
Missing it so badly

In the previous chapter, we read that Mr. Henry made the announcement that he has enrolled the kids in school Then everyone continued the rest of dinner quietly. After dinner, everyone went to their rooms. After a while, Robert came to Robin's room. He knocked for a while then Robin opened the door, Robert asked:

Robert: What happened? Why did you take the time to open the door?

Robin: I was just thinking about something

Robert: About what?

Robin: Not something important, Anyway you came at this hour, is anything wrong?

Robert: No! I am just used to sleeping with my roommate in the orphanage. May I come in?

Robin: Yeah! Sure, you can also sleep with me, If you are missing it so badly

Robert: That would be great!

Then Robert goes into Robin's room and closes the door. They went to bed together and started chatting

Robert: You didn't tell me what you were thinking about so deeply

Robin: You will not leave it, huh?

Robert: Yes I will not