
The lone she-wolf

Scarlet,a young girl faced with dangers,unfortunate events and hidden truth,betrayed by humans.will she ever find peace or loose herself on a rampage

cobalt_blue · Fantasy
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87 Chs

Chapter seven

The smell of wet soil filled the night breeze as the sound of grunts and snarls echoed around, walking up to the creature of the night.it snarled viciously baring its bloody fangs. It lunged its claws but was met with an invisible wall, colliding with the ground. It stood up back but made no move to attack. I smirked. "You're a smart one". Looking around limbs scattered across the place but a body remained Unscathed but dead with a knife to its heart. Going closer to it, the creature stood in front of it as it snarled at me. How cute.

"What a mess you youngsters have made" pulling out a cell phone.

"How is it"

"It worked as you predicted"

"When can I pick the product"

"Better today, so I can clean up this disaster"

"Nice doing business with you"

Poor creature. snapping my finger, it fell to the ground with a thud. How bothersome.



Sniff sniff

It smelt good. I opened my eyes, rubbing my eyes, the sunrays directly in the line of sight. I groaned using one hand to shield my eyes from the light but was held back by chains. Wait, chains?. I got up abruptly to check my surroundings. This wasn't the dorm. The room looked shaggy. Have I been kidnapped?. Memories of last night flooding back. Anne was gone. Joshua killed her then he must have kidnapped me so no one would find out. I struggled with the chain trying to break free looking around me for any sharp object.

I heard footsteps coming to the room. The chain won't budge. The door opened revealing a man, definitely not Joshua. In his fifties, he had black hair, his body was lean but well kept. He looked at me,

"You're awake, and just in time for breakfast". I shook my head refusing the food but as if on cue my stomach grumbled making him smirk his look saying 'yeah right. I reluctantly accepted the food from him. Talk about stranger danger. After I ate my fill he sat comfortably crossing his leg over the other. "Now you can ask your pending questions". I gestured to my chained hands. I couldn't communicate.

"Use your words". I raised my eyebrow, this guy gotta be kidding me. I'm mute you son of a…...sigh. I used gestures to indicate I couldn't talk.

" I know you can't talk" I looked at him with disbelief like what the h….., "before, but now you can". Yup, he's crazy.

"I guess you still don't believe me". Like who would. He got up to get a paper and pen.

'Who are you and where is Joshua'

" Ine that is two questions, two you can call me master….Ahh just kidding but You could still call me that if you want" I scooted away from him. I encountered a pervert. "And thirdly, if you're talking about the kid that killed your friend. Karma is a bitch cause you killed him. Tore him limb to limb, what a sight that was". I stared at him like an extra head had popped out of his shoulder. You say what now.

'First, you said I could talk and now you tell me I killed someone. I couldn't even whack a bug if I saw one. Are you avoiding the part where you're bat shit crazy and why did you kidnap me? Let me warn you very soon the police will come looking for me'.

He read it, laughing hysterically at what I said. He flung the paper away. "One thing is for sure you ain't going nowhere and even if you do run away no one will remember you". What did he mean by that?. I didn't want to accept what he said. He's trying to make me look crazy so if they find me they would think I'd gone insane. This must be Joshua's doing, I couldn't have killed him. He did kill Anne but I would never….. Wait, what about Anne?Her body. The man wasn't in the room again. I was alone, lost in my thoughts, I'm going to go insane. I buried my head in my hands.

It felt like an hour had passed. The room had gotten dim. He later came back to feed me in the afternoon and this evening. He was being nice. I tried to tell him to loosen my chain, it was tight with the best pitiful face I could muster. He scoffed, saying," Do I look like I was born yesterday". Guess he ain't stupid. I had to escape tonight. I just need to figure out how to get the chains off.

I stayed up waiting until it was dead in the night and he would be deep in his sleep. I had kept a penknife from the plate when I insisted on eating by myself. I dragged it out from under the pillow. After hitting it repeatedly. It had bent. I grew frustrated yanking the chain with my hand trying to rip it apart.


