

Under the veil of smoke and ash stood two forms.

A mentor and a student in a cemetery where heroes of old lie quiet and unmoving.

One shouted. A voice that demanded answers.

"WHY!" Suther shouted to his mentor, lying on the ground while his back lies on the interface panel. "You've never told me the reason for this madness. Was Our Bond A Complete Lie!?" With each word he uttered, his voice sharpened and volume spiked. Cutting the heart on the person he respected the most. "ANSWER ME DAEMOS! WAS IT ALL A LIE!?"

No one.

There was no one left.

The last major stronghold of humanity fell like toy blocks. Suther has lost his friends, family, comrades and his home. This is the boiling point, his rage can be felt by not only his mentor, but also the Aragami surrounding him. None dared to move.

Even with all the strength that he acquired and defeating the strongest known Aragami, "Bhagavaan Pita", it was not enough to surpass the greatest evil that Humanity could conjure. Daemos, his teacher, planted seeds of traitors, confused the masses, prolonged the systematic conflict, and plundered supplies just for this very moment.

Behind Daemos is a portal that leads to either somewhere or nowhere.

She has successfully recreated the same project that could have saved humanity by escaping to another dimension. Most of the board thought that it was impossible since it required a Calamity class Aragami core to at least power it for an hour. Hence why Daemos lured an Aragami of that class to use it as a source but sadly, it will definitely destroy his home.

Yet she did anyway, knowing that all of Daemos' life will turn to flames and debris.

Daemos knew that Suther and his team could defeat Bhagavaan Pita, she was sure of it. All that is left after he slays the Aragami is to use its core as a source.

With a dying voice she delivered to him

"Remember what I told my brother at the bar? I'm sure you remember it since you were eavesdropping." She asks him. "Suther will be the seed of hope. That Hope is not to be meddled with by the Fafnir Commission since we are the ones that perpetuated this madness. I will not let them shoulder this world's blunder to a single person. Humanity has already lost."

What she said popped a nerve. The moment it did, all of the Aragami ran away. A surge of wind bursted out of him, Suther pointed his blade at her, making him look intimidating


He dashed sprightly with his sword in a stabbing form.

Daemos stands in front of the portal with her arms open, ready to take the blow.

With one quick move, Suther stabbed his teacher through the stomach. Causing her to bleed out a waterfall of blood with a hint of Oracle cells.

She holds his face with her palms stained in blood. Daemos then whispered close to his ear. "Because I love you more than Humanity."

Daemos grabs the collar of his attire and then throws him into the portal.

The blades slide out, allowing more blood to flow out. Life fled from her body as she dropped down to the floor.

Darkness embraced him. Just like he thought, it led to nowhere. Suther doesn't know if there is time or even space in this darkness. He is all alone with his thoughts, regretting and dying inside. The pain of remembering his past scars his mind, constantly reminding him that he could have done better, could have done more.

As soon as tears formed, that darkness fades away. Paving a way for a different kind of darkness.

The darkness of the night.

He is now falling down.

Suther was too mentally damaged to do anything, even moving his body proved to be difficult.

He landed down to the soil. The impact made a crater as big as him and caused a large dust cloud.

Obviously, he survived.

His God arc the "White March" is acting strangely quiet. It is feeling what he is feeling.

Suther stared at the night sky, a new experience burned on his eyes.

He pulls out a letter from his pocket. This poem was passed down to him by his father, it was worth a shot in reading again since there was nothing left. He opens it up and begins to read.

"I break and mend, I snuff out perpetuality. I hunt down, drawn to misery. Not real, but still me. And frit and fraught with thought, and zest and gest, no blunt woes. Dodge, duck, flash, shoot, crawl, run, crush the vile and evils of your past. Cry not, try not, do not hold out hope. My life, my aim will save those with soul and heart. That is all I am."

Suther thought to himself. *Father... May your kind words guide me through this new life.*

He pulls out a lighter from his pocket and begins to burn it. Suther doesn't need to hold on to such things nor prove to anyone.

There is no one here that knows him. He is free to become something else, to move on from the past beyond the present.

Suther will be who he wants to be.

Just beside his peripheral vision, he could see a pack of Beowolves circling him like a predator to its prey.

*I guess I was too busy thinking that I didn't even notice it.*

He told himself.

One of them moved forward, then started to pounce on him. His God arc reacted and turned into its devour form and ate it whole while it was still in mid-air.

He is now in burst status, energy pulsed through like a drug that pulls him at his highest.

Suther stands up and stances himself. Using his voice, he proclaimed.

"Be it God or Monster, I will devour all that stands in my way."

He alights on the battlefield with a new purpose in life.