
The Long Game

A 17 year old kid throws away his old life to fulfill his dream of becoming a spy. His first mission is a simple one, but also a long one. He has to go to high school. Not just any high school, He has to attend the Hills Academy of Excellence, A school for the kids of the elite. Now going by Jasper Vernon he has to buckle up and prepare for The Long Game.

johnlarner100 · Realistic
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4 Chs


The next day before classes start I head over to the usual hang out spot of congress. Its a couple of picnic tables placed outside by the cafeteria. It's a spot shaded by trees, and if congress haven't claimed it as theirs i'm sure that spot would be popular among all the students but I haven't seen anyone outside of congress even attempt to sit there. I walk up to the group. Cameron gives me a sour look as I approach, once Matt and Donald notice me they get up and shuffle towards me.

"So did you pull it off?" Matt asks excitedly. I take off my bag and pull out two printed answer sheets.

"Here you go." Their faces light up as I hand the papers to them.

"Holy shit I can't believe you actually did it!" Donald exclaims. The other half chirps up.

"Man people have tried to steal the test before but you're the only one i've ever heard actually pull it off. You're a lifesaver man." I look past the two men and meet Cameron's gaze. He looks puzzled to whats going on.

"Hey you guys don't forget to tell Cameron, If you don't ill blow you both in for cheating." The two nod and go back to the picnic tables. I turn around and head to my first period class.

Its already been a few days since then and I feel like all the effort I went through to get that test was useless. Cameron hasn't attempted to talk to me and if I make first contact i'll just get brushed off again. Instead of naturally becoming friends, it's time I follow him around and figure out his interest and adapt to them in an effort to become more likable to Cameron. After school Friday I decide to tail him.

Connor told me that Cameron drives a brand new yellow BMW. I sit in my car in the parking lot and wait for Cameron to come out. About 10 minutes of waiting I see him and Rebecca enter the parking lot. They enter the BMW and head towards the town. As I follow behind them I cant help but get caught up in the town that I haven't explored before. There are a lot of designer shops and upscale restaurants. I'm guessing the shops draw a lot of customers from the students at Hills Academy. I park on a side street and change out of my uniform into my street clothes. After I change I walk back to Main street and on the way i spot the Yellow BMW parked in an alleyway.

I see the couple walk into The Red Herring. After a quick google search, the restaurant is an upscale fish and sushi restaurant. I think about trying to get a table by them and striking up a conversation but its better to just observe now. As of now im across the street by a bus stop. They weren't seated by a window so right now im just killing time until they come out. An hour or so passes. They exit the restaurant and walk towards the string of designer shops. They walk into everyone of them and exit with a new bag. The sun is starting to set and I haven't really learned anything new about Cameron. He's a flashy dude so it'd make sense that he likes designer clothes. I decide to walk back to my car and accept that the mission failed. On my way back I pass the alleyway where I notice three guys near Cameron's car. I stand and watch for a minute. One of the three and the tallest standing at around 6'5 is leaning on the drivers side door smoking a cigarette, talking to the other two. Even though it's hot out they are all in hoodies, the smaller two don't have their hoods up put the tall one does. One of them is on the smaller side standing around 5'8, he seems even smaller next to his large friend. The last of the three is about 6'0 even. As I stand seizing up the three I hear footsteps approach on the side walk from the right.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING BY MY CAR?" I look over and see Cameron and Rebecca. It seems like Cameron doesn't notice me but me and Rebecca's gazes meet. I give her a nod but she looks back at the three by the car. Cameron then starts speed walking towards his vehicle, Rebecca tries to follow but I grab her shoulder and shake my head no. She looks hesitant but agrees. I walk up to the three guys along with Cameron who still hasn't paid me any attention.

"Oh you look a little young to be driving such a nice car. Daddy's money?" Says the tall one. Without thinking Cameron charges the man only to be picked up and slammed immediately. A thud is heard as his body slams into the asphalt with a yelp from Rebecca to follow. The shortest of the bunch looks at Cameron's school uniform and speaks up.

"Looks like he goes to hills. He must have money." The other two must have assumed I wouldn't try anything after seeing Cameron get boddy slammed because they both take their eyes off of me and check out the uniform. I see this as my time to strike. I charge the back off the tall one and kick the back of his knee. His leg buckles shortening his height. With that I throw a kick landing on the side of his face. He falls to the ground, for good measure I line up for another kick and forcefully swing my leg forward connecting with the front of his face. A brutal sound can be heard as I connect. If you don't go this far the enemy wont stay down. The medium sized one is shuffling around Cameron's pockets. Cameron hasn't moved since being thrown to the ground. The smallest one steps up behind me. I turn to face him but a punch is already on his way. It lands on the left side of my face. The punch makes me stumble a bit but I recover. Now facing him he throws another punch. I dodge it and step forward. I put my hand on his face and one leg behind his. With all my force I push his head backwards resulting him to trip over my leg. I kept my hand pushing down all the way until his head smashed into the ground. The one rummaging through Cameron's pockets stands up and looks at me nervously he gets into a makeshift fighting stance but looks around to find his friends already on the ground. He takes on step backwards before fully turning around and running away, dropping everything he just took from Cameron's pockets. Rebecca is already running towards us.

"You have a license?" I ask her as I walk towards Cameron's items.

"Y...Yes." She stumbles on the reply. I pick up all of Cameron's stuff and toss her the keys.

"Good, you drive we gotta get out of here." She starts to speak up again but sees the two thugs on the ground and agrees. I help Cameron up who's not unconsciousness but he definitely hit his head pretty hard. I put him in the back seat and make my way to the passenger side. After we all get in Rebecca drives out of the alleyway. I can tell she's still racking her brain over what just occurred.

"Jasper....Thank you."

"Yeah. Anytime."

"How..How can you fight like that?"

"I just did what I had to do to win. Believe it or not that was my first street fight." I wasn't lying about that. It's the first time i've put my combat training to use. Although I didn't use any forms or stances. It's best that I keep my martial arts ability a secret.

The car ride is quiet with the exception of giving her directions to my house to drop me off. She's still fidgeting at the wheel, I can tell she's worked up.

"You should take him to the hospital after you drop me off." I say while looking back at him from the passenger seat. He's awake but clearly he's seeing stars. She doesn't respond to me.

"If you don't want to lie about it you can tell the truth even though i'd prefer if you didn't."

"Why did you help him?"

I shrug my shoulders and respond.

"I don't know, seemed like the right thing to do I guess." I would've walked away from the situation if it wasn't Cameron. This is a good chance to get an invite to the party and wiggle my way into the friend group. With another glance to the back seat I let out a sigh. He isn't in any condition to praise me or thank me for the help, Not that I want or need the praise but still it could've made our relationship just a little bit closer.

"I'll just tell the doctors and his parents that you saw three guys trying to rob him and you came to help." She tells me. It's short and simple. It's the truth after all, but just "helping out" seems like an understatement. We quickly pull up to my house. I'm sure compared to their places it's nothing special but to me for now it's home. I get out of the car, without turning to face her I say.

"Go take care of him." I shut the car door and make my way inside.