blaise would answer would no doubt incriminate him unforgivably so he might as well prepare himself.

"Young master,your presence is required in the living room," the house manager said with her head down as she stood at his open doorway.

She never questioned him in all his life,even when he was a baby.

He vaguely wonders if it is because it is stipulated in the contract or if it was just her nature.

"Thank you, I am on my way, " he said as a way of dismissal.

She curtsied and left. Finishing his packing, he held his duffel bag and confidently walked to the living room.

"Blaise! What are you doing here?" I said, acting surprised.

I knew exactly what type of person he was. He was either here to spill my secrets or to blackmail me because he needed my service in one way or another or just for fun.

I looked into his eyes and he smiled brilliantly at me .Blackmail it was then.

"Your classmate needs help with something," his father explained.

I was not going to be blackmailed again

"Dad, did he tell you what he does?" Aurelio asks in an emotionless voice.

"He said he studied with you, why would I ask him what he does?" His father answered, clueless.

His mother,the sharper one of the pair,caught onto his implication that they did not study together and turned to Blaise.

"Well,young man? You heard his question," his mother demanded.

Blaise kept silent to make it seem like he was on Aurelio's side but he was not going to fall for his tricks again.

"Mother," he started, "Alongside my degree in electrical engineering, I took a course in,a major to be specific in interior design."

"But you can't take two majors at once," his father said.

"I didn't, I took a major and a minor." He answered .

"That means... How could you, Aurelio?"

"That's not even the worst part." I said.

"I used the excess money to buy drugs, rent an apartment with a guy I met in a gay club,who just happens to be him. He convinced me to do most of it but in the end the decision was mine. What are you gonna do now?"

I asked. The question was directed to both my parents and Blaise.

My father's face scrunched up in anger.

"How dare you?"

"How dare I follow my passion or how dare I express my sexuality?"

"We did not raise you to be like this," his mother said,"If you choose to live by your own rules,then you deserve to live under your own roof."

Expecting as much, I took my bag and turned to the door.

I was biting my tongue to keep from saying anything that would make me sound petulant which I knew was how my parents thought of me.

I heard a scoff behind me which was quickly covered by a cough but it stopped me in his tracks.

Spinning on my heel, I walked to Blaise ,lifted him by the collar with one arm and once he was standing,I slapped him across the face twice,took him by the ear and dragged him out with him.

I closed the door gently behind me before slamming Blaise into the ground with the weight of my bag and some miraculous strength I seemed to possess.

I stepped onto his chest and bent down to make eye contact.

"I don't ever want to see you waste of space ever again, make sure I don't, or else," I then walked off ,heeled shoes clacking behind me and making more noise than my suitcase's wheels.

I booked myself into an inn that night and when I went to get a drink and the bartender told me that I looked like I needed to have some stress released, I asked him what he had in mind.

He gestured to the single earring I had in my left ear and asked me.

"You swing both ways?"

Confused, I asked what my earring had anything to do with it. He said it was how my kind were identified in the underground club,which he referred to as Ecstasy.

Deciding to ignore how insulted I felt, I asked if that was only what I needed to get in and left to go put my bags in my room.

I took a hot shower and took my sweet time choosing my clothing.

I wanted to dress to impress on that night.

Walking into the bathroom again where the mirror was I really liked how I looked.

I was wearing a green polo neck paired with black jeans that hugged my legs in all the right places and shining combat boots.

My dirty blonde hair was messily styled and my sea green eyes popped against the black eyeshadow.

I knew I was handsome and I wasn't modest about it.

I walked out of the room,locked my door and put the keys on top of the door knowing I would loose them if I went with them.

I walked into the club just as the clock struck nine and went directly to the bar .

"A martini, please," I said.

"Coming right up," he said.

While I waited for my drink,I scanned the bar ,looking to see if someone would pique my interest.

No one really did ,as usual so he turned back to watch the bar tender who was shirtless and doing his work very effectively.

As I stared at him some more,I realized he was the same person at the reception.

Was it a coincidence?

I took three more glasses of my drink and continued to stare until I eventually got bored.

I turned around and suddenly I felt a breath tickle my nape as a voice in my ear said.

"That guy over there is staring," it says and an arm goes over my other shoulder as he points to a certain black haired blue eyed buff guy.

I shiver as the scent of his cologne and his proximity and his breath and his husky voice turn my brain into mush and my body into a live wire.

"He looks too much like my ex,"I say absentmindedly,already leaning into his touch.

He laughs and I feel weak in the knees.

F*** am I being drugged?

The terror of that happening sobers me up a bit and I manage a weak.

"Go back to work you hunk," I say.

He laughs again before pulling back and starts mixing a drink for some other guy.

My head starts to clear and I take another tiny sip of the drink to make sure it wasn't the drink and it was just my mind playing tricks on me.

Sadly it wasn't and by the time I realized,the fifth glass was already into my system.

He stood up on shaky feet and someone helped him up.


"No need for that, you'll thank me later,"the man said.

That could have easily been the worst night of my life,had a black haired ,blue eyed man not come to my rescue, beating the two men,the bar tender and the other one ,black and blue.

"Come on ,drink this," he said as he helped me stagger out of the room I had been dragged into.

"Is this milk?" I asked.

"No," the man answered curtly.

After I drank the liquid,I helped the man pack my things and we left with him.

We took a cab to a gem house that looked very pretty.

I chose an emerald room and went to sleep. Feeling very comforted.