
The Lord's Maid

Elise never thought that stumbling upon a red-eyed man with a dagger stuck in his heart in the middle of the night, would instantly turn her world upside. She was only a lowly and orphaned peasant girl living an invisible life in the land of Phoenix. A land where peasants were treated as nothing less than dirt and the elite ruled with an iron fist. That night when she ventured into the woods to ease her hunger, she never dreamt of encountering a half-dead man. But not only did he end up sucking her blood, he also turned out to be the most tyrannical man alive. The Duke of Phoenix himself. Soon, she found herself entrapped in his mansion and he had no intention of letting her go, no matter how she begged and struggled for her freedom. After encountering the girl whose blood and presence miraculously revived him from dying, Kayden had two options for her. ‘Stay with him forever or make him make her stay with him forever.’ Either way, Elise lost her freedom and had no choice but to work as a maid in the mansion, remaining tied to the narcissistic, possessive, sardonic and insanely terrible Lord of Phoenix, who was the definition of whatever evil was. However, what she didn't realize was that at her presence in Kayden's life, the light in her seemed to have started seeping into his dark heart and he soon found himself affected by her. But what if the Duke was hiding a dark secret and what if he turned out to be something other than what Elise thought he was? ~~~~ All credits go to Monita on Pinterest for letting me use her wonderful Artwork. Sending thousands of loves and kisses to you.

Purple_Dreamer · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Lord and A Lady (1)

Barely two minutes after Kayden had pierced through the body of the strange young girl he found, he realized she fainted in his arms, causing his lips to twitch.

"What a weak fellow," he muttered. Could she not stand two minutes of being a blood bank?

Feeling satiated with what he had consumed, he finally pulled away from her, letting her unconsciously lie on the space next to him. 

In the dimness of night, his unhindered gaze keenly and quietly observed her, countless thoughts running in his heart. Amidst his thoughts, all traces of amusement on his face died down, turning into a very dark and dangerous demeanor.

Suddenly, all the bloodshot look in his eyes began disappearing, until they disappeared without a trace. His eyes returned to a clear white look with contrasting black eye lenses.

His eyes moved to look at the dagger stuck in his chest, which he didn't take out, before returning to look at the petite figure on the ground.

She was the one. Kayden was sure of this. He couldn't think of any other reason why he was suddenly revived from dying apart from her.

It was at her very presence, the moment she had stepped close to that tree, that made his conscious heart slowly come alive.

He had no idea who she was, but whoever she was, her presence had saved him and her blood had completely revived him. 

He huffed, remembering how she had told him her blood was poisoned. Did she think he was stupid as she was?

Swiftly, Kayden stood up from the ground where he had sat. He felt a surge of strength in him. Kneeling beside Elise, he observed her once more. She was way into oblivion and didn't realize the way her worst nightmare was now looking at her.

Above all things, her waist length curly red hair was what stood out in the darkness. Her face was as average as every other girl he had seen, nothing special. Yet, he realized her nature was very different from the rest.

"How interesting," his lips twitched.

Apparently, his killers thought they successfully murdered him, but little did they know they were not about to accomplish their plan any time soon.

He would certainly settle scores with them, an eye for a tooth. But not right now.

He had awoken, and Kayden decided to leave the forest. He would have already left, but his eyes were drawn to the girl on the ground. Normally, he would have left her there at the mercy of whatever beast roamed there. But, she was the cause of him being alive, and it intrigued him.

The next moment, Kayden effortlessly fetched the red-head into his arms. His soulless eyes scanned around the area before walking away in silence.

Stepping out of the forest, his black carriage came into view. It was parked at the lonely roadside. 

Kayden recalled how he had asked his coachman to wait for him, while he checked out the forest, when he first noticed they were being followed. But it has been over an hour now.

He moved to the coachman's area, finding him already drooling in sleep. His eyes twitched annoyed, before flickering the man's forehead that woke him up in an instance.

"Your Grace?!!" Waking up to the view of his master, Edgar had widened eyes, seeing a blade deep in his chest and a strange lady in his arms.

Maybe he was still dreaming…right?

"Your G-grace, Y-you have a—" he was cut short by his master's death glare.

"You only had one job….to wait for me. Here you are drooling like a leaking roof. Seems like you are very addicted to unemployment, Edgar." 

"I'm sorry, Y-your Grace." Edgar gulped in fear, pleading with his master, who was devoid of any human emotion.

The poor coachman had been waiting for his master for a very long time, not realizing when he fell asleep.

Kayden entered into the carriage, shutting it with a bang, placing the unconscious girl at the other end of the carriage.

"To the Manor!!" he ordered. Without daring to ask his master about the dagger or the girl, he quickly drove away through the lonely road at an intense speed.

The drive was quick and finally, they arrived at the Manor.

However, this was not just an ordinary one. It belonged to none other than the Duke of Phoenix, and its appearance could relate to that. He was that Duke, the Duke of Phoenix.

The Manor was six times the size of a regular Manor other elites owned. It had one of the most carefully designed appearances. With precious stones and jewels decorating it. Making peasants unable to pass by without looking severally staring in awe.

At the dismissal of his coachman, Kayden stepped out of the carriage, carrying the nameless girl over his unhurt chest.

It was past midnight, the servants had already retired to their quarters, leaving the corridors empty, with the candles and fireplace burning.

Kayden walked through the entrance of the Manor and into the building. However, despite how everyone had slept off, he knew one person would still be awake, awaiting his return regardless of whenever he arrived.

That person was currently standing at the stairway that led to the rooms in the mansion. His head was relaxed on the wall with closed eyes.

However, hearing the footsteps echoing, his eyes snapped open to see the Duke coming, but the sight of the Duke made him frown.

He realized the Duke wasn't alone and was definitely not okay.

"Welcome, My Lord." Lucian greeted with a bow upon the Duke's arrival.

Kayden noticed the unusual look on his right-hand man's face, without bothering to tell him about it that moment.

"You have a guest," Lucas commented,

"An exceptional one. More special than the collection of skulls I bought last week."

Lucian smiled lightly at the Duke's usual humorous, dark sarcasm.

However, everything seemed off to Lucian After two decades of being with the king, he knew he hated close contact. 

He was surprised to see an unknown female being carried by him, yet his senses told him it was related to the dagger on his chest.

Lucian wasn't worried or curious about the Duke's late arrival. It was the usual occurrence.

"Get a maid to prepare a room for her and clean her up."

Lucian silently nodded, before leaving. Two minutes later, he arrived with a maid who prepared a room for an unconscious Elise. Meanwhile, Kayden continued to carry Elise on his shoulder until the maid was done with the preparation and did not drop her like a log of wood as Lucian expected.

Once the maid was done, Kayden stepped into the room, exerting a gentleness he rarely used, and placing Elise on the bed. Giving her one last look, he strode out of the room, leaving the maid to clean her up.

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