

The Lee family heard what happened to their daughter and rushed to the hospital. They alighted and saw their daughter unconscious, Mrs. Lee hurriedly sat beside her in tears, she quietly held her left hand tightly, "I'm sorry honey, sorry for misunderstanding you, sorry for pushing you away, please you have to be fine, you have to wake up" Mrs. Lee said, Seo ran stood there in tears, she felt guilty and sober, she moved closer to the bed and squat down crying, Kim tried to console her" the doctor said she will be fine"Kim stated, "What happened to her? Mr Lee questioned, Kim deok was reluctant to tell them but she had no choice but to split it out. She told them everything that happened and SEO Yeun didn't mean or intended to keep her new work a secret, "She did it so you all won't have to bother about her, she didn't like the idea that she will work as a maid but she had no choice than to accept it so she can be helping with the family expenses, Aunt, uncle, and SEO Ran, please forgive her and understand her, she has been through a lot of pains" Kim said, Mr and Mrs lee could not believe that their daughter went all the way and disrespected them just to save her boss," you mean our daughter risked her life just to save him, a boss that doesn't care about her, why? why did she do that?"Mrs lee asked, "Mom, that is because sis is kind and pure-hearted, you did your best to train us in the right way, you taught us to always help those in need when we have, you thought us to always choose the right path and not the wrong path, just like Kim said, it was her that lead to her boss loosing his contract because she accused him of sending those thugs to beat dad up, she saved him to make up for what she caused"SEO Ran Spilled out in a sad and dejected tone. Mrs lee and her daughter SEO ran felt guilty for misunderstanding her and pushing her away these few days, in their mind they wish any magic could be performed to heal her.

Mr. Lee explored and investigated the hospital with his eyes"But this hospital is expensive, we can't afford it, honey, I think we should transfer our daughter to another medical center we can afford"Mr. Lee said, "No need to panic, the hospital bill has been taking care of"A voice said, they all looked back and saw Waldo, the chief bodyguard to park dong ju, "Who are you? Mrs lee questioned, "I'm Waldo, a chief bodyguard to my boss" He answered, "Aishhhh, such impudence, my daughter's life is in danger right now because of your unmannered and uncultured boss, and he still has the guts to send an ordinary bodyguard to us, huh" Mrs lee blurted out furiously, "My boss needs to take care of specific and personal matters, that's why he could not return to the hospital"Waldo stated, Mrs lee gritted her teeth and ignored him. The CEO of the Ziu car industry is named"Hang Tan "Ziu Hang Tan. He is a scheming kind and causes chaos when things don't work out for him. He just smashed a bottle of wine on one of the accomplice's head and he fell groaning in pain, poor thing, blood gushed out from his head, the other two fidgeted and walked back to endeavor their safety. "You fools, you can't do anything right just a simple task and you messed up!! He shouted, "We are sorry boss, we almost reached our target but it was a girl that saved him and we don't know who she is, so sorry boss it is not our fault, "One of them said almost crying, Hang tan smirked and held him on his neck, pressed his neck so deep, he almost killed him but at the last minute he released his hands, "You all are big fools and amateur in this work, I don't need your silly explanation, the video has spread online, but I could not see the lady's face clearly, A simple mere job to hit at him when you saw her why didn't you stop you fools!!! Hang Tan furiously shouted and hit his hands on the wall, "Now everyone knows that someone is after Park Dong ju, that dog, No, No, I won't let this happen" he said, "Now listen the three of you, you will go back there and get your job done, or there will be no payment, idiots!! He scolded, "Now get out! Get out!"He commanded and they all ran out helping the smashed victim to run as well. Ziu Hang Tan will do anything within his power to ensure that Park Dong Ju is eliminated and also loses on the award day. The city of Seoul has turned into chaos on the trending news about the plot against Park Dong Ju and they are eager to know the woman who saved him, it is everywhere online," Twitter, Weibo, and Instagram "Every single soul in Seoul heard the news, and other cities in Korea too. Ze Ming heard what happened, and he made up his mind to leave Busan early tomorrow morning and board a plane back to Seoul, he kept viewing the video of the lady, to see her face well but he could not, everything about her looks familiar to him, but he just could not judge, he needs to be there for his friend at this critical time and also to see the woman who risked her life to save his friend.

