
The Lost Bride of The Serpent King

Ismelda is left alone by her long-time boyfriend, Mike Willowby for a promotion at work and added perks. She never had much, to begin with, but now whatever she had built in the past five years is crumbling down around her. When completely lost, she comes across Sebastian Bishop, Mike's boss. To survive and exact her revenge she enters into a new relationship with Sebastian, unaware of the secrets Sebastian holds.

ShadowRose19 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


"I know about Mike and his long-time girlfriend in the office. Judging from your reactions, I can assume that you weren't aware of this. Think about it, marrying me will not only prove your worth to him, but also teach him a good lesson." 

Izzy was taking in his features as he spoke. Sebastian Bishop was more than handsome, he was gorgeous. He had a commanding presence, even in the plain, button-down shirt and trousers he wore. His tall and statuesque frame exuded an effortless strength that commanded attention. Izzy ran a quick glance around the restaurant and found most of the eyes were glued to them. The ones who didn't watch them were either busy eating, or minding their own problems.

As mesmerized as she was, his words made her painfully aware of her situation. It angered Izzy. She was being cheated on by her partner like many other women on this planet. Although she was feeling pitiful herself, it was not enough reason for Sebastian to pity her. Her self-respect felt wounded. 

"Excuse me, I appreciate your offer, Mr Bishop, but I don't believe I need to marry a stranger to prove my worth to someone." Her tone was cold and emotionless. 

His face turned red at once. He looked uncomfortable, his eyes disconcerted, as if he was trying to find the right words. It made Izzy notice his face. His features were striking, with sharp angles and rugged contours that spoke of a life well-lived. A strong jawline defined his face. His eyes were a mesmerizing shade of deep, dark green, like a forest hidden behind a veil of mystery. His dark brown hair was swept back from his forehead in a casual yet stylish manner. Each strand seemed to catch the light just so, lending an air of effortless allure to his appearance.

He was speaking again. Izzy paid attention to what he was saying. "I am extremely sorry if my words have hurt you. They came out wrong, but my intention was not to demean you in any way." 

"Okay," she said nodding. It was not the first time a man had said to her something she didn't like. The least she could do was to listen to the man and understand what he had to say. 

"See, I need a bride within the next three weeks. It's a condition given to me by my grandmother. If I don't get married, I will be removed from my position as CEO. This company is the result of my hard work. You cannot imagine the lengths I have gone to bring success to this company. It is not just a workplace for me, it is my brainchild. All these people who work for me have joined this company because of my vision. There is no way in hell that I will leave it to somebody incapable of running it."

Sebastian spoke fast, almost breathlessly. His palms balled into fists as he spoke. Izzy was observing him again. He was gorgeous, undoubtedly, but it was not just his physical attributes that captivated her. There was an undeniable charisma that radiated from him, a magnetic energy that drew her in like a moth to the flame. He carried himself regally, his every movement was purposeful and deliberate as if he were aware of the power he held over those who crossed his path. Was he also trying to charm her?

She asked the question that bothered her the most. 

"Why would a man of your status want to marry a nobody like me?" 

"Because, first of all, you are not a nobody. I had met you before, at an office party, where you came with Mike. You shone above everybody else. I remember Mike gushing about your excellent academics, and your painting skills. He couldn't stop talking about how well you take care of him, and how he couldn't wait to marry you." 

Izzy raised her brow. "So, you want me to marry you because once upon a time Mike thought I was a great girlfriend?" 

Those days were better. Mike was in love with her, and she saw dreams of a future together with him every time she looked into his eyes. After three years, their relationship was now based on post-it notes left on the fridge. Like the one she found this morning, I will be late, an important meeting. Don't wait up. 

Sebastian laughed nervously. "Maybe I am sounding too blunt, but a man does not need reasons to fall in love with a woman. He can do that just because he likes her. Besides, if you want to count your virtues, you are beautiful. I know your boss, who loves you for your sincerity. My sister told me how caring you were towards her even when you were drunk yourself."

Izzy felt heat creeping up her neck and cheek. In his presence, she could not help but feel a sense of awe and admiration, as if she were in the presence of someone truly extraordinary. He might be a stranger, but there was something about him that made Izzy feel a sense of familiarity toward him. Sebastian took her silence as her refusal. He continued speaking. 

"Still if you are not convinced, let me explain this to you. We will be married for only three years. You will be compensated appropriately. I will personally look after your needs and your honour." 

That evening Izzy spent thinking about it. After a lot of thought, she called her friends Clara and Ruby. Clara received her immediately. 

"Hey girl," she greeted her cheerfully. "Wait, I will connect Ruby too." 

"No point, her phone is switched off."

"Okay, but why do you sound so down?"

Izzy took a deep breath and said, "Mike has been cheating on me."

She told Clara everything. Her childhood friend was the one person she trusted wholeheartedly. In her orphaned life, Clara was the support she needed. She also told Clara about Sebastian Bishop and his marriage proposal. After listening to everything, Clara remained silent for some time. 


"Izzy, I don't think it's Samantha Mike is having an affair with. I know Samantha's boyfriend. He is an idol, and they have been in a secret relationship for almost three years now. I accidentally spotted them together, and she begged me to keep it a secret."

Izzy felt confused. "Mike is definitely having an affair, I have seen him myself with another woman." 

"I think Samantha is helping Mike to cover it up. There is somebody else I have my suspicions on. Can you come and meet me in the Soul Pavilion?" 

"Okay, but why?" 

"Just come, and pray that I stand wrong." 

From her office, the Soul Pavilion is fifteen minutes away. The place is filled with artworks representing souls in different states. Human souls experiencing emotions, animals finding their true habitat, and many more. An internationally known Korean artist David Choi designed the pavilion seven years ago, and it created a splash in the media. It was also one of Izzy's favorite places. 

When she reached there, she found Clara waiting for her. "I was on my way to your office, after we talked I took a detour and came here," she explained. 

"What are we doing here?" 

Clara didn't answer immediately. She hinted Izzy to follow her and started walking towards the back of the pavilion. "We are going to the garden," she said and walked ahead, leaving Izzy confused. 

Izzy was not able to believe her own eyes. Ruby was there inside the garden, with a man. Her lips were locked with the man. Izzy knew this man intimately. She knew how he kissed, and how he could melt a woman with the sweet nothings that came before and after those kisses. She covered her mouth with her hands, fearing she would make a sound to attract their attention towards herself. She took small, stealthy steps back and ran away. 

"This afternoon I went to meet Ruby for lunch. She was talking to someone on phone, and seeing me she disconnected the call in a hurry. She was blushing hard. When I asked, she shared about her late-night date plan with her boyfriend. I had already heard her talking about this garden. At first, I didn't think of it much, but when you told me about Samantha I remembered something." 

Izzy raised her tear-stained eyes to meet Clara's. Clara said, "Ruby and Samantha are first cousins. Samantha told me something about helping a close friend even after knowing they were wrong." 

Izzy went home to pack a few things with Clara. After knowing this, she could not stay with Mike anymore. She left another Post-it for him. Going to stay with Clara for a while.

In the taxi, she typed a text message. There was a response almost instantly. Clara looked at her questioningly. Izzy gave her phone to her. 

I agree. Let's get married. -Izzy.

Great. Let's meet tomorrow to discuss. -Seb