
CHAPTER EIGHTEEN: It's beginning to get more complicated.

Lee SEO yeun is lost in her thought, she was sitting on a swing chair in the garden thinking of what she did and the next way to revenge, it has been hours since she drugged their young master and yet he was still not awake, the maids and cooks were so worried because he has never slept this way on a work day."Lee SEO yeun, Lee SEO yeun!She heard someone shout her name, she ran inside immediately and it was Waldo the bodyguard calling her, "What is it and why shouting out my name that way"Seo Yeun said, "The young master asked for you"Waldo said, Seo yeun got gripped in fear immediately, "why did he call for me? did he find out anything?"She questioned herself in her mind, She followed Waldo upstairs to answer him. They entered his office upstairs and not his room, just to see him fuming in anger and fidgeting, he folded his arms so tight expressing his level of anger that very minute, his assistant was there too, he turned back and his eyes were all red and dark, Seo yeun got scared herself, he looked her straight into the eyes, "Why did you tell my assistant and bodyguard that I asked to be left alone and not to be disturbed"Park dong ju asked, "Because that is what you said sir"Seo yeun answered, "huh? what do you mean? Dong Ju asked, "You were done with your coffee and I came into your room to clean which was when you told me to take the empty cup of coffee away and tell everyone not to disturb your sleep" Lee SEO Yeun lied, "Are you sure about that? Dong Ju asked, "Yes young master, I was surprised myself because I never knew monsters could sleep too"Waldo and hae mi looked at her immediately including dong ju, "Sorry I mean, I never knew you could sleep"Seo Yeun retorted, Park dong ju moved to the table where his trophy was been kept and threw them down in anger and shouted, "Aishhhhhhhhhh you all are so stupid and irritating, I lost the contract, I lost it!"He said, hitting his hands on the table and bending his head. Lee Seo Yeun smiled immediately and put off the smile so no one could notice her, she was very happy to see him that way, he commanded all of them to leave and they obeyed him immediately.

It's late, Seo yeun was done with her work for the day and headed home, Meanwhile Park dong ju has been busy at the wine cellar drinking himself into a stupor, he feels like a loser and a failure, the foreign company that he lost their contract opportunity is very popular and powerful, it has been his father's dream to partner with their company and he almost made through it but an obstacle obstructed and stopped it from happening, he was excited when the foreigners accepted his company to partner with them.The contract meant a lot to him, "how on earth did I doze off like that" he said in his mind, "Something is wrong, I have never behaved this way so what happened to me, I was preparing for work and then..I can't remember" he said in his mind and rushed down his glass of wine, he looks frustrated and depressed.Lee Seo Yeun and her family gathered outside in the night, they were eating and discussed, the atmosphere was so refreshing and lovely, Kim deok joined them as well, Lee SEO Yeun cooked the rice and chicken stew while Mr. Lee bought soju, his wounds were healing, "How was work today honey? Mr. Lee asked Seo yeun, "it was so good father, good and fun"Seo yeun said, "You seem happy dear" Mrs. Lee uttered, "Yes mother, I am very happy, today's work wasn't that stressful"Seo yeun said, "Oh I see, one of these days I will pack lunch and bring over to your office, I will pack for everybody, it's been long I did that" Mrs. Lee said, "No!"Seo Yeun shouted, "Why, what's wrong?"Mrs Lee asked"Ah..Ah..it's just...Seo Yeun tried to speak and Kim interrupted her, "She is trying to say we are always busy these days and we don't have time for extra things, there are lots of news and more to cover up, so no time aunt," Kim said, "oh really?"Mrs. Lee asked, "Exactly mum, so don't bother yourself, "Seo Yeun said and her mother accepted, Seo yeun looked at Kim and winked at her while Kim gave her a thumbs up.Seo yeun family already went in to sleep but she and Kim remained outside,Kim will sleep over today,"You did a great job and thank goodness you didn't get caught,who knows what the story will be friend"Kim said,"I handled everything smartly,I wish you were there to see the sadness and anger on his face ,I felt like laughing out real hard on his face"Seo yeun said,and they both laughed,"yeah I remember something Seo yeun,I have something to tell you"Kim said,"What is that,Come'on ,go ahead and spill it out"Seo yeun said,"please don't get mad"Kim uttered,"Why will I?just tell me what you want to say"Seo yeun retorted,"fine I will,I think I saw someone like your ex today,you showed me his picture right?it's exactly him I saw"Kim said,Seo yeun was about eating a spoon of the food in front of her but when Kim said what she let out,she dropped the spoon immediately and looked at kim,"that's not possible Kim,he can't be back,you didn't see him"Seo yeun said,"I am serious friend,I saw him,I might not have seen him in reality before but I remembered his face in the picture you showed me,he was with another man,but I couldn't recognize the face of the man he was it,the man was putting on shades"Kim said,"I also..."Kim tried to talk but Seo Yeun interrupted her, "Enough, stop, It is not possible, you did not see him, what on earth could he be doing in Korea, his parents are wealthy and I don't think he ever mentioned residing in Korea after his studies, "Seo yeun said, "I know you will get pissed off that is why I never wanted to tell you," Kim told her, "let's just end the topic,tommrow is my day off from work and yours too so why don't we hang out, I have been so busy these days and because of that we no longer have the chance to hang out as we do, all thanks to my new hectic job, "Seo yeun said, Kim smiled"of course, I wanted to bring that up too," Kim said, "Alright then, let's go to sleep, goodnight and sleep well, "Seo yeun said, got up and went inside, Kim knew her mood changed immediately she talked about her ex, Seo yeun doesn't like talking about him and she detests him so much.Back inside Seo Yeun's room, she lay on her bed and covered herself with a duvet, she didn't feel like sleeping and got herself thinking" Could Kim be right that she saw him, his family resides here in Seoul so it might be possible, no no, it's impossible, he can't just come back into my life, she must have seen a wrong person" She said in her mind and quietly slept off.