
~Charachter introduction~


She is a 18-19 year old girl who desides to visit her old house,Its in the forest therefore not many people knew that it was there.She is about 6'2


She is the middle one dying at the age of 13 when dashalyn being 5 she was 6'1 when she died.she adored decorating masks


She is the oldest sister being 15 when she died,she was 6'5 when she died.She adored sowing things


She was 41-42 when she died,she was a wonderful mother in love with her family and wants them to be together no matter WHAT.height ???


He wad 43 when he died with his wife in his arms.A wonderful father he was,trully and anyone who sais otherwise is lying.height ???. He adored his family and agreed and wanting his familly together no MATER the cost.

                       Police officer

She saw him years ago,has no idea his name,only he was tall,brown hair and looked worse than dr grey after her 48 hour shift in grey's anatomy (in the sence of sleep)