
The Lost Banshee

20 year old Jenny was raised to never scream, never yell, never get upset. One day she didnt know what else to do to save her friends, and she screamed, not realizing what it would unleash. Now she must find out the truth about herself before she suffers the same fate as others before her.

Kaila_Ciesla · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

"I dont want to hurt anyone... but I will. No one moves or I shoot, yeah?" The man said still holding out his gun. I felt me anxiety skyrocket as I watched the calmness turn to a panicked expression on Koris face. I could tell she didn't know what to do. She lifted up her arms showing her surrender. The man started speaking again, getting more aggressive this time. "Alright that's good. Now I want all the money in the register, let's move it!"

Kori did what he said, and started putting it in a bag. As she did, he happened to glance in the back, looking right at me. I felt the fear bubbling to the surface even more so now. Then he pointed the gun at me and said, " You, come here. NOW!" I reluctantly moved looking back and forth from the gun to his poker face. As soon as I got close enough he grabbed my hair and pulled me against him. "And you... you are coming with me. You are very pretty." He said loosening his grip on my hair stroking it now, "And if you dont agree, I shoot all your friends."

I didnt realize at first, but as I felt wetness on my face I realized I was crying. He let me go and grabbed the bag from Kori. "You know what, on second thought..." he said, as he raised to gun up to Kori. I didnt know what else to do, i felt something bubbling inside of me. I closed my eyes and i.... screamed. i let it all go. It sounded as though it was echoing around the whole restaurant, I even heard the sound of glass breaking but I didnt care. I screamed for what seemed like forever and then I finally stopped and opened my eyes.

I was horrified. There was glass everywhere, tables and chairs pushed against one wall..it looked like there was an earthquake. But the worst part was that the man was on the floor... with a pool of blood forming around him.

Kori raced over to the man as I stood in the same spot, still in shock.

"Oh my god...hes dead!" Kori yelled as I saw the others forming around us.

Ian came over and tried to comfort me but I started to back away, Kori looking over at me now...everyone was looking at me.

"Jenny..." Kori said, starting to walk over.

Then I just turned and ran as fast as I could to my car leaving, before I even knew where I wanted to go.

After driving with racing thoughts and my heart pounding, I pulled into an empty parking lot and finally realized where I needed to go and get answers; from the cliff in my dreams. I took out my phone and started searching for cliffs with sharp rocks at the bottom. After a while I found it and knew where I needed to go... Rocky Point cliff.