
Building an army

Handing over the protection of his city to Karok.

Lance finally decided that the walls he had build won't be sufficient for his current city.

The only thing the walls covered was just his castle and a few space where more than half of it was even used for building a farm.

He opened 25 recruitment advertisement order and to his surprise he only got 2500 T1 troops.

Holding in his breath he opened 3 grade 1 recruitment advertisement order and baam. Nothing triggered, 300 T2 at his service.

And as he opened the grade 2 recruitment order, he got another 100 T3 troops.

Using up all the recruitment advertisement orders, he now had a total of 2900 new recruits.

Coupled with his 120 odd troops, he now had a total 3000 population.

The puny tiny farm maintained by the two female workers won't be enough anymore.

He could only pull out the meats he got from loots and made the 7 people without profession be in charge of providing help to Cook.

2600 T1 troops, 302 T2 troops, 100 T3 troops, 10 T4 troops and one hero.

'Ah and I only had ten subjects just a night ago.'

Having no clue on what to do, he assigned a few of his armored skins up for trades on the global lords market.

Placing 150 armored skin up for trade for building materials for his walls.

He then check around on how the other Lord's were going about.


"Damn, this is crazy, I just joined the Holy alliance and had one troop changed into a holy knight. This T3 rank knight is killing out there.

My other subjects could only watch it awe."

With that, there was even a video attached.

When a scorpion like monster ambushed said holy knight, it reversed the outcome and killed the scorpion in one hit.

It was an effective advertisement for the Holy alliance.

Lance who has 10 T4 couldn't hide the huge smug he had on his face after seeing that knight.

He wasn't jealous, nah, the only thought that ran through his brain was.

'I have 100 of T3, what's more there's even ten T4.'

While he was in his self satisfaction mood, one of his troops on patrol came in.

"Your highness, delegates from the Ouroborus Empire has appeared in our territory."

"Is it an army?"

'Is it already an invasion? From an empire nonetheless?'

"No, my lord. They told me to convey the message that, lords that appeared within the Ouroborus empire are being send help from the empire all around and they're one such group."

After hearing the explanation, Lance walked out of the castle and met the group from the empire.

There were ten odd people and none a soldier amidst them.

The leader of this small group, with a glass and a long beard walked up to Lance knelt infront of him.

"We pledge loyalty to my lord. Please take us in as your subjects."

Following his words, the other nine followed and silently knelt as well.

"Rise, from now onwards, you're one of us."

The bearded man was the first to stand up, and the rest followed slowly.

Among this ten group, there were 3 advanced architects and 2 advanced doctors.

The other five were without any professions.

'Probably an assistant each for them?'

"Can you build walls?"

Kaido, the bearded man replied," yes, my lord. With the materials, I'll be able to construct a sturdy wall that's not worse than the Empire wall."

"Oh.. What materials do we need, if we are gonna be building walls like its in the Empire.?"

"1 Mythril ore, 1 pure adamandite , soul stone and a Ginu wood."

"We're sticking to iron walls."

Lance response back with a straight face.

'I don't even know what even are those!'