
CHAPTER THIRTEEN:Ze Ming's mystery girl.

Eun Ji and her friends went to an ice cream shop after school dismissal, she has two friends, and they usually hang out after school." So what are your plans eun ji? What do you plan to do to win Jun SEO's heart? one of her friends asked her, "don't worry about that I have my plans, I will make him mine very soon" Eun ji said, "but I think you have one obstacle and that is SEO ran, earlier today I saw her entering his car, seems like he asked her for a lift" the other friend stated, "Are you sure about this?"Eun Ji asked, "I won't lie about this, I am sure of what I saw, you need to act fast eun ji or SEO ran will win again, "her friend said, "I will never let that happen, I will deal with SEO ran and make her life miserable if she dares me this time, "Eun ji said, one of her friends tapped her and told her to look at her back, they all turned and saw mi ho with his friends, they also came to buy icecream, Eun Ji stood up and moved to mi ho sit"excuse me mi ho, may I sit? She asked mi ho nodded which means she is allowed to sit, she dragged out one of the sits quietly and sat down," hi Eun Ji you are also here"Mi Ho said, "Yes I am as you can see, I came to tell you something "she said, "and what could that be? mi ho asked, "well can we talk privately outside?Eun Ji asked him, "why? he asked, "if you want to know, then come outside," She said and moved outside,mi ho decided to go outside to know her aim."if you want to talk about your feelings for me, I have told you several times...he said but Eun Ji interrupted"oh please shut up,who wants to talk about feelings,I already told you I have gotten off it,it is obvious you like SEO ran but you don't want to let her know"Eun Ji retorted,"what are you talking about Eun Ji?"mi ho asked her,"please don't pretend like you don't know what I am talking about,it is obvious that you have feelings for SEO ran and you know that,now listen,if you keep staying quiet then Jun SEO will win her heart,you know Jun SEO right?the new boy?he is much handsome than you and yea he is also rich,every girl in school admires him,and here now he is trying to win SEO ran,just giving you a bit of friendly advice shoot your shot now,or you will lose her"Eun Ji said,"And why are you telling me about this?you like the new boy don't you?"mi ho replied,Eun Ji, expressed an annoying smile, "Now you know, I think you should team up with me and let's work towards the one we want,try to win SEO ran and I will try to win mine,and yea you better warn her to stay away from Jun SEO"Eun Ji said, "so you want me to team up with you just to win Jun SEO huh?he said, "It is your choice mi ho,but I have some simple friendly advice,take it or not,when you are ready ,you come to me"she smirked and left,moreover,mi ho thought about what she said and got jealous"I think Eun Ji is right,I like SEO Ran a lot and she is the only girl I have ever liked,I need to man up and tell her about my feelings or should I try to win her heart first?he questioned himself in his mind, he scratched his head and went back inside.

Jun SEO reached home and saw a white designed handkerchief in the back seat,he touched it and perceived the scent after which he smiled,"it must be SEO ran's"he said in his mind,he got into his room,kept his backpack,and sat down on the chair in his room looking at the handkerchief,Jun SEO room is very big and designed,there are lots of expensive assets too,he was looking at the handkerchief which made him to start remembering the moment he spent with her inside the car"she is really cool"he said,he heard a cough and looked towards the door only to see his elder brother staring at him and smiling,"brother"he said surprisingly what are you looking at?"Ze Ming asked as he came closer to him and saw the handkerchief in his hands, "this is a girl's handkerchief "Ze Ming said, "yes brother"Jun SEO said, "is my brother in love with a girl and he didn't tell me"Ze Ming said smiling, "Not at all brother, she is just a classmate I gave a lift back home and she forgot her handkerchief inside my car"Jun SEO said, "really? and you were smiling while looking at her handkerchief "Ze Ming said, "I..I..i.actually..actually just liked the. scent and the design on it that's all"Jun SEO replied stammering, Ze Ming laughed and said"But it is not a crime if you like this particular girl" he told him, "I know brother, but you also know me well, I don't put interest in girls, she is my seatmate and a friend too, so I just like her as a friend nothing deep or strong "Jun SEO replied, "wow that is good to know, so can you tell me more about this girl? Ze Ming said, "Why brother? Jun SEO asked him," I just want to know about this good friend of yours" he replied, "Fine brother, well she is kind, beautiful, I mean very beautiful, usually quiet in class, loves studying and reviewing new topics, she is hardworking and humble too," he said smiling, "Nice, her character reminds me of someone I know, "Ze Ming said, "Really? Jun SEO asked, "Yes, I met her in college, she has the same quality just like your friend, especially her kind heart, "Ze Ming said emotionally, Jun SEO noticed the sadness in his voice, "But why the sudden change of mood?is she dead? Jun SEO asked, Ze Ming looked at him quickly "No she is not dead, I guess so"Ze Ming replied, "you guess so? Which means you don't know"Jun SEO said, "I will talk with you later jun SEO, I have something to do, "Ze Ming said and hurriedly left to avoid more questions from his junior brother, Jun SEO kept wondering what could be wrong with him, "his mood changed while talking of a certain girl, this is strange" he soliloquized. Ze Ming entered his room and banged his door hard, he rested on the wall with his face down, he looks sober and teary"why can't I just get you off my mind, why?! he shouted and hit his hand on his large study table and tears dropped from his eyes.