

After Ace made sure he anchored his ship near the island edge, but with the island being so tall and no beach in sight, Ace Decided to be extra safe and got his extra anchor and shot it inside the landmass in front of them.

"That should do it." Ace said as he cleared his hands from dust.

"Alright, let us get going!" Blue got his Dora the Explorer outfit and started asking Moana "Where is the island?"

Mona looked at him as if he was a retard "it is right behind you." She said with a frown.

"...where is the island?" Blue asked again. Ace hit him on the head "Enough, we will climb up

"Well, good luck with that," Maui spoke as he sat behind on a chair getting a sunbath.

"Aren't you coming with us?" Moana asked with a worried expression.

"Uh uh, no way. Not again." Maui shook his head.


"Someone needs to watch the ship." Maui interrupted her.

Ace and Genie looked at each other, Ace walked up and took Maui's hook and tied it to his back. Seeing this, Maui clicked his tongue.

Moana sighed "You know, you started this, so you have a responsibility to make this right." She walked up to Maui and spoke to him.

Maui recalled what is inside this island and he hesitated "...No..."

Moana looked at the unflinching Maui and was sad "...My grandmother was wrong...you are no hero." She said as she walked back to join and Ace and Blue.

Maui's ears twitched "Excuse me?!!" He shot up from his chair and walked towards Moana "I am not a hero? Please! If I was no hero, then nobody is, Maui, the demi-god is the truest hero of all, everybody calls my name when they are in distress!"

Moana was a little bit shocked at his reaction, but then an idea struck in her head "...Not anymore, after your last blunder, you are nobody's hero."

"What?!" Maui couldn't believe his ears.

Ace and Blue wat down to watch the show, being at the sidelines, they have an idea where Moana was taking this.

"In my village, my grandmother used the term "was a hero" to talk about you, but she never said "He is a hero", you probably now get the idea." Moana walked closer to Maui and smiled "You are not a hero anymore."

"B-but I am Maui, the demi-god..." Maui was having a mental breakdown.

"But..." Moana then spoke seeing that Maui got affected, she smiled "You could rise again to be a hero if you return the heart and save the world, everyone will call your name..."

Maui started imagining the crowd of people chanting his name "Maui, Maui, Maui, Maui~" but those voices soon faded and returned to Ace, Moana, and Blue chanting his name instead "You so amazing!!!"

Maui shook his head "Alright, kid. You have convinced me, let us go and return that heart, Maui the Demi-god is the one to save everyone!" Maui walked with confidence.

Moana got excited 'Yes!!' she thought.

"Take this then." Ace throws him his hook, Maui caught it and smiled "Thanks!" He said.

The floor ground of this island is still far up, it will be a long climbing, Moana come." Ace called for Moana to come near him.

"What?" Moana walked to Ace and without notice, Ace picked her up and put her on his back "W-what are you doing?" Moana asked embarrassingly.

"We don't have all day, little girl, the flame boy is doing the right thing." Maui jumped off the ship and punched his hand inside the massive landmass and started climbing up.

Ace jumped up too and climbed up. Genie followed up levitating with his lower body turning into smoke.

"Well, that's not fair," Maui spoke seeing Blue having it easy.

"Hah!! Peasants!" Blue smirked.

The group kept on going up, climbing to reach the up high ground floor of this island.

Seeing that the journey will take a while, Ace decide to ask "So...This island, Jutengrad. What is it all about?"

"The center of the world, Home for all mythical beings, and a passage to the afterlife." Blue spoke, "And one more thing, this Chunk of land that we are climbing is nothing compared to the real thing." He said.

Ace frowned and Moana spoke "Why? Isn't this the center of the world."

"Little girl..." Maui said as he leaped up fast to get a better hold and climb "This but the entrance to the center of the world, we just said that there are Titans and mythical beings, do you think that the world would be safe of such thing lived in an open island like this?"

Moana thought for a moment and sighed with a frown "Fair enough." She said.

"When we reach the top, we will have to enter through a barrier that immediately puts us inside the real island." Blue continues "Just be careful though, we don't know which location will we be ported to."

"Alright..." Ace confirmed.

The group kept on climbing up for a long time. By the time they reached the top, it was already midnight, and that is to say that the two who were climbing were very special, one was a demi-god and the other was a powerful fighter.

"Whew!!" Ace sat down to catch his breath "This thing is taller than the Red Line!" He spoke.

It was a long journey up, when Ace stood up to see where they are now, he opened his eyes at the most beautiful scenery in the world, in front of him, at the ocean, Clear night sky illuminated by shining Red and Blue stars reflecting on the vast ocean below "wow!" Ace couldn't help but speak those words.

"I know, right?" Blue chuckled.

"It is just as grandmother described it!" Moana teared up seeing the scene from her grandmother's stories.

"Don't get hung up on that, we still have a long journey inside this bad boy," Maui said as he tapped on a magical barrier behind them.

"Oh shut up!" Blue spoke.

"But he is right...let us go," Ace added as he cracked his neck, it was stiff from all that climbing.

"Shouldn't we rest before going in?" Moana asked as she got her spear ready.

Maui shook his head "Don't worry, I have a place we can rest inside, night time is the perfect time to travel the island, most of the dangerous beings would be sleeping, I just hope we get ported to an easy location."

"Alright, alright, everybody grab hands so we won't get separated." Blue clapped his hands and reached for Ace's hand and Maui's, no way was he going near the coconut head.

With that, everyone stepped inside the barrier, a flashlight blinded them as they walked inside, no sooner, they found themselves inside a foggy forest.

"Well, this is new..." Maui spoke as he looked around him.

Ace sensed around them and found no dangerous living beings, only trees. "This should be safe..." He said, "Let us continue."

"Yes," Blue said as he shrunk down and sat on Ace's should. Ace walked forward, the fog got thicker and thicker the more he walked.

"Stay close everyone." Ace spoke as he felt this wasn't right.

"Aah...Ace?" Blue spoke in a worried tone as he poker Ace's cheek.

"What?" Ace asked looking at Blue. When he looked, he noticed that Moana and Maui were nowhere to be found.

"..." Ace felt like an idiot, 'Did I just lose sight of two people who were with me a few seconds ago, what am I? Zorro?' he thought.

"Ace!" And at that moment, Ace heard his name getting called, not by Blue, not by Maui or Moana.

But Ace can recognize this voice anywhere, it is a voice that gave him nightmares and sadness for years.

Ace looked in front of him to see a beautiful woman in a white dress, Pink hair with a red rose on its side, a white beautiful skin with freckles.

Ace's eyes widened at the sight of her "No..." He mumbled.



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