
The Lone Kryptonian

Waking up, I was not expecting to suddenly remember my past life as I was blasted by a robot fighting another robot which was colored red and gold. Was That Iron Man? N/A: Rewrite of In Marvel As Superman

DarkHelixDragoon24 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Magneto Chp 10


Putting on a black Kryptonian skinsuit with gold highlights with a cape that covers my shoulders for my meeting with Magneto

I sigh as I think about my decision about him

He is a man of his word as long as he is not betrayed he will follow through with his deals

I am offering an entirely new world for him and the rest of the mutants plus Earth when the time comes

To be honest, he is one of the only people that I would trust with the future of Earth

He and Dr. Doom are the only ones that can

Magneto is the easier one while trying to convince Doom about it

At the very least I will take the mutants out of the equation by having them in another world while Doom takes ownership of the Earth

Maybe I am giving them too much credit, to be honest

Dr. Doom is probably going to want to retire once he realizes that ruling an entire world filled with humans will be an even bigger pain in the ass than he knows

Ruling a country is not the same as ruling an entire world

Especially, when we deal with humanity who are known to be the biggest fuck ups in existence

The first example is Reed Richards, who made a machine to open a doorway to another dimension filled with dangerous beings that on average stronger and possibly smarter than humans because he was curious about it.

The second example is Tony Stark, he is a genius no doubt about it, but it is completely overshadowed by his sheer arrogance, from what I remember is that most of his armor blueprints usually end up being stolen one way or another. Not only that but he embodies the phrase, You scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not you could, that you didn't think if you should.

The third example is Peter fucking Parker, one of the people with the greatest potential that I have ever seen.

He can get rich if he tried hard enough, but someway or somehow he ends up getting screwed

Most versions of him can't have stable relationships, have money issues, and has the most enemies than any other superhero

The versions of him that are 'happy' are those that decided to say fuck it and stopped being Spider-Man

I frown at that

The versions of him that I am aware of have a pretty shitty life in general

But, to be honest, I am pretty confident that I can help him out

Right now, I am getting my hands on some money from illegal accounts and making investments in long-running businesses to keep the money flowing

I may not necessarily need the money for myself

But, it will help me build connections and keep an eye out for certain people of interest.

Such Micheal Morbius as he has a rare blood disease and is working on a cure for it, however, he hasn't had much luck with getting people to invest.

At least until I gave him a call and said that I am rather interested in his 'cure' and if he succeeds great if he doesn't and instead becomes a vampire, that is fine

I am not stupid

I can't do everything alone

Unfortunately, I still need to deal with people like the Juggernaut

I managed to get my hands on some pictures showing two different Juggernauts but both are still the same

One of them is a 7-foot-tall mall that looks like he is cosplaying as the Juggernaut, the other looks like him

So, I am dealing with a version of the Juggernaut that is both a mutant AND a champion of Cyttrorak

I am not sure how I stack up against him

I get out of my home base and fly close to where our meeting is going to take place

I arrive a bit early for our meeting but being early is a good thing

I look around where we are meeting and see the clearing

I am pretty sure he is not coming alone

Sitting down on a rather big rock I look at my wrist causing a holographic screen to pop up

I check on the progress of multiple projects while I wait for Magneto to arrive

I shake my head and chuckle a bit because I have gadgets on me at the moment

I am pretty much turning into Batman due to how many gadgets I carry with me. Which I have to admit is probably one of the reasons why Batman has survived as long as he has.

From my memories of him is that he is ALWAYS ready for any situation

I look at my research after making sure that I am keeping tabs on Dr.Cornelius, the head researcher of Project Golden Sentry, making sure that I finally have the last of the Kryptonian materials that I need to be made by my Molecular Assembly Machine, looking for any sorcerer not affiliated with the Masters of the Mystic Arts, studying the differences between the Meta-gene in me and the X-gene, looking for Nathaniel Essex to help me in my own research on the X-gene and find a way to merge both my X-gene AND my Meta-gene if possible

I look up and see a man holding his hands up as several people follow a bit higher than him as they descend

Magneto is surprisingly wearing armor

He honestly, reminds of his version of Iron Man Armored Adventures

"Magneto," I speak up as I stand up and walk toward him and look at the people next to him.

"You wanted to talk?" He asks a bit apprehensive

"Yes, but in private," I tell him before getting something from my belt

"This will make a barrier where we will be able to talk without anyone interrupting us, obviously, metal. Just press the button and throw it to the ground," I tell him holding it out for him and he moves it with his power and does as I say but not before raising his hand to stop his followers

I am rather surprised to see a blue-furry one though


The others are some I don't recognize though, a woman with a piercing on her lower lip trying way too hard to appear interesting, the other a teen with boney protrusions on his body

"Talk," He orders but I just roll my eyes

"Alright, Erik," I say

"The reason that I wanted to meet you was..."