
The Loser Otaku Auhor System

Neil Haze was nobody. However, when an omniversal entity decides to host a lottery to give people systems that grant them the power to warp reality, Neil is chosen as the winner. Now granted a system, he decides to do two things: gain power and have fun with it. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Nevermore here I have written another story like this - Writing Reality. This story differs in a few small ways. The primary difference however, is that this story is intended to be a little more focused with the guy who gets this power actively fulfilling a character role and plot rather than sitting in the background going wild with unlimited power. Feel free to leave a comment on anything you want to see. preemptive warning for any potential uncomfortable content you may see. I don’t plan to go as wild as Writing Reality, but may still decide to write some ‘not okay’ things. Current point in story: Pokémon

Nevermore101 · Anime & Comics
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Lottery Winner

Congratulations! You are this reality's lottery winner!

These were the words Neil Haze read as a golden screen suddenly appeared before him with great fanfare. He blinked owlishly and could only let out a sustained utterance of, "Uhhhh~"

The words on the screen then changed.

An omniversal entity believes there are too many boring realities in the omniverse and has seen fit to create a lottery to bestow individuals within various realities a system they can use to alter reality and make things more interesting.

You are this realities winner!!

The system bestowed onto you is currently being modified and tailored to your personality, habits, and desires to promote an ease of use. Please wait…

Reading these words, Neil stopped and shut his mouth. Part of wondered what he ate and is assuming he is hallucinating due to food poisoning. It is this thought that is forming a dam to keep his enthusiasm at bay. A lover of all things fantasy and fiction, this is sounding like everything he has ever wished for. However, he is also a nihilistic, realist and will not jump for joy so quickly.

Still, Neil waits to see what happens next as the words change again.

Download complete. You are a useless, nobody who happens to be an enthusiast for all things animated and fictional - but especially Japanese anime - who deludes yourself into believing you are an aspiring author. You have been bestowed the [Loser Otaku Author] System.

Provided in the form of a notebook, anything the user writes will become reality. However, restrictions have been placed on the system to act as an obstacle for the user to work around and - most importantly - ensure a more entertaining use of the system. These restrictions will largely be based on the user's disposition while following guidelines set by the system creator.

Rule #1: Anything the user writes must be kept to a single sentence.

Rule #2: The user cannot grant themselves powers or abilities.

Rule #3: The user cannot grant themselves wealth or knowledge.

Rule #4: The user cannot grant themselves items.

Rule #5: Changes to reality through notebook cannot be reversed or undone.

The notebook will be imperceptible to anyone but the user. Additionally, any changes to reality brought by the notebook will go unnoticed as though the changes had always been that way. Finally, the notebook is indestructible and can be summoned to the user whenever they want.

Any questions?

"Yeah, I, uh…," Neil trailed off as he looked around. Although there was no one there, he did not want to be too obvious about this. Either he was hallucinating and talking to thin air or this was real and he did not want others to hear.

Quickly retreating from the sidewalk around the Taco Bell building to his car, the golden screen maintained its position in front of him as Neil sat in the driver's seat and resumed saying, "Yeah, a few…When you say that changes to reality can't be undone or reversed, could you elaborate?"

The words on the screen changed to answer Neil's question.

Once a particular point in reality has been changed, you cannot try to reverse or write something that is directly counter to it.

"What if it's something vague like how someone thinks or feels?"

The words on the screen vanished and a circle of dots appeared that resembled a buffering wheel. After a second, new words appeared.

It depends on the wording and nature of the change.

Any further questions?

"Can you elaborate on the not giving me stuff?"

You have been granted the power to alter reality. You have need for nothing more.

It is speculated that you will more than likely go about bringing fictional settings, characters, and items to life. You cannot grant yourself anything from these 'fictional' realities made real.

Any further questions?

