
The Lost Drifters

Erosyia, the realm of humanity. One of blood, hate and fear of all that is unknown. For all of humanity fear what is hidden beyond the veil, fear of the inhuman creatures that come from the it. Such as it was for two girls living amongst them, though what they fear is all too different. But for Aria, everything was always black and white. The life she once lived there was no other way to see it. But loss has a knack for change, and hers was no exception. Forced to flee, she now lives a impoverish life in an unfamiliar realm. None of the old privileges to lean on, but also none of the old confines to hold her back. Its in this new world, she gains her taste of freedom, living amongst those who’d spite her if they knew who she truly was. Day by day, she pushed herself further, seeking what had always been held from her and she relished its taste every day. However, a misstep now puts herself and those she cares for in danger. Now, scarlet robes march the streets, armed with red fire and silver symbols. Hunting them. Together, they must flee, for if their secret is found, no old privilege will save them.

dragonfyr3 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

20 Seasons Pass (13)

Rhosyn stopped, anger swelling up in her. "Let her go this instant!"

"And I will, if you come quietly." The cold faced man drew a serrated dagger from his belt. "I am a sellsword, devil. I'm just here for your kind, not for little girls."

Saffir fought against the sellswords grip, stopping only when the dagger was at her neck. "clearly you give a damn about her. So, what is it going to be?"

Rhosyn clenched her fist, feeling her nails cut into her palm. She looked at Saffir, who shrunk away from the vicious looking dagger and felt shame. It was her fault she was in this position, it was her fault that she now had a blade to her throat. She hung her head and pulled down her hood, letting her snowy locks tumble into view.


The sellsword gestured with his head. "That's a knife-ear alright." He commented, using a human insult. "Agg, get some bindings on her and a gag."

"Right boss." He said again, moving quickly.

The sellsword sighed and cut Saffir free. "The deal is done, lets bring her in."

Saffir immediately pulled the rag out of her mouth. "Wait, don't take her away! Please."

The sellsword shrugged as he calmly watched Rhosyn be binded. "I just doing what I am paid to do, little girl. Unless you plan to pay me more for her, your whining is on deaf ears."

Saffir clutched at his mailed arm as he pulled Rhosyn away. "but she didn't do anything wrong, sir!"

The man opened his mouth, but whatever he went to say was never spoken as a troop of black robed priests came into view. The sellsword turned to face the group, brandishing Rhosyn in front of him like a trophy. One of the priests came forward, a sickly-looking man with a matted beard.

"Well, well, well. Dett the Knife managed to catch our quarry." His smile was disgusting.

"That I did." The sellsword named Dett replied blandly while holding out his hand, palm outstretched. "Two hundred crowns, please."

The smile on the priest faded away. "We agreed on one hundred and no more!"

"We agreed on a witch, not a knife-eared devil. Two hundred for a nonhuman's head."

The priest's face was pinched with fury. "You dare try and fleece a man of the cloth?!"

Dett's face was calm, unruffled by the old man's sudden rage. "I dare take what I am owed."

The sickly priest stood upright, his wrinkled eyes wild. "I command you to hand over that demon, or you'll burn with her!"

Dett was silent, his face immobile and like cold granite. Without pause, he pulled Rhosyn to his side. And, in full view of everyone, took his dagger and expertly cut Rhosyn's bonds, freeing her.

"Oops." He said absently. "looks like she got loose."

Rhosyn was shocked for only a moment, she looked at Dett once before bolting the opposite direction, grabbing Saffir's hand on the way. She only looked back once, seeing the priest's mouth agape before bellowing orders to his underlings. Some went to give chase. But Dett struck them down with the pommel of his dagger, breaking the noses of both and leaving them writhing on the floor.

"Let's call this a failure to communicate." He shouted over the ensuing rabble.

"Just run, Saff!"

The rest of the chase was a blur to Rhosyn, alleyways and streets nothing more then an ephemeral fog, with nothing but the sound of panting and roaring voices all around her. But she kept on running, pushing herself faster and faster.

It was only when the path stopped, ending with a stone wall that loomed over her like a giant. She turned, looking for another way out. But the way they came was already blocked by a group of black robed zealots, their blades low and eyes burning.

"You've nowhere to run!" they barked.

She looked at Saffir, her eyes welling up as she held her hand. "Get out of here, Rose."

"Not without you!"

"You can't with me," tears were running freely down her cheek. "Its ok, they are after you, not me."

Rhosyn looked at her, then the priests and bowed her head. "I'm sorry."

With one leap, she vaulted up the wall in inhuman bounds, gripping the stone with her fingers until she was at the top. With one more glance at her friend, she disappeared over the edge, tears welling in her eyes.

"I'll come back for you, I promise." she whispered before she fled the scene.