
The Lord's Desire

He vowed to never touch a woman, to never let any desire rule his logic. For many years, it was easy to remain disciplined. Until she came, the personification of his darkest nightmare. “I thought you didn't like me?” she uttered in silence. He could clearly see in that dimly lit room how her lips curved up. “I don’t,” he replied coldly. “Then why,” she stepped forward. “could you not help to leave when you saw me in the King’s arms?” He fell silent, throwing her a lethal look. “And I’m sure you know what he did is nothing compared to what he can do on our wedding night. Imagine him doing all those things to me—” And he snapped. Towering over her like a predator cornering his prey, he pinned her on the wall at the darkest corner of that room. “You,” he uttered silently as he breathed against her lips. “don’t provoke a creature from hell, Rose.” *** A woman living in her nightmares. Melrose is destined to marry the king. It’s not her choice, but to marry the most powerful man in their kingdom is the best the world could offer a lady who needs a man. Everything is going as planned. Until the king's cousin, Reed Knight, the dark and brooding lord comes into her life unannounced. The man hates her every action, her every word, her every look. How could she not care? But her simple curiosity toward his hostility turns into something else… something too dangerous for their own good. As a woman haunted by her dark past, seeking for light, will she find refuge in the darkness? Cover is not mine. Credits to the rightful owner.

RileyRewis · Fantasy
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159 Chs

Street Commotion

"Let the King and future queen wait? That's treason!" Lady Merit chuckled a bit, showing off her cheerful personality while still acting ladylike. "Don't worry, Lady Melrose, I have assistants to take care of my other clients. Royals should come first. Always." As someone who came from a low background, Lady Merit had always stuck to the unspoken rule in society to always serve first those people in the top of the upper crust. It was why she had gained favors from the wealthiest people that brought her to where she was now.

Vincent followed the two women as they went to a more private room filled with mannequins and dresses of the highest quality. Lord Lewis often wanted Melrose to wear a customized dress, but in such events like where she was attending, Melrose thought customized dress was too special and bothersome. It was just Penelope's birthday which she was forced to attend.