"Okay…" Neil's mood dampened. Admittedly, reality warping powers are cool, but its still depressing to be told he cannot obtain any of the items or powers from fiction he wants. Then, he thought of something. "What about…What if I turn myself into a particular character? Could I turn myself into a self-insert, replacing the main character and get their powers? And what about having people give me things?"

The words vanished, and the buffering wheel returned. Unlike before where it only lasted a second, this time, it took several minutes before more words appeared.

While you can change reality to make themselves take the place of a fictional character and inherit their abilities, there are points of contention.

First, becoming a fictional character means that you will replace that character and their story becomes yours. Their adventures, enemies, etc. will come for you. While you can use notebook to adjust what is to come, the narrative of the characters you become will catch up to you eventually.

Secondly, putting yourself into the position of multiple characters to gain all their abilities is possible, but this does not change that you are also another character. Their stories will overlap or fuse together and you would have to content with them simultaneously.

Thirdly, you will only gain that character's innate powers and possibly their physical appearance. Their skills, experience, memories, intelligence, and physical abilities will not be inherited.

As far as having others grant you items, if it is mundane and they are already in possession of it, then you can arrange them to relinquish the item to you. You cannot engineer for others to acquire items and hand them over to you. You can also not directly engineer items of significance to be handed over to you.

Any further questions?

"Just two. So, if I were to do something like, make myself Monkey D. Luffy at the end of One Piece, I'd get all his powers but lose any learned skills - like Haki, how to use his Devil Fruit, etc. and basically turn into Luffy from the beginning set at the end of his story. Also, can I engineer a sequence of events that enables me to obtain significant items as long as I don't specifically get handed it?"

Correct. Although, Luffy from the beginning had already trained his powers for several years. So, you would in fact be weaker.

Also, correct.

Any further questions?

"Hmm…No, no I think I'm good now."

At Neil's statement, the golden screen suddenly turned into a striped, multicolored composition notebook and fell onto his dashboard. Picking it up, he thumbed through it and thought about his next course of action.

Placing the notebook onto the passenger seat, Neil started the car and started driving. As he drove, he thought aloud, "Okay, I still have an hour before work. Plenty of time to think of something. Just gonna swing by the house to grab something to write with. First order of business, make myself into a fictional character and take all their shit. Also, pick a character to be young again because I fucking can."

Reaching his house after a few minutes, Neil grabbed the notebook and retreated inside to his computer desk, sat down, and grabbed a pencil. Opening the notebook, he then leaned back in contemplation. "Who to choose? Should be a story I know well so I can predict the plot. But preferably not one too overpowered so I don't get my ass killed. There's also the question of the characters themselves. The antagonist, side character, etc. I don't have to go straight for the MC right away."

"I also need to consider the large scale changes this will bring to me. Like my home life. Becoming younger can be my fresh start to redo my life but I have to consider my school life, family, friends…"

"Let's make a list of characters to become off the top of my head." Grabbing an ordinary piece of paper, Neil began to write, "Ben Tennyson, Yugi Muto, Jaden Yuki, Ash Ketchum, Ichigo Kurosaki, Naruto Uzumaki, Monkey D. Luffy, Issei Hyoudou, Natsu Dragneel, Izuku Midoriya…I have a crippling lack of imagination for this. I seriously couldn't think of something a little more original off the top of my head? Maybe it's cuz of all the fanfiction I read?"

"Meh, whatever, I can do what I want. I can just add or change things later. And, if it turns out I'm just crazy, I'm probably too far gone and won't know it."

"Now, let's see…I should start easy and simple. Fairy Tail, Bleach, and One Piece will all require a basic level of ability I don't have. So, I should pick something where I can build up some skill and muscle. Throw Naruto into there too. He may have been a lonely doofus, but he still knew how to use Chakra. DxD I can start off as I am, but it's too dangerous; I'd like a little more confidence than relying on borderline hentai logic to make things work out. That leaves, any version of Yu-Gi-Oh!, Ben 10, Pokémon, and My Hero Academia…Magic card games, alien superheroes, collectible monsters, and superheroes…."

