

The next day comes quickly, quicker than what Frost expected. He had slept, but not for a long time, and bringing up time just showed how out of place he was. When he woke by the window, he noticed he wasn't the first up. Aunt Trina was in the kitchen making some kind of food and Franny was sitting at the other window staring out as well.

With his rustling, "Hey you're awake, todays the day we say goodbye to Minst. Are you ready to go?" At a nod from Frost she looks back out the window and seems lost in her thoughts.

Trina comes through the door and looks at both of them, "We all expect big things from you two so I made you some lunch. You two better get going soon, the transport will be here any moment." Frost can see the dried tears on her face and walks up beside her.

From a place only Trina could hear his words he says, "I will do everything with in my power to keep her safe, do not worry yourself. On my honor." Frost again speaks on impulse. 'What can I do to protect her if I don't even know what I'm doing here. Oh well, can't back out now.' "Come Franny, where will this transport be?"

"Down by the square." She pointed to the place where the tests took place. "They say they show up in a flash." The emotion she spoke with the day before was flat, she acted like she was hurt or lost herself.

After a kiss on the fore head to all of her cousins and a big hug to aunt Trina, Franny was ready to go. Trina handed the lunches to frost and they made their way out the door. Daybreak was on the land, but it was not quite right yet, No one else was out of their homes yet this morning. They made their way to the town square and as they were 10 or so feet away a sharp red flash Met their gaze. Of a sudden a man and a blood red robe stood in front of them, "Are you the two? If so let's go."

Franny pulled Frost's arm toward the man saying, "hurry he'll leave if we're not quick."

Frost looked around confused, "Where is the transport? Are we to fly like birds?"

"He will take us, but he's a red, he won't wait." Franny pulled on his arm ushering him to the red robed man.

"I am not a high power, you'll have to touch me to go to the capital." Franny nodded and took hold of the mans robe and looked to Frost. He placed his hand on the man's shoulder, then in another flash of red they were all gone. At that moment Trina cleated the tears from her eyes, placed two fingers to her forehead and sent up a prayer for protection for her sister's daughter and the strange man that left with her.

"Please protect them both..."