
The Lost Drifters

Erosyia, the realm of humanity. One of blood, hate and fear of all that is unknown. For all of humanity fear what is hidden beyond the veil, fear of the inhuman creatures that come from the it. Such as it was for two girls living amongst them, though what they fear is all too different. But for Aria, everything was always black and white. The life she once lived there was no other way to see it. But loss has a knack for change, and hers was no exception. Forced to flee, she now lives a impoverish life in an unfamiliar realm. None of the old privileges to lean on, but also none of the old confines to hold her back. Its in this new world, she gains her taste of freedom, living amongst those who’d spite her if they knew who she truly was. Day by day, she pushed herself further, seeking what had always been held from her and she relished its taste every day. However, a misstep now puts herself and those she cares for in danger. Now, scarlet robes march the streets, armed with red fire and silver symbols. Hunting them. Together, they must flee, for if their secret is found, no old privilege will save them.

dragonfyr3 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

20 Seasons Pass (10)

"This witch's guilt and sins are clear, her very touch rife with poison that kills the souls of all who touch her. But today, her soul will be cleansed, in the heart of the glorious fire. Oh, today I am the instrument. The instrument of the Lord's justice." He turned to face the girl cowering against the pole. He lifted his arms high in the air and shouted.

"God, whose nature is forever merciful and forgiving, accept our prayer that this servant of yours, bound by the fetters of sin, maybe pardoned by your kindness." He placed his hand on the girl's shoulder while the other placed a small chain and a cross over her head, letting it rest around her neck.

"Depart, then, impious one, depart, accursed one, depart with all your deceits, for God has willed that man should be his temple." She began to scream and thrash as smoke began to waff upward from her feet.

"Leave, Devil, depart from the body of this woman and make room for the Holy Spirit!" The priest stepped back as she screamed and the pyre went up in black flames. The priest turned back, with a smile on his face. Rhosyn felt her heart drop into her stomach and she attempted to drag Saffir out of the square. The sceptre hadn't gone back to white, instead was changing color again.

That scepter was bad news and meant Aria had messed up bigger than she thought. A man dressed in the barracks armour ran up to the priest and whispered something in his ear. Rhosyn gripped Saffir's arm tightly. She was lucky the hunters were only human with gifts, or her fear would have tipped them off.

"Ouch, Rhosyn you're hurting me." Saffir struggled, "What is your problem? Let go."

Rhosyn stared at Saffir in disbelief. How did she not know the severity of the situation?

"We need to leave." She urged.

"Why?" Saffir stood her ground, not understanding.

Before Rhosyn could explain, a distant humming sounded off over the mob. The bishop stopped his sermon and turned to face the crowd, brandishing the sceptre into the air. The stone shone brilliantly and bathed the crowd, causing a startled outcry amongst them as one after another was bathed in white. When the light touched Saffir and Rhosyn, the light shifted, becoming a deep red that smouldered around Rhosyn like an aura, while Saffir stayed white. The bishop smiled, a sickening, venomous smile. Saffir stared in horror as the red slowly began to fade around her.

"Oh no," Saffir gasped, realizing what just happened, "I'm so sorry Rhosyn," She whispered.

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