
The Lord Of All Things

In a world where the concept of spiritual energy is relegated to ancient times, humans have discovered a new source of power known as Core Energy. One day, a modern-day Earth scientist finds herself in the body of Larne Ruslan, a young man of noble lineage who was banished from his homeland in the Northlands to Nornak City, the capital of the Akan Trade Alliance, under the guise of furthering his studies. Years later, Larne receives a decree from his dying father, ordering him to return to the Grasslands and claim his rightful place as the heir to the throne. But he soon realizes that his journey will be fraught with challenges as he navigates both internal and external forces in order to protect his family and his dominion. This is the story of a lord in exile who must fight to defend his legacy and safeguard it from harm. ................. Author's note: This is my first novel.

Mr_Celestial · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Infiltrating the Alliance and Final Preparations

Eight Sword basic moves a thousand times!

Overlooking the vast school field, Larne stopped in his tracks and reminisced the times when he had also stood listening to instructors training him with hundreds of students who attended the instructor swordsmanship class…

"Huh? You want to learn a high-level sword skill, but not the basic sword moves? You're saying that even three-year-olds can pull that off? Bullshit! You're trying to run even before you've mastered walking! Do you know the difference between sword skills and swordsmanship? Yeah, you. Answer my question."

"Wrong! Your explanation only barely scrapes on the surface of the truth! Listen up to what I have to say, no one else will be so good-hearted to tell you this in the future. Swordsmanship is about using the most suitable and efficient method to take down your enemy in the least amount of time. Sword skills on the other hand is the combined execution of several efficient sword moves. It's still too early for you to start training in sword skills! To do so would be akin to trying to build a house without first laying the foundation. The house would crumble instantly once a strong wind blows by."

"Now, as to why I asked you to focus on the eight basic sword moves, the answer is simple. No matter what kind of sword skill, it would definitely involve a combination of these actions: thrusting, slashing, raising, parrying, flicking, sweeping, swiping and guarding. I want you to train it to the point where all eight moves become a natural reflex movement of your body. This way, even if you can't see the path of your opponent's sword, your body would be able to react to the strike by using these basic moves and save you from certain death. Only when one trains to this point can one claim that they are able to defend themselves with swordsmanship.

"Oh, I forgot to mention that this is how I personally train as well. I believe you guys have seen how I took out those Silver ranked instructors. The main reason I won was because these eight basic sword moves have been ingrained into my body so deeply that they have become a natural reflex. What I relied on to win was the most reliable eight basic sword moves rather than some 'ultimate sword skill'. That's why I could win easily in only a few bouts.

"As for sword skills, I would only be harming you if I let you train in them before you master the eight basic sword moves. Without the basics, your sword skills are only good for spectacle and showing off and are of no practical use. Alright, enough of that. Focus and train in the basics seriously for a thousand times. Twenty of you whom I deem most focused will personally receive further instruction from me."


Three hours later,

Sigh," those kids are lazy, Larne breathes in heavily and complains.

Pella walks to the school field and stands before Larne like a loyal soldier with chest puffed out, baffled Larne asks "What's going on? Is everything ok and are you alright?" Instructor Larne, the wielder of the Agos Medal and the first Purple-ranked instructor to be promoted even though he has a lower-leveled CoreEnergy, the Alchemist-Instructor who discovered the potion to awakening CoreEnergy in the average huma- Pella praises but gets interrupted. "Wait a minute, why all this appraisal, Am I safe?

The Old Miser requests for your presence at his office and said that to amplify your greatness and awesomeness, that I should appraise you so that you would not be gruntled by the next assignment you'd get, answered Pella

"I see, Ok let's go I am already done here,"

Few moments later

They reached Headmaster Grey's office door, they knocked "Come in" a voice answered from behind the door and they entered. The Old guy's chair was facing the Achievement board behind his Desk. Turning his chair to face them, showcasing the air of generosity with his hands locked together, he smiled and showcased his whitish-yellow teeth to them, Larne seeing the showcasing of the teeth and the show of nobility immediately put up his guard because he knew that anything this old man was going to say was going to detrimental to him and he would surely bore losses, so for the sake of precautions, he quickly said "Anything you say I would only do with Terms and Conditions.

Smiling deviously, Grey nodded his head and said "No problem, do you remember when you coordinated a Core Awakening Course, if can I recall correctly just before you went for your Adventure or let me say in your own words 'vacation' in which you made possible by awakening 750 students in two months, I am right on that one right?" Flabberwhelmed, still didn't like where the discussion was going, Larne still nodded subconsciously.

Grey taking that as a Yes and continued to say, "Well you would now take over Ex-Instructor Mike who supervised the Course, cause he's part of the first two to resign and you being the cause will have to over for him and you will work with Instructor Emily, if you don't know she's Instructor Watkins wife, Instructor Nick and Nate. Four of you would coordinate the Awakening course this time with Pella maintaining Order in the new Assembly ground" Larne cuts in and said "We have a new assembly ground! why wasn't I informed and just told me now, where did you find the piece of land to build or which building did you demolish cause I don't understand!" and why me like right now, i am having a swordsmanship class of more than the quota and then I am receiving Challenges from all around the Academy grounds, I don't want the 'Agos' Medal again just give me an honorary badge which showcases my extra-ordinariness and help me join all three badges together and why are we seriously organizing the sparring competition, it's completely uncalled for because I feel i am being used illegally and stressfully.

Now it was Pella's turn to speak and he did just that by joining on in the conversation "sorry Larne, what chapter of the scene is this?" not understanding what Pella just said, replied "I think today's is the 20th day of the sixth month of the Kojoda calendar(explanation for another day) why asking" frowning, Pella replied and berated Larne " I mean were you since the last three days? Huh! How could you not have heard that the reason the Academy is broke is because our Academy's neighbor head died and before he died he said to his sons that so as to not cause fight and quarrel which would later see them all dead or incapacitated, so he advised them that they should sell the Academy which suprisingly the sons did and sold the Academy to us for around 450.000 kans gold(which got us broke and why we are organizing this whole sparring competition) immediately their father died but the funniest thing about the own scenario is that his sons are now fighting each other for the bigger share of the money."


Everyone including Grey laughed, with Grey saying with the intention of adding to the laughter amidst the strings of laughter but intentionally or unintentionally pouring cold water on Larne laughter amidst the conversation saying "Madison's merchant guild head Duchess Bella Madison owner of the second largest Merchant guild in the Alliance and the third in the the world is bringing her son here for the Core Awakening Course and the son is fat! sorry the word 'Fat' is understatement, he is obese, and according to rumors he is always been carried around in a carriage, how will Larne find time to awaken his Core with his sparring contest coming up in the two months and the Lady Duchess wanting her son to be fit and ready by the middle of the year, just how?


Pella first laughed but then he shook his head because by now, already understanding the Academy head words had to stop laughing and glanced towards Larne also noticing that he wasn't laughing anymore. Seeing Larne face darkening, Pella knew Larne may explode soon he had to take Larne out of the office by pulling him out quick and greeting the Academy head goodbye who was still laughing.

Getting out of the office, Larne who looked like he was about to explode with anger calms down and changing his expression to that of the Larne which was with his gang when he was about to issue his commands, Pella seeing his expression quickly goes down on one knee saying " Your loyal knight awaits your Exalts commands!" If anybody was to enter or just pass by the corridor Larne was standing and saw this scene he or she would be shell shocked because how could a fellow Instructor knee to another Instructor, but to Pella, he knew it was only normal.

"Go to Sade and inform him to take Toby along with him and go to the Madison Merchant Guild, he knows what to do!"

"Yes, your Exalts." with Pella running off.