
The Lost Empire

A world of ranked species, one which was destroyed. Has a new problem on the rise. A cursed leader with domination on the mind is ready to take over. Four young adults are to be the saviour of this disaster. Can they do it or will this be the end?

LoveSmoore · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs


As Tira took off towards Blightson, Reginald was approached by someone. This someone wanted Tira dead because of her power. Reginald knew that he didn't have much time. It was fight or flight. Stay or go after Tira. He chose the latter knowing deep trouble laid ahead. He took off crashing through bushes, fallen branches, scaring wildlife before bursting through into the village. His eyes flicked to the left then the right. No sign of Tira. This was no good. He walked for what seemed an hour. When his gaze fell upon The Bass Boutique lingerie shop. The first B of Bass had fallen off giving the name a more fun look.

*Jingle Jangle*

'Hello and welcome to... Sir this... I believe you want the tavern or Inn. Just four buildings down Harble Way on the left is Farleys Drunken Doozer Tavern. And two buildings down Equezo Lane on the left is Valeri's Nocturnal Weeps Inn.'

"I know that. I'm here looking for someone. She has green eyes midnight black hair about mid length.'

"Her?" Points to Tira

'Oh yes exactly her.'

"Ma'am? Do you know this gentleman?"

Tirabelle shakes her head ' I wish I didn't.'

Reg holds out his elbow 'I am so estatic that you are back with me.'

'Don't say dumb shit and we'll be just fine Nald.'

"I understand completely."

'Let's just go.'

"To the Inn then?"

'Yeah guess so"

Walking down Equezo Lane, they head for the Inn.



' How did you know I would be there?'

"When your mad you like to look at sexy things."

'That seems dumb.'

"It isn't. That is just your way of calming yourself down."

'Oh alright.'

*Jingle Jangle*

By this point it's late evening about 7pm.

People are chatting, having a dinner and playing chess. Reg and Tira walk up too the counter.

Tira calls out to behind the counter. 'Hello?'

"Hello. How can I help you?" The voice came from an older man. About sixty, he had gray hair with white streaks and he had laugh lines, so its known he was having a good life.

°Oh I hope I am not about to ruin this mans life.°

Reg looks at the man and says " We were looking to get a room for the night."

"Well I can downright do that for ya. Single or seperate?"

Tira inquires 'Single or seperate?'

He laughs " Would you like to share a bed or have your own?"

She blushes 'Oh. Um, what is the cost difference?

"Single is 45 Dukles and the Seperate is 50 Dukles."

Reg chimes in " We'll take the single."

Tira shoots him a glare.

He laughs again. "Don't think she likes the idea bud."

"That's okay. She just doesn't understand that as soon as we're married she'll have to lay next to me anyway."

"Well congratulations. *Looks at Tira* You seem to have a caught a good catch."

She glances to the floor and blushes harder. ' Yes I believe so.'

He shows them to the room. It was grand. High ceilings and roman columns in all four corners of the room. A stained glass window with three extra matching windows on the far wall. The bed was dressed with silk sheets and had about 10 pillows. The color of the wall was a creamy gold.

'Oh this is beautiful!' Tira exclaimed as she clapped her hands together.

"Yeah its gorgeous. But why would he put us. Oh nevermind."

'He gave us the honeymoon suite!'

" Yeah. So it looks like we have food in here so we don't need to buy any. That saves some money."

'How much do you have still?'

"I have 20 Galems and 15 Dukles."

'Enough for a carriage ride?'

"Most likely not. A lot of carriages are 20 Dukles at the least."

'So what do we do?'

"Well enough for now. Let's get some sleep. We need to be up before 5:30am. For my idea to work."

'Well alright. My life is in your hands.'

They begin to settle down for the night. Reg cooks up some steaks and makes it with corn and potatoes.

Tira asks 'Can we take the food? Like the canned food?'

"I don't see why not."

They find a satchel and begin to put canned food in it. Tira found someones old purse. It was decent size, just a little smaller than the satchel. She filled it with pastry and snack bars and some trail mix. And she put a container of water into her purse. After finishing that, they ate and laid down for the night.

*Birds chirping*

5:15am. Tira and Reg are outside of the stables.

'Reg what are we doing here?'

"What do you think? We need a ride and here it is."

Reg calmly walks over to a grey and white horse. He then went and got a saddle and put it on her. He thought it was a her. After getting that settled. A loud bang came from down the street. About where the Inn was. Reg hopped on the horse, pulled up Tira and took off. They got around 30 miles away when arriving at Dragonstone.

'Welcome to Dragonstone. Home of Dragon Slayers?'

"Yep. Great motto. Am I right?" He gave a nervous laugh.

Entering the town caused some issues. Everyone knew Tira and what she was. Dragonstone was pretty much a death trap! Life couldn't be better. They got to the gate and was almost ambushed by people dressed as dragons.

'Nald Let's get out of here!'

"On it!"

They turned and bolted. They reached a fork in the road. Right to Hedforge. Left towards the Deadly Desert. Horrible name choice for the desert that kills you right? Anyway. They went left. About 20 miles in Reg knew something wasn't right.

"We went the wrong way."

' Damnit. More bullshit to add to our plates.'

" Sorry sunshine. We have to stop and make camp here. Calype needs to rest."

'That's what you've named the horse.'

"Yep, sure did."

After setting up the makeshift camp. Just a campfire and tying Calype to a tree. They made some green beans and ate. Tira took a nap while Reg took watch. Reg saw in the distance the way they came a caravan of people. Hopefully not bandits as they're known to roam this trail. As the caravan got closer Reg knew it was time to go. He packed everything, tossed a half awake Tira onto Calype, untied her and took off. No bother in putting out the fire.

*Caravan POV*

'Hmm. Someone was here.'

"Yes, my lord."

'Keep following. I want the girl. Kill the boy if need be."

"Yes, Lord Duncan."

An evil smile plastered his face as he got back in the carriage.