"Well…If I'm dead set on 'restarting my life', then I guess I should go for Ben 10 or Pokémon since their starting points are the youngest. Yu-Gi-Oh! and My Hero, both start around the same age…"

"Hmm…There's also what type of story I want. What powers I want…"

"I definitely want that. What's the fun of this power if I can't just do whatever I want? Otherwise…I'd kinda like a nice easy slice-of-life but that's not gonna happen if I turn myself into a character and have to live their plots…Unless…"

Neil tapped his pencil against his lip in contemplation. "I can't dodge the plot of the story, but what if I adjust it. Don't turn myself into a self-insert of the anime but into an AU of the anime. I mean, it'll happen anyway if I make myself too many characters. I could change the genre of the story to something a little more easy going. In that case…"

Neil began writing ideas out on his scratch paper and making adjustments until he felt satisfied. He had now filled the paper front and back with ideas for what to do, how to change the story, and plans for the future.

Turning back to the reality-altering notebook, Neil began to write. He had decided on the world he would start with as the Pokémon world. It had very low requirements and would allow him to build up the necessary physical condition he felt he needed. While he considered the idea of creating an OC character and then inserting himself into that role, he decided against it. Call him lazy but he decided to just make himself the main character - Ash Ketchum - and just make some small changes around him.

That being said, to have the fun with this world that he wanted, Neil decided to make some preemptive adjustments to Ash's character in the fear. He would test his theory later if he could do anything after assuming the role of the character but for now, he would make some changes before hand.

The Kanto region of the Pokémon world was at war with the Johto region just twenty years ago.

The Pokémon world is a fusion of the anime with elements from the manga and games.

Pokémon Trainers were originally a military but has been converted into a sport over the last twenty years of peace to maintain skill and strength.

Due to loss of life in a war twenty-years-ago, there are more people under the age of twenty and over the age of sixty than between those two in the Kanto and Johto regions.

Due to low population of able adults in the Kanto and Johto regions, the age for becoming a Pokémon Trainer is ten-years-old.

Pokémon Trainers are considered emancipated adults but must still fulfill mandatory, online schooling on their journey.

To become a Pokémon Trainer, you must have passed a qualification test and received a sponsor to support you on your journey.

The sponsor of a Pokémon Trainer is a reputable figure in the field - a Pokémon Researcher, Gym Leader, Elite 4, Region Champion, CEO of Silph Co, etc.

Upon registering and starting a Pokémon journey, it is up to the sponsors to provide the Trainer their first Pokémon.

The current Pokémon League season in the Kanto region sees Ash Ketchum, Gary Oak, Leaf Green, and Sarah Yellow being sponsored by Professor Samual Oak.

Gary Oak is a prodigy and genius like his grandfather.

Leaf Green possesses unnatural strength and athleticism.

Sarah Yellow is an empath and healer who can read the emotions and heal Pokémon.

Ash Ketchum is descended from a line of Aura Guardians and possesses latent Aura Powers from his father and psychic powers from his mother.

Characters more closely resemble their manga counterparts.

Due to the highly nutritious nature of food grown in the Pokémon Regions, people live longer and healthier, build muscle more easily, and mature faster with young girls looking a few years older than they actually are.

Due to a high level of health, people live to be 120 years old but look physically young - roughly half their actual age.

Ash Ketchum has already hit puberty and has an unusually developed penis and testes capable of producing an excessive amount of sperm and semen.

Ash's journey will mostly follow as it was in the anime but the actual plot or course of events will more closely mirror the events of the original Pokémon Red game.

Raising his pencil from the paper, Neil read over what he had written. "I think that's everything…Well…"

Being a successful Pokémon Trainer equates to physical attractiveness and victory leads to affection.

"Okay, that should be the last of it. And now…"

I am Ash Ketchum.