
New Recruits.

After a night of surprise and a bit regret of not triggering greed , Lance started his day on a good mood.

He went through the loots obtained from last night battle.

He had obtained 6 copper beast core, 1 iron beast core , 20 armored skin , 5 elite-armored skin, 45 grade 1 meat, 10 grade 2 meat , 1 recruitment advertisement order, 1 grade 1 recruitment order and 1 elite-armored rhino egg.


Recruitment advertisement order:

Spread your name across the neighbouring regions. Attract talents as you continue to laze around.

Has a chance to obtain 100 T1 troops. (99%)

Has a chance to obtain 10 T2 troops. (0.99%)

Has a chance to obtain 1 T3 troops. (0.01%)


Grade 1 recruitment advertisement order:

Spread your name across the neighbouring regions. Attract talents as you continue to laze around.

Has a chance to obtain 100 T2 troops. (99.9%)

Has a chance to obtain 10 T3 troops. (0.099%)

Has a chance to obtain 1 T4 troops. (0.001%)

He then willed for the grade 1 recruitment advertisement order to be used.


<Golden touch triggered>

You've obtained 10 T4 troops.

'damn, nice. My luck is on the roll. Let's use the other one too.'

and so he opened the second one.


You've obtained 100 T1 troops.

He first checked the stats on one of the T1 troops.


Subject name: Aron

Territory: none

Loyalty : 80

Proficiency: have some skills in swordsmanship.

Rank: Copper grade ( T1 )

'so this is a T1 , I wonder what's the difference between them, Tiers.'

As he was reading, he saw that he hadn't named his territory as of yet.

He opened the interface and typed in the name that had been haunting in his dreams.

`Paradise Territory.`

After naming it, he checked on of the T4.

Subject name: Lydia

Territory: Paradise City

Loyalty: 80

Proficiency: extremely skilled in both marksmanship and swordsmanship.

Rank: gold ( T4 )

'oh it automatically changed to paradise city. Oh right... Troops above T3 can change their types at will, making them an optimal choice when we are gonna be waging wars for long range usually get into disadvantages when they're closed in.'

After letting the new 110 recruits to go out hunting, he finally placed his eyes on the egg.


Elite armored rhino egg

When hatched, there's a 99.9% chances of being an elite armored rhino egg.

And a 0.1% chance for it to be dead.

Fighting with himself on whether he should use it or not. He decided to give it to Arina as a reward for her amazing skills last night.

He was very satisfied with how his night turned out with the assistance of her help.

After sending someone to fetch for Arina, he checked in on the global chat.


[Greed is Good lord:

Lord's alliance is recruiting! Join us and we'll help you grow your city perfectly.

Joining us, you'll be able to access to random blessings!]

[Holy Light Lord:

The Holy alliance is recruiting as well. Join us and you'll also have a chance to change your ordinary subjects into a holy knight.

The Holy knights are a T3 soldier. What are you waiting for? Limited slot!]

He saw two huge messages in gold colour that was at the top of the message, not drowned even by the thousands, if not millions of chats below.

Just as he was feeling it's nothing much, he remembered something that send a shiver down his spines.

One can send a golden pinned message for an hour everyday after they hunt their first hundred monster.

And to make it worse only the first ten gets the effects.