
The Lord of Judgment World

A destiny that he had to go through has already rolled, this is quite inconvenient and does not give him a chance. Tsurugi doesn't want himself to always be fixated by the wish of other creatures, he decides to choose a path with his own hands.

Reluctant_Guardian · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Not Too Easy

The location of the city that Azazel saw was much better than before, there the people looked happy.

"With a city as big as this, it is certain that the leader is someone who has high authority!"

From a distance there was a carriage passing by, soldiers standing guard around it.

Azazel stood on top of the building to see the area of ​​the city.

"So here is still led by a king! Hmm....."

He was curious about someone who was driving that cart, he followed until he was in front of the palace gate.

"From here I won't be able to see who's inside!"

Azazal uses a sneak skill that can make him look like a fast-moving ninja, but this skill has its drawbacks. Everyone will be able to see him if he is not in a hiding place, only the air of his existence is unknown to others.

From behind the watchtower, Azazel stood up. Everyone is now focused on welcoming the person in the cart.

"Is the person in that cart so important that the soldiers are there!"

What Azazel saw were those neatly lined up like a chorus.

The cart door began to open, and the figure everyone saw had descended. She is a woman named Verina.

A beautiful face that is so extraordinary is able to captivate the hearts of men.

"A princess!" Azazel became a little disappointed, he thought that the figure that appeared was a general or prime minister.

But, there was a man who was Verina's bodyguard.

"Ugh?" He suddenly turned his head towards the watchtower.

Azazel lowered his head. "What did he do? Don't tell me I've been caught, no, he probably noticed something weird!" From this incident, Azazel can conclude that that man has a high ability.

"That's just my feeling apparently!"

Verina then entered the palace, the atmosphere in the throne room was so crowded.

"Father, I have returned!"

Valloy put on a warm smile. "I'm so glad you came! You came here all right!"

"That's right, I feel grateful to be back in good shape!"

"How are conditions there?"

"Everything is normal, what we are doing is going smoothly!"

"Good! It won't be long before we can benefit from this!" Valloy's face became very sly.

After that, Verina returned to her room.

"Huh… why do I have to mix with despicable people like them? Were they creatures that could be considered as living beings? Just looking at it makes me sick!"

"Princess, you can't say things like that! The position of humans is the most perfect of others, so we still have to make them slaves for a much brighter future!" replied a maid who became his right hand man.

"Seriously, why did creatures like them have to be created! So many of them just interfere with this life! That time should have just been exterminated from this world!"


Actually there is nothing interesting in that place, Azazel became confused with his current condition.

"What can I do in this place? I'm just moving in the right direction, and I don't really understand where this is going?" His mind provides memories of the message conveyed by the white figure. "Where should I start? Does directly make judgments like a super hero? Or, should I take it easy?"

In a fairly quiet street there were several people gathered, Azazel was curious about what these people were doing. He then checked what the people were looking at.

"You must be impatient to buy these slaves, they are rare creatures, they can be used as helpers in various purposes! There is no need for you to doubt that they will disobey, each slave will be bound in a special oath that will not be broken by them!"

Azazel was disgusted by this, but he couldn't do anything either. It's kind of a normal thing for those who were there.

In his previous life the same thing happened, but every time he saw this Azazel's body would feel sick.

"This is none of my business, their freedom is not my responsibility!" Azazel started to leave from there. "Fate may have already made way for those who were there as slaves!"

He went to the Adventurer's Guild, standing Azazel in front of the bulletin board. Nothing special there.

"It seems that the quests here have been completed by a lot of people!" One of the quests was seen by Azazel, he took that paper quest. "Not so bad, maybe with this quest I will be able to gain experience about this world!"

He placed the quest paper on the table.

"Welcome, can I help you?"

"I want to complete this quest!"

She looked at the paper that Azazel had placed. "Oh okay! I will put your name on the list as a bodyguard who will escort the merchant's journey! What is your name?"



"Something wrong?"

"No, I'll put your name in! Tomorrow you go to the gate, there will be a carriage for clients to use! Also make sure that you will give this letter as proof of the adventurers who will be taking part in the quest!"

Azazel took it, and then he left from there.

Actually Azazel is a person who is reluctant to protect the lives of others, he prefers to do quests to face monsters.

However, here he wanted to see the destination location of the merchant in a city.

The next day, what the maid said was true. There is already a cart near the gate.

"Oi…is that person in question?" asked a man with short hair with a sword behind him.

They looked at Azazel.

"I am an adventurer on an escort quest!"

He took the letter that Azazel gave him, and its contents did prove that Azazel was the one who got the task of escorting the merchant.

"Alright, everyone has gathered! And, now you will be the bodyguards of this journey! I hope that you will be able to protect the people in the cart! The pay will be what you want!"

Everyone nodded.

There were 4 other people who also participated in this quest.

3 people are in the same group, while 1 person is an adventurer who happens to want to carry out this quest.

"So what now? Will there be anything fun after this?" said Azazel from the heart.

__To Be Continued__