
The Witch’s Curse

Many years passed and the little witch grew up to be a beauty. Her raven hair grew down passed her waist and he blue eyes sparkled like the river water. She was still petite for her age but none the less beautiful, beautiful and lonely.

The sun never came back to visit her and so she grew up living just like before, all alone doing the same routine everyday.

One day the little witch ran out of an herb once again. She had refused to go into the forest after the incident with the sun but just like before she need to go. So she set off into the forest when the sun was high in the sky.

The little witch traveled and traveled deeper into the dim, damp forest until she came to the spot where she had found the sun years ago. Seeing the spot again the little witch began to feel overwhelmed with sadness. While standing there her eyes started to water and her heart began to ache and yet again she cried from the loneliness she felt.

But while her tears fell to the forest floor she heard leaves rustling and twigs breaking. Looking in the direction of the sound the little witch saw a flash of golden light, but it was getting further away.

She instantly, without thinking, ran in the direction of the light. She ran without stopping, letting her legs and arms get scratched and bruised from the branches that hung in her way. Until she lost sight of the light.

She looked around but could not see it anywhere. Feeling disappointed she crouched to the ground and shrunk her self into a ball. She just felt tired and sad at this point she didn't even have tears left to cry.

Until a shadow blocked the little bit of light that got through the thick forest trees. The little witches looked up to see what caused the shadow and to her surprise she saw the Sun.

He was older and taller. He no longer looked round and squishy, instead he looked lean and solid. The little witch doubted that she could lift him now, no matter how hard she tried. But he was definitely the Sun, his hair was still bright gold and he still smelled of summer.

He looked concerned as he looked down at the little witch. He quickly bent down to where she was and helped her up.

"Are you okay? You're not hurt are you?" He asked slightly panicked.

The witch was quite surprised, it was the first time she had heard someone other than her mother speak and the memories of her mother were from such a long time ago that she couldn't clearly remember her or her voice.

But she knew it was different then the Suns. The Suns voice was deeper and had a slight gravel sound to it. It was pleasant on the ears and would make one wish to hear it more.

"I-I'm fine" the witch said willing the tears from her eyes. She smiled at the sun and giggles a little, she was just so happy he came down to visit her again.

"Then that's good" the Sun sighed. He patted the little witch on the head and smiled back at her. His smile was bright, quite fitting of the sun, or so the witch thought. His smile made the witches heart speed up and her cheeks feel warm. She didn't know why, but she had never felt this way before.

Then the witch remembered what she wanted to say. She huffed and puffed up her cheeks in anger and looked at the Sun.

"Why didn't you visit me before this, why did you leave without even a word!" The witch was quite upset remembering how she felt all these years.

The Sun looked down with sadness in his eyes. "I had to leave or else my parents would worry, and I couldn't bear to wake you up. I thought I could always come to visit you but the witch's curse on this forest was too strong."

The little witch was confused by the last part. She had never heard of the forest having a witch's curse.

"What curse?" The little witch asked the Sun.

The sun was surprised this girl had never heard of it, but he decided to tell her the story of the witch's curse either way.

The prince cleared his throat and began to tell the story of the witch's curse.

There once was a witch that lived in a nearby village, she was pretty, smart and kind. All of the villagers loved her and she loved the village. She would use her potions and spells to help the people around. She would heal their wounds, take care of the sick and help all those in need. She never turned anyone away.

One day a hunter got injured while hunting a boar. He was rushed to the witch to help heal him. She did her best and was able to save his life but his leg became crippled so he could no longer hunt. Still he was grateful to the witch and so he would visit her everyday.

Eventually love blossomed between the two and they began to prepare for their wedding. Hearing about the how the beautiful witch was marrying a crippled hunter the lord of the area became jealous. He charged into the witch's shop and demanded that she married him instead. The lord was wealthy and attractive but also very greedy and egocentric. The witch disliked his kind the most. She said no to the lord but he refused to give up. Eventually she got him to leave and she thought that was the end of that, but sadly it wasn't.

The lord really was a greedy man, if he couldn't have something then no one else could either. He spread rumors that the witch was poisoning the village, that she would spread a plague and kill all those around. He backed his claim by poisoning some towns people that went to the witch for help.

With what the villagers thought was proof they became outraged. They blamed the witch and decided to burn her and her house down. Once the house was set a blaze the witch tried to get out. She was covered in burns and was in constant pain, but what was most painful for her was that her husband did not survive the fire. She cried and cried and cried. The villagers looked at her, speaking of rumors about her under their breaths and pointing like she was a monster. The witch became crazy with the grief and so she cast a curse on the area and disappeared into the forest.

The curse stated that because of their greed the village would always be poor and their fields unable to grow crops. Anyone who steps into the forest would come out exactly where they started, unable to bring back anything from within the lush forest.

The witch also cursed the lord every generation of his family, making it so they would never find love no matter how hard they searched and that they would always be lonely, just like her.

Thank you for reading!

Please tell me your thoughts!

Sorry if my grammar isn’t perfect, I edited it myself.

Hollowluvcreators' thoughts