
Chapter 4

After naruto took in everything Ophis said, he had a look of loss in his eyes, not knowing what to do for the future.

"What…should I do now?"

Ophis pretended to think for a moment and said, "Let's start with leaving Konoha. Since Konoha has not cherished you enough, the best solution is to go to some other village that will."

"Other villages?" Naruto was stunned hearing this, how could a 6 year old know what other villages are, much less a 6 year old orphan like him.

Looking at Ophis, he waited for her to give him a solution. Ophis, being generous, proposed a deal.

"Since you don't know which village to choose from, How about I do that for you? I'll also bring you to a nice village that will not bully you. As for the price…you just owe me a favor, deal?"

Ophis folded her arms and subconsciously tap her white fingers, waiting for naruto's response. Although she is 90 percent sure naruto won't reject it but she still is a bit anxious.

Though she did think of unleashing the outer gods from Cthulhu mythos in Konoha and let those crazy outer gods ravage Konoha, she still held back with the reason being, 'I don't want to do much damage to Konoha.'

The kind words of Ophis cleared the confusion clouding naruto's mind. What she said is right, if the village he is born in doesn't bring him any warmth but only deception and lies, then why not travel to another village?

Finally having an answer to his plight, he brightened up and looked back at Ophis, only to be stunned by her beautiful smile (only slightly upturned lips) and his heart skipped a beat for the second time.

Ophis, being an impatient child, spoke again with a hint of irritation in her eyes.

"Do you accept my offer or not?"

In naruto's eyes, this hint of irritation became a form of care in her eyes, making his cheeks hot and his shyness exploded.

A tinge of redness remained on his cheeks as he wildly thought of various possibilities.

Does…she love me?

Calming himself, he looked back at Ophis, smiling with an extra sunny smile, and said, "You have gone all the effort to do all this so I have to accept it, Miss!"

The plan was a success. Since naruto has agreed to it, she of course will accept it. she would be a fool if she didn't.

"Oh, I haven't introduced myself yet. You could call me Ophis, naruto. Nice to meet you."

Naruto returned to her a smile and re-introduced himself. Not that he did in the first place but he didn't think much about how Ophis knew his name.

"I am Naruto Uzumaki! You can call me Naruto, Miss Ophis."

"Okay, Tomorrow I'll go to your apartment and tell you my plan, how about it?"

"Uh…" Naruto suddenly thought of his messy room and fidgeted his fingers once again.

He is a bit embarrassed at the thought of letting Ophis see his dirty and messy room, thinking that it'll bring the favorability of Ophis to the bottom.

Don't ask how a kid like him would care about appearances like adults.

Ophis, who didn't know what naruto was thinking, poked his forehead to get his attention while thinking: 'Geez, kids these days… even a simple yes or no question takes a lot of time to answer.'

"Ah- Yes! Tomorrow it is."

Since the appointment was made, Ophis turned around and slowly left, being in a good mood, she hummed her favorite tune.

Looking at Ophis's leaving back, Naruto looked back and was a bit emotional.

He feels…the light has come to him. Being shrouded in the darkness for quite a long time, his only light was Hiruzen, making him feel warmth for the first time.

But…now he knows, the warmth was just a firecracker compared with the light Ophis brought, which is the sun!

After Ophis has left his field of vision completely, a resolute expression appeared on his immature face and this time it was as unshakable as bedrock that held the entire continent up.

"I will work hard and…clean my room up!"

Pumping himself up, he quickly returned home and cleaned his room all night long.

Throwing away the garbage outside his apartment door, he hoped the garbage disposal people will take it out this time because it would be embarrassing if not.


In a certain office of the hokage building, an old man sitting on the hokage's seat looked solemnly at the report on his desk.

A few hours ago, a bright beam of light shot through the sky, scattering the clouds and seemed to be the pillar to heaven appeared for a moment.

Almost everyone in the whole village could see that pillar of light and he is no exception too. Although he was reading the second edition of make-out paradise in the bathroom as he usually does, he could still see the beam of light and it was very clear in his vision.

You know how exaggerated the flashiness of the light pillar is when you can even see it even in the toilet.

So, he quickly sent some Anbu ninjas to investigate but nothing was found.

The most mysterious part of it all is that some civilians saw a group of 6 men following a small figure into that exact alleyway.

The 6 men disappeared out of thin air including that small figure.

Where they disappear to is unknown but the cause of it is obviously space-time ninjutsu, but no one has the ability to use space-time ninjutsu in Konoha, maybe even in the entire world, at least no one has heard of a space-time ninjutsu master.

Only Minato is a known space-time ninjutsu master, but he can't do something so flashy, and he is dead.

Unless… it's that masked man.

"I'm too old to deal with this…" Hiruzen sighed as he placed the report down. "This is an S-rank secret. Whoever speaks of it will be severely punished, understand?"

Although everyone in the village already knows this secret including some spies and the order is a bit redundant, but the 3 Anbu ninjas, who were kneeling down, still nodded, showing their loyalty, and said: "Understood" before they quickly flickered away.


[The Next Day]

This morning, Ophis had the best breakfast ever and also wore some of the more comfortable clothes she found in the system mall.

A black and fluffy jacket, a white shirt underneath the jacket, white silk stockings, and a pair of flat-heeled shoes.

(A/N I don't know what I'm saying in the clothes part but it sounds smart.)

As for a bath? She doesn't feel like it and doesn't need it.

An infinity dragon god has an automatic clean function in their genes (if they have genes) so it would be a waste of time, mostly because she is too lazy to.

In a few minutes, Ophis arrived at the doorstep of naruto's apartment.

Each orphan is given some money in order for them to live until adulthood where they will be left on their own.

Naruto is no exception.

Hiruzen even went so far as to investigate which apartment naruto will live in. He doesn't want anyone to just barge in and kill naruto because of malice.

The loss would be too great for Konoha after all.

Outside of naruto's apartment, there was some graffiti on the walls, which is obviously illegal but the Anbu ninjas protecting naruto didn't care too much.

Ignoring it, she went to the door.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

Knocking the door, she patiently waited for naruto to open the door.


The sound of the door unlocking was heard, and the door opened, revealing naruto with his so ever-present smile.

In a gentlemanly bow he learned from a book he got in the dumpster, he said in a very gentlemanly tone, "Good morning, Miss Ophis. Today is a great day, right?"

Hearing the unfamiliar tone of naruto, Ophis squinted her eyes, looking suspiciously at the gentlemanly naruto and said with a hint of disgust, "Who are you? I don't remember naruto being like this."

The disgust in her voice wasn't disguised at all and it pierced right through naruto's fragile immature heart.


His eyes became watery as he looked back at Ophis with pleading eyes and whispered, as if heartbroken at what she said.

"please…don't hate me."

Ophis was stunned at what naruto said. How the hell did he breakdown this quickly? What happened to the invincible naruto? Even hinata rