

Ze Ming prepared early to go meet his best friend, Dong Ju, he didn't eat breakfast with his family, he entered his car and the driver drove off. They got to the park mansion, he entered inside and went directly to Dong Ju's room, he knocked and there was no answer, he opened the door and went in but he didn't see anyone, he was wondering where he could have gone to, much later he heard a voice at his back"Welcome back buddy"Ze ming turned and it's Dong Ju, they hugged each other tightly"how was your trip? Dong Ju asked"it was good and successful I am back now" ze ming said"while don't we hang out to our

favorite spot and let's discuss more"Dong Ju told him. Park Dong Ju wore his clothes and they left together to their favorite Chinese bar where they often chill out, they discussed the scandal and Dong Ju told his friend how he handled it.

SEO Yeun arrived at her workplace, she looks better now and fit. She went up to dong ju's room to thank him for saving her from the pool, she knocked but there was no answer, she had to open the door and go in but she met no one there, as she was about to leave her eyes flashed on a magazine on top of his bed, she took it and saw the picture of dong ju on the cover, she read the words and it stated"The Ceo of park industry" She recalled the two people she met on the road talking about the CEO of park industry that is an illegitimate son and killed his father, she gasped and said"So he was the one being talked about, I said it, he is such a cruel human being, someone who killed his father could also kill someone else, but why didn't he leave me to die in the pool? I have to be very careful, Aissssh Such a jerk, I came to thank him but no I won't do that anymore, let me get back to work, I also think I should monitor his movements from today to know what evil thing he is up to this time around, maybe to kill his stepmother"She soliloquized to herself, she left the room and engaged in other work, the chief maid and other maids were happy to see her back. There is an award party coming up for the best car manufacturing company in the whole city of Korea, the party is being held by their president and the party is in one week, a lot of Ceo's are panicking about who will win the award, the award is a whole lot of money and the privilege to be among the blue house council members which is a big honor and prestige, the amount for the competition is one billion won. There is a voting forum online where citizens vote for the best industry that manufactures portable and beautiful cars, any company that gets the highest vote will win on that day. The winning team right now is the park industry, a lot of people gave their vote to the park industry. The Ceo of the Ziu Car industry was inside his office at home, he was with one of the members of the blue house council who supports him on the vote, though they have known each other for a very long time." the park industry is winning and the ultimate vote right now goes to their industry, you need to do something fast" the council member told him. He stood up from his chair and scattered everything on the table"Why does it always have to be park dong Ju, I won't let this happen, this time I will conquer''the Ceo said"We should come up with a plan to decrease the vote"the man said, the Ceo ignored his statement for some seconds before he spoke up"instead of decreasing the vote why not get rid of him, he smirked displaying his dangerous smile, "And how do you mean? the man asked"I mean to kill him, if I do that, I will be able to win, he ranks first in the vote, and my company ranks second, which means if the first didn't show up, then the second takes the award" the Ceo retorted, the man told him that it's a good idea, they are planning to kill Dong Ju and started mapping out a plan. The Ceo of the Ziu industry has always been covetous of the park industry because the industry is the top first Car enterprise in Korea, followed by his industry, and he has never been happy that he ranks second. Seo Yeun came outside to dispose of trash and saw a strange Black car parked in front of the mansion, two men were standing in front of the car, one is putting on a black suit and the other one is on casual cloth, trousers, and a shirt. She noticed how the men were moving about, and she sensed that something was wrong but she didn't pay much attention to them, she kept the trash and went back inside, she was still thinking of the men she met outside, she went to the chief maid who was cleaning, "Miss I didn't see the young master in his room" She said."he went out with his friend who just came back from a business trip" the chief maid said, "So he has a friend? She asked the chief maid'" yes he does, his friend is a gentle and kind man, he is different from our young master "the chief maid uttered, "that's good to know, I just want to thank him for saving my life "Seo yeun said" he asked of you today in the morning, he wants to make sure you are fine" the chief maid said, "but why does he care? I thought he is a cruel monster so why does he care"Seo Yeun said"You are his maid of course so he should care, if anything happens to any of us he will be the one to be blamed"the chief maid said, "that is true he just doesn't care he only cares about his reputation, I detest him so much, I feel like kicking him so hard" she said with a lot of hatred, the chief maid smiled"but you both looked so sweet yesterday, he carried you tightly in his arms and even tried hard to revive you, the scene yesterday was skeptic" the chief maid said smiling, "Stop Miss, I can never imagine being in a love scene with that monster, I rather die"Seo yeun said, "do you detest him that much?"The chief maid asked"I don't even want to talk about him, I will get back to work," She said and bowed down to the chief maid before she left."I think Seo Yeun coming to this house will change a whole lot of things, I can feel that "The chief maid said to herself and giggled.