I stared in surprise. Did I just break a chain with my bare hand? staring at the other half dangling on my right wrist. Who uses weak chains to kidnap someone. No time to think about that. I scurried to the door gently twisting the knob trying not to make a sound. Across my door was another one I could hear deep snores from behind the door, satisfied he was asleep I tiptoed into the living room locating the exit. I ran towards it, flinging the door open I ran into the woods. The place was located in an unknown area. How was I going to find my way back? I kept running, trying to create as much distance as I could from the house.

I finally stopped to take a rest near a fig tree, I sat down breathing heavily. I should have exercised more. I needed to keep moving, find a road first and get help. Right now I am exhausted. My breathing had evened, I listened to the forest feeling the cool breeze on my skin it was almost peaceful. This felt too easy for an escape. I guess I'm lucky he wasn't a good kidnapper. I was feeling drowsy as the atmosphere calmed my nerves. Making me drift off to sleep.

Squeak squeak

I woke up to see a squirrel on my leg. It noticed my movement and ran up into trees. I got up dusting myself off, the other half of the chain dangling from my right hand. I used a stone to break the extension then I kept walking.

I stopped a few times to rest, luckily I found a river. Finally, my body stanked, taking note to look around whether I was alone. I removed my clothes, washed the dirt off then stepped into the river to wash my body.

Some minutes later

I was refreshed and ready to go, following the road up the stream. These days have been a little too much. who would believe my best friend was killed by their psychotic foster brother who I was told 'I killed'. And the funniest part I can f..... talk. I broke off from my thoughts, hearing cars. I went on seeing the tarred road. I'm saved. I stood beside the road raising my thumb to stop a car. A car pulled up, I panicked how would I tell them where I'm going. I went over to the car, Here goes nothing.

I asked if they knew the foster home. They nodded. I tried not to show the fact that I was shocked that my voice, I can talk. I entered and they drove off.

I relaxed when I saw the estate gates. Thanking them. I walked up to the main house. Everyone was looking at me weirdly. I sighed in relief when I saw Samantha. After graduating she had stayed back to help as a teacher. I walked up to her, throwing myself on her. I could hear gasps from the students, I looked up at her face to say she was shocked was an understatement. She peeled me off, confused.

"Who are you?", I stepped back unconsciously now recognizing the expressions on their faces. They didn't know me, how is this possible? I ran to my room hoping to see my things there, also Anne's. I burst into the room and it was empty like no one had been using it for ages. I broke down sobbing. This isn't possible.

That means he wasn't lying. I killed Joshua too.

"Crying over spilled milk isn't going to change anything.". I looked at the door. Ms. Jane. I was expecting her to remember me. She accessed my body letting out a frustrated sigh.

"To my office, before you create another commotion". I followed quietly behind her no one seemed to pay me any attention.

"Do you know the reason why everyone forgot me?", I asked. She wasn't surprised I could talk. wait did she know I was kidnapped and decided to ignore me.

" yes" she kept walking, not turning back even once. I was starting to get annoyed.

"Then why".

" because I erased their memory". I stopped, none of that made any sense.

"So, you're expecting me to believe you erased every single person's memory in the school about me ". She stood in front of her door finally turning back, "yes", then entered her office. She sat down gesturing me to sit also which I did.

" that's not possible, how could you have done that". I was still trying to comprehend everything that had happened.

"Cause I'm a witch". I gave her a- you'd got to be kidding me kinda look.

" yes, and I'm a werewolf" using a sarcastic tone.

"You are actually", say what now. " I'm not playing along with your crazy mind games". I stood up to go out.

" Then explain Joshua's death, you're thinking you would have been able to go against him normally, or the fact you can speak which I heard wasn't curable."

All the things she pointed out made sense. But, I am a werewolf?. I would be mad to believe all these things.