
The Lone Wolf (novel)

(Omegaverse, Once a week updates, bxb, mature) Disclaimer I do not own the cover art On a night when the moon was shining Blaze came across something peculiar in the woods an omega not just any Omega but a male Omega.

Amber_Sato · Fantasy
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35 Chs

~Chapter 17 Dustin's POV~

~Chapter 17 Dustin's POV~

The dinner with Blaze's friend Mason and Echo was amazing. Echo is a traveler and is really fun to talk to. Just because he is an Omega he doesn't let it stop him from anything. That also makes him a little bit naive though. I think with the ideas I have for the future Echo will be able to help me. The only problem that stands in my way is the meeting with the Elders.

Blaze messaged the council's secretary and she said they would be having a meeting tomorrow. So with the little amount of time I have I will be meantally preparing myself for the questions. Blaze and I have also gone over our "Love Story" so no one suspects I ran away from my former pack. I could possibly gain sympathy from that but I'm not willing to take the risk. I still have to go back there almost everyday for college though.

Right now I'm taking a couple weeks off because of Blaze. I think it will be a bit of a drive to college now but Blaze said he is willing to drive me before going to work. Once I am able to gain the favor of the Elders I will be able to start my project. Well I'll start planning without them knowing. The final decision for the project to float and not sink is in their hands.

It would most likely be in my best interest to go to sleep and get a good night's rest for tomorrow. Blaze doesn't have a spare bed in the house. While I was asleep for the past few days he slept on the sofa. I don't want him to have a bad back from sleeping on the sofa for a while so we are going to sleep in his bed. The last time Blaze and I slept in the same bed I wasn't able to sleep that well. It could have had something to do with my heat or that I was next to an unmated Alpha for a while.

Now being in the same room with him shouldn't be that bad because we are mates and more comfortable with each other. I put on some clean and comfy clothes and slid under the blankets. Blaze's house is so big it has its own library and study. Along with a small indoor pool and basement. What surprises me is that he lives alone. Usually people would live with their family or friends in a house that is this big.

I flipped through the pages of a fashion magazine. I looked at the coats for winter and there were also Christmas gifts to get for your significant other. I heard the door squeak open and Blaze shutting the door. "Are you still awake Dustin?" Blaze whispered. I turned over in bed and said "Yeah I'm still awake. What were you working on downstairs?" "I was just making arrangements for business in the morning tomorrow. I won't have a normal schedule since the Elder business." I nodded my head. "Well we should both get some sleep since we have a busy day tomorrow." I told him as I shifted my position, moving over to make room for him.

Blaze had already put on his night clothes when he got home. So he was ready to sleep right when he got home. He lifted the blanket up and slid under. It was comforting having someone else sleeping next to me. I inched a little bit closer to Blaze.

Underneath the blanket was warm and comforting. I felt Blaze's arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him in a hug. He was cuddling me and it was amazing. I whispered "I Love You." I went to sleep feeling happy and content.

~The End Of Chapter 13~

I know you guys have heard this a lot from me but sorry for the short update I have has important exams most of this week and some of next week. Sometimes it feels like when I finish an important exam another is right around the corner.

Amber_Satocreators' thoughts