
The Lore of Yore

"Creation is taking chaos from nothing, and making order into something." -The Author He was a shaper before he lost his family, a stargazer as he pondered his dreams, and now a slayer tormented by guilt and anguished by loss. Follow his journey on his quest of self-discovery by crafting stories amongst the stars that will eventually lead him towards The End. Cover art was drawn by Jarret Nahm (Artstation).

Lorepheus · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Befitting One's Worth

Kayne remained shocked for a considerable amount of time, being unable to complete his sentence. Then, his lips began twitching in an ugly manner before he hurriedly fixed his expression as he gulped. Although covered, Zevrad got to see flickers beneath his blindfold showing how emotionally distraught Kayne was.

"Are you watching this?"

Kayne growled quite menacingly to the air above.

"What is the meaning of this? Why is my role as a guide necessary if you plan on doing things this way?"

It seemed Kayne was really ticked off.

"Are you making fun of me? What's the point in the trials then? Are you trying to completely rip it to shreds, is that it? Just how did you even know what that man would need in here!?"

Suddenly, the light beneath his blindfold dimmed and Kayne released a short but sharp groan as he began chewing his lips. Completely and utterly disregarding Kayne, the blue-haired Night Elf simply picked up the golden bag and gracefully presented it to Zevrad. Kayne didn't interfere but his complexion was visibly complicated.

Just what was in this bag then? Zevrad couldn't help but become quite curious now. Everyone from a distance, even those who appeared uninterested, slightly craned their necks or shifted their gaze to catch a glimpse of the bag's contents.

Zevrad confirmed that there were six items listed on the tag attached inside the bag.

-[Silver Coins] - 5000 coins

-[Map of Outland] - x1

-[Bag of Alchemical Materials] - x1

-[Special Bonus] - x3

The first thing to attract Zevrad's gaze was the so-called [Special Bonus]. He heard that only Allari had received one but he received two more than her.

"If you'd kindly open and apply your bonus items here."

Unlike before, Kayne's voice seemed to possess far more urgency and interest than before. Since Zevrad was planning to do that anyway, he slowly unlocked and opened the golden bag.

Then, a system of messages appeared in his view.

[5000 Silver Coins has been credited to you.]

[Your knowledge of Outland's terrain is being updated.]

[You have acquired a bag of alchemical materials.]

Messages appeared one after the other but despite this, his attention was being focused on three boxes with all sorts of intricate symbols and runes covering them. Neatly tucked to the bottom of the bag.

"There should be three boxes inside the bag. You can just open them. Nothing complicated to worry about."

Kayne tried to add some explanations in a friendly manner, but he failed to hide his eagerness to see what was inside those boxes.

"The suspense is killing me here. Hey, is it fine if we open the box together?"

A demon hunter from the other side of the group, a contracted, had been staring at Zevrad's bag with greed written on his face. He took a few steps forward in his attempt to snatch the items.

"Get back to where you were!"

A powerful but still force slammed onto him as he suddenly paused in fear. Sweat began to drip from his back as if he felt an oppressing aura being focused on him. It's as if he would die the second he took another step forward.

"No, I was just-"

"I told you to return to where you were. Need I repeat myself?"

Kayne's voice sounded incredibly cold. The unnamed individual nervously swallowed his saliva and slowly walked back to his original spot.

Kayne snorted once and then began to clear his throat as his attention refocused on Zevrad.


Several emotions filled the auditorium, yet not a single sound of breathing could be heard.

As for Zevrad, silent stares pressured him to open the three [Special Bonus] items. As he reached inside to grasp the items, he realized that each of the boxes was no bigger than an adult's clenched fist. He carefully opened the first box and bright light emitted from it as a series of messages could be read by him.

[The Special Bonus Box (1) has been opened!]

[Scanning for the most 'needed item' during the current situation.]

[The Innate Ability, ??????????, has been unlocked into "Soul."]

[The Innate Ability - Soul has unlocked a new passive skill: Soul Inspection.]

[Please confirm your Character Window.]

'Soul? Soul Inspection?'

Hearing the announcement that he should check his Character Window, Zevrad raised his head, which led him to look at the curious gaze of Kayne.

[Kayne's Sunfury's Character Window]

[1. General Information]

Name: Kayne Sunfury

Sex/Age: Male/7242

Height/Weight: 203.2 cm/105.687 kg

Current Condition: Good

Class: Demon Hunter (Havoc)

Race: Blood Elf

Affiliation: Demon Hunters

[2. Traits]

1. Temperament:

-Cool-headed. (His actions and thoughts are not swayed by emotions; always calm.)

-Indifferent. (He's not easily interested in anything particular.)

2. Aptitude:

-Brilliant. (Possesses a smart brain as well as good overall talents)

-Highly observant. (Will carefully analyze and study items and events all around him.)

Kayne sensed something as he raised he frowned, and Zevrad reflexively averted his gaze but his Character Window didn't disappear from his sight. It wasn't just his general information or traits that were on display. Even his physical level, talents, and conscientious awareness were informed to him.

