
Shadow Monarch

After his encounter with Weiss, he marched to the doors of Headmaster Ozpin's office. Suther did his usual greeting as well as his employer. Yet Ozpin sounded different. He could feel a disturbance coming from him. It was clear that something dire had happened.

"Suther, do you know who and what this is?" Ozpin said. He gave him a dossier of a person that has probably transmigrated to this world. The file has a clear picture of said person's face. He is a handsome and muscular young man with gray eyes, black hair, and sharp facial features. Standing beside him is something that looks like a soldier emitting a dark energy with a glowing purple touch.

Ozpin then added "This particular fellow seems to be somewhat like you. Appearing out of the blue with no information regarding his birth and relatives. I want you to bring this person to Beacon Academy. But first, you will have to give a detailed report of his abilities based on your observation."

Suther queries. "Where was his last known location, Headmaster?"

He answers. "We don't know yet, but based on his movements. It suggests that this person is about to reach the commercial district. You may have enough time to encounter him if you leave now."

*This man in the file has some strange power within him. It's like semblance but it has a sinister aura surrounding it. I may have to eliminate him whether he poses a threat to the school or not... Wait, what about my classes that I'm about to teach?* The string of thought led him to the issue concerning his duty as a professor of Beacon.

"Headmaster, what about my classes?" He tells the Headmaster.

"I have that covered. A substitute will be taking your place for about 3 days or so. That should be enough time for departure, reconnaissance, and return back to Beacon. So please, investigate this person. Not for my sake but for everyone." A sincere request, not like his previous one. He could tell that this was a matter of great importance to him.

He replied. "I'll see what I can do." answering his request.

"Thank you Suther." Ozpin expressed his gratitude. He leaves the room with a dossier in hand.


The afternoon sun reigned over the blue sky.

Suther with his God arc in back is now at the outskirts of Forever Falls, tracking the trail that leads to the Commercial district. He touches the footprint, only for his hand to be repelled by some sort of semblance-like energy seething. He looks over the rest of the footprints that fade with each mark as it leads to the district that Headmaster Ozpin assessed to be his predicted location.

"Looks like I'm not too far from my target." Suther contemplated. He then marched his way to the Commercial district to find his person of interest.

Upon reaching the district, he went to the highest spot to gain a vantage point. Turning his head left and right to find him. Within a few minutes, he saw his target.

At a lone coffee shop, he spotted the man in said dossier, relaxing and drinking coffee at a balcony, watching the horizon like a sage. The person was wearing a long black cardigan with a white shirt underneath, slim pants, and black air force 1 shoes.

He drops down from his post and arrives at the door of the shop. He enters and orders a cold brew of coffee to lower his recipient's suspicion. Nothing happens as time passes by.

The target pulls out something that bears a striking resemblance to a smartphone. Seeing this, he could not help but stare sharply at it. Because it is a gadget used from his world.

Scrolling, pressing, tapping, testing. The target was doing everything he could do to contact someone. Knowing that all possible contact is lost, he threw the phone away through the window.

*I feel your pain buddy. You're not the only one.* He sympathized, a small tear flowed down the God eater's cheek. His target stands up and leaves the Coffee shop. Seeing as his Coffee is not finished, Suther stayed knowing that wasting food is for the over privileged. So he remained longer than he should. Doing this, his target's suspicions vanished. Afterwards, he paid for the brew and left as well.

Just as he left the premises of the shop, another track appeared on the ground. Fresh and ripe.

Suther examines the energy. It was the same one that was left. However, the direction was different. It leads towards the Forever Falls. *Are you trying to guide me?*


He is once again at Forever falls. The red leaves were falling, the wind swaying the trees, the light that passed between the small spaces of the flora. The spitting image of a scarlet equinox. Suther could find himself relaxing just by walking past this scarlet tainted forest. This event seems to last until death when suddenly.

The magical ambience was silenced.

From the sky, a dark dew of the sun descended and aimed for the neck. It dropped over him for a quick strike. Since he knew that something was going to happen, he pulled out the God arc with haste and countered. Suther's deploys his shield and receives a blow that has the same strength as an Aragami.

Their clash caused the leaves to flutter sporadically, as well as erase the darkness that cladded the warrior. It revealed to him, a man close to his age.

With power similar to that of a monster from a bare handed arm and a weapon designed to devour Gods, they forcefully repelled each other. Creating a distance between them. The silence disappeared and the muted rustling of leaves started to make sound again. As they recover from their respective collisions.

A stare down occurs.

The target looked at him from head to toe while fidgeting his daggers. In the meantime, Suther stared at his face like a true gentleman. He then initiated his first conversation.

"Greetings! My name is Suther, care to tell me what's yours?" Suther politely said.

The target was taken back a little bit, seeing as he was the first person to act with logic. "You are the first to act rationally upon meeting me. I should humor you. My name is Sung Jin Woo."

A Korean name. No one in Remnant has a Korean name. It is now certain that this target of his is from another world but he can't expect it to be the same as the Aragami infested universe. He then said bluntly and without warning. "Are you also from another world?"

Sung Jin Woo is now left stupefied by his words. What's more prominent from his words is 'Also'. Suggesting that he isn't the only one who is transported into this world. He asks hastily to the person he fought. "There are others?"

"None that I can discern, except you and me. There may be more, but I can't say for sure." Suther casually says, he then added. "So, care to join me?"

"To where? An organization?" He asks

"Close, but not far. It's an academy called 'Beacon', that teaches students how to become Hunters." Suther replied.

"Hunters!?" That word caught his attention. Hunters in his world seem to be a common sight to see. "So you're telling me that there is a school that teaches children how to become Hunters?"

"It may be similar to your world's hunters. They hunt monsters for money, fame, and power. Everything is within a hunter's reach, you just have to be good enough. Once you're too old to fight, you can just teach the younger generation." He briefed him.

Sung Jin Woo started to contemplate his situation. *My main source of income is from the bandits I defeated yesterday. I could eliminate monsters as a source of income but I would need a license which could become a hassle if they assess my abilities. I've already put my hunting career to the past so the only thing left is to teach the younger generation. He did say I could become a teacher from the school he told me about. Is this a second chance at life? Looks like my next destination is decided.*

"You said I can become an instructor. Will you let me take that role?" He requested.

Suther replied. "Unfortunately, It's not in my power to make you an instructor for the school, but a certain someone can."

Sung Jin Woo sighed a breath or relief. His worst fear of becoming a beggar was put to the past. One thing came to his mind before he was led to his expected role in society. A last bout before the storm. "But before that, will you honor me a worthy battle?"

He did not reject his request. Suther fully accepted it without question. "Gladly."

They both took a battle stance. Sung Jin Woo materializes his daggers while the God Eater shifts his weapon into Swashblade form.

A great battle is about to take place.