Jun SEO and SEO Ran had an appointment to meet up today and start practicing their music project, he called her but her phone was switched off, he had to drive to their neighborhood even though he doesn't know the specific house, the driver parked the car at a corner following his order, he looked from the car and saw a young girl walking hopelessly and weak, he peeped"She looks like SEO Ran" his thought said, "Wait here" he told the driver and got down, he recognized the young girl to be Lee SEO Ran, he ran to her, and touched her shoulder while she gasped out in fear, she thought it was one of the thugs in their neighborhood. "SEO Ran, are you okay? Jun SEO asked her, she looked straight into his face when she saw it was Jun SEO, her tears flowed more and she hugged him tightly, Jun SEO's heart almost flew away from his body when he was hugged...HaHaHa..funny indeed, he hugged her back, 'What is the problem? why are you crying? Jun SEO asked but the tears in SEO Ran's eyes couldn't let her speak,

"Where were you heading to? Jun SEO asked, "My house, it is not far from here"SEO Ran held her tears to answer, "Fine, let's drive to your house, and then you can tell me what the problem is, "He said and lead her to the car and drove off. They got to her house and she invited him in, Jun SEO was amazed to see the setting of the house, he believed that the low class and middle-class homes are rarely furnished or mind-blowing but SEO Ran's house proved him wrong, also it was his first time coming to a house that is not a mansion, he was impressed, the sitting room looks neat and decorated, though it is a small space it looks great. He sat down on the couch, close to the small television stand, and SEO Ran sat down too, he urged her to tell him the problem, at that point, she also needed someone to keep her company, her phone was switched off and she could not call Na Ri to come over, she came back to the house to prepare dinner for her parents and Kim because they will sleepover at the hospital. Lee SEO Ran told Jun SEO everything that happened, and how her sister ended up getting hit by a car on the verge of saving her boss. Jun SEO could not believe that the lady all over the internet said to save the CEO of park industry, Park Dong Ju is SEO Ran's elder sister."Wow" he let out without knowing when he did, "What is it?SEO Ran asked, "N..N...Nothing...Nothing" he retorted, "Are you sure?SEO Ran asked and he nodded. He waited for SEO ran to finish the cooking which didn't take more than 2hrs, she offered to serve him but he resisted, he waited so he can drive her back to the hospital, but meanwhile, when she was cooking he was at the sitting room walking around until his eyes saw a lady's picture, he recalled that the young woman in the picture was also the same person in the picture he saw in his brother's room, he gasped, "How could that be possible, she is the same lady in Ze Ming's picture, Wow, this is getting interesting"He thought in his mind, a few minutes later SEO Ran was done, she also changed to another dress, making her cute as always, Dong ju pointed at the picture"Who is she? he asked, "She is my elder sister in the hospital"SEO Ran stated, "Oh alright, are you done? he asked and she nodded, she closed the doors and they left, inside the car he comforted her in his little way. "I'm sure that she will be fine, please you don't have to be worried or nervous, she did the right thing and right now your sister is the talk of the town, the video is everywhere on social media, and people are impressed about what she did and all praying she will be fine," he said, "I hope so, I want her to wake up, I want her to be fine, I want to hug her so tight and tell her that I am sorry, I should have stood by her, I was just mad that she also kept it a secret from me, "SEO Ran said in such a pitiful tone, he came closer and hugged her, "You will be fine and she will be fine, I came for us to practice our song but it is fine, I understand and it is still not late" he let out, "Thank you so much Jun SEO, thank you for driving me back to the hospital and for your understanding" She complimented looking straight to his eyes, even the pain she was feeling right in her heart could not let her blush at the sight of his handsome face. They reached the hospital and she bade him goodbye and left, he didn't go in with her"What could be the connection between my brother and her sister, I need to find out, I think I should tell my brother first, that she is my classmate's sister, judging from his mood that day, I think he has been looking for her"Jun SEO said in his mind and ordered the driver to drive.