The whole thing felt absurd. Didn't Kayne say that someone else's [Character Window] couldn't be observed by others without permission from the owner themself? Yet here he was, looking at another character.

[Kor'vas Bloodthorn's Character Window]

[1. General Information]

Name: Kor'vas Bloodthorn

Sex/Age: Female/1831

Height/Weight: 187.96 cm/77.11 kg.

Current Condition: Good

Class: Demon Hunter (N/A)

Race: Night Elf

Affiliation: Demon Hunters

[2. Traits]

1. Temperament:

-Virtuous (Possesses a fine, gentle, and benevolent personality.)

-Deeply-caring. (Possesses deep love and care.)

-Dependent. (Unconsciously seeks someone to depend on.)

2. Aptitude:

-A jack-of-all-trades. (Good at various activities.)

-High-concentration. (Can use 100% of her concentration while performing an action.)

When Zevrad sneaked a glance at Kor'vas to make sure, she also got to see her [Character Window]. Now feeling somewhat befuddled, Zevrad was about to raise his hand when he realized his mistake and quickly lowered it.

"Yes? Are you curious about something?"

However, Kayne didn't miss Zevrad's actions and expressions.

"Have you opened your boxes?"

"...yes, I have."

Zevrad's throat suddenly dried up. He couldn't be sure why, but he thought that not saying anything right now was for the best. So, he decided to change the topic slightly.

"I just received a message to confirm my [Character Window], so..."

"Oh, I see. Your [Character Window], is it…"

Kayne's anxious expression seemed to brighten up in an instant.

"So, what was updated? Your traits? Or perhaps, abilities?"

When Zevrad wordlessly stared at Kayne, he awkwardly laughed seeing that reaction. Being a veteran, it wasn't all that difficult for Kayne to figure it out after all.

"Oh, my. Please, excuse my thoughtless behavior. You do not have to worry. As long as you don't permit it, not only me, but no one else alive in this world can take a peek at another person's [Character Window]."

Kayne was inwardly breathing a sigh of relief while saying this. A [Special Bonus] usually gave out something outrageous to those who were privileged enough to open them. One's traits, abilities, and even physical prowess were fair game. If Zevrad's [Character Window] had only been updated, then Kayne had little choice but to accept it.

Of course, that was only possible because Kayne had no idea just what kind of ability Zevrad had awakened.

When the probing eyes of Kayne had left him, Zevrad hurriedly opened the remaining two boxes at the same time.

[Your Passive Ability, Spectral Sight, is evolving further.]

[Spectral Sight has evolved to a high level.]

[Your ability to distinguish an aura has unlocked with additional colors.]

[Green: Normal]

[Yellow: Attention]

[Orange: Do Not Approach]

[Red: Danger]

[You have acquired an amulet 'Memento Mori.']

Zevrad didn't notice the amulet at the moment, because, he was far too occupied with the messages. He was under the belief that he could only see the color green until now, so the mental shock he received was similar to someone violently hitting him on the back of his head.

A distant memory being played as a voice speaks to him.

<You have beautiful eyes.>

<Sometimes, they change in the shades of the rainbow.>

Zevrad inexplicably remembered something from his distant past, something he had almost forgotten. Or was it 'his' past? The whispers of a woman he couldn't even remember the face of brushed past his brain cells like a bolt of lightning.

'H-hold up. Red, orange, yellow, green…..'

"Excuse me."

While Zevrad was in the midst of his thoughts, someone from the other side of the auditorium piped up with a voice smaller than a mosquito buzzing around.

Zevrad was still rubbing his chest while feeling rather relieved with himself. His eyes immediately shifted towards the other group bound to a contract. A young Blood Elf woman with a bob cut rose her hand in a polite gesture so she doesn't become a target of Kayne's displeasure.

"Uhm, is it, perhaps possible…."

"What is it? We're just about ready to begin."

His attitude was clearly different from when interacting with the invited. Hearing his voice full of annoyance akin to chasing away a pesky bug, a certain sense of dissatisfaction formed on the Blood Elf's face.

"You are not giving us anything?"


"You know, like those bags that those people just got."

Kayne let off a cynical chuckle and then replied immediately.

"Yes. You don't get anything."

"B-but why not?"

"That privilege is reserved for the invited only."

It was a simple and articulate answer, but a deep frown emerged on the woman's face.

"Why is there a difference?"

"It's simple."

Kayne smiled softly and his right hand pointed towards his right, that is, the left side of the hall.

"These guests have been invited here after going through a strict evaluation."

Next, Kayne's left index finger pointed to his left, the right side of the hall, in a somewhat accusatory manner.

"And you people got dragged here because of the contracts."

"No, that's not what I meant!"

"Besides, didn't you, Miss Shin, receive ample compensation back in our homeworld Azeroth? Hmm?"

With the timely arrival of that question, the woman with the bob-cut hair, Shin, became utterly lost for words. She sat back down with a reddened face, but that wasn't the end.

"Are you done talking?"

A man from the group of the contracted stood up in indignation. Seeing how fierce his eyes were, not to mention his rather well-developed physique, he looked like someone who knew how to get down and dirty if need be.

"And what else do you want?"

Finally, a look of irritation formed on Kayne's face.

"Ah? Can't you provide a proper explanation of what this contract bullshit is? You told us to come here and this is how you treat us?"

A few people here and there began to quietly agree with the nameless man.

Such a complaint was bound to occur sooner or later. After all, ever since Kayne and his aid appeared, they paid attention only to the left side of the hall, where the invited were.

They were already feeling unsure and anxious, and after being treated like a bunch of ants, it was not very strange to see them spit out their dissatisfaction in the open. Unfortunately for them, this wasn't the place to voice their problems, neither was Kayne the correct person to complain to.

"You know what, stop wasting time and get us some chairs, too. My legs are aching from all that standing around."

"That's right! Now that I see, you still look like a young Elf, so, how can you even think that it's good to discriminate between people like this?"

When more and more voices began chiming in, some amount of confidence and energy began filling up the expression of the nameless man. He glared at Kayne, waiting for a response.

As for Kayne, he was simply smirking back at them.

"There are always characters like you. Those who don't know their place, those who only know how to bark and nothing else."

"What did you say?"

"Well, I do understand you. I don't know which deplorable bastard reeled you in, but you must have jumped in first without even waiting to listen to an explanation. That is, after being blinded by money and the promised reward."

The nameless man flinched.

"Whatever the case may be, you have already signed the contract, haven't you? As long as you are here, you don't have a choice but to follow my guidance. If you want to complain, then you should meet up with the person you signed the contract with later on and do so."

"So, what you're saying is I should sit here quietly?"


"We don't deserve to know so we better shut up and do as told?"

"Correct. Excellent analysis."

"Ha, what should I do, then? Because I don't feel like doing that."

"Well, if you feel that way."

Seeing the nameless man's rebellious attitude, Kayne simply pointed at the lone exit of the auditorium with his index finger.

"You can simply leave."

"Such insolence. You think I won't leave?"

The nameless man venomously shot back and turned to address the group, shouting out loudly at them.

"He's telling us to leave, so let's leave then! Tell them to do whatever the hell they want and let's go!"

Hearing this, three or four stood up hesitatingly. Ultimately, though, the number of those preparing to move was small.

"What are you all doing? I'm saying, we should leave, now!"

Even after the nameless man urged the crowd, no one else budged. And when the majority didn't move, even those who did stand up began sitting back down. Sure, there was the awkward atmosphere to consider, but also, it wasn't as if every contracted here didn't receive an explanation or two before coming here.

"Hah, screw this. What a bunch of dumb cowards."

The nameless man muttered a few choice words, and then angrily stomped his way towards the exit. The blue-haired Night Elf with her quick wits was already there; she carefully creaked the door open. The man turned around, spat on the floor of the auditorium, and made his exit.

"Is there anyone else who wishes to leave?"

Kayne asked, but no one else made a move. The Night Elf silently closed the door and locked it.

Kayne didn't say anything else. He simply stared at the door with an expression of someone finding it all rather amusing. As this strange silence continued, the crowd alternated their gazes between the exit and him for a while.

And so, a minute went by like that, and just as the second minute was about to tick by...

Everyone inside the auditorium could hear the hurried and scared running steps approaching the door. Then, the door handle was desperately yanked from the outside.

"Open the door!! Open the door!!"

Next, there was a heavy pounding on the door….

"Open! Please!! Pleeeeaaaase!!! Ah, aaaaaahhhh!!!"

The noises from the outside suddenly cut off, both the screams of that nameless man and the pounding on the door.

"Well, I knew that would happen. Alright, in any case, let's all get started. The time's already this late and all."

Kayne placed his right hand across his chest and politely bowed.

"Everyone, I wish you all good fortune!"

Kayne had vanished into thin air, just like when he made his first appearance. Not just him, but the blue-haired Night Elf as well.

Now left seemingly abandoned, people began to inspect their surroundings in haste, one by one.

Just as someone was about to shout out…


An impact noise on a different scale from the previous pounding rocked the exit door, instantly silencing the uproar before it could even start.

One of the door's hinges couldn't endure the impact and broke off from the wall, hitting the ground with a sharp metallic clang. The door had been securely locked up, yet it was forced open just a crack before it was closed shut again.

The silence that settled within this confusion was deafening.

None of them knew what to do next. Only the instinctive reaction of the mouths silently bobbing up and down continued.


Of course, there were a few others who reacted calmy in this situation. One of them was Zevrad as he didn't remain still while this chaos unfolded. He picked up the empty golden bag, slung it over his shoulder, and got up from his chair. Meanwhile, he didn't forget to keep his eyes on the door.

Because the door was no longer emitted a green aura, but the color of orange.

Greetings my dear readers!

Thank you for taking the time to read my work.

Feel free to leave a comment and share your thoughts about the story. I would love to read some feedback so I can gain a different perspective on my storytelling.

With Kindest Regards,

The Author

My Link: https://linktr.ee/Zevrad

NOTE: "Isn't it great to be the MC? Phew!" ε-(´・`) フ

Lorepheuscreators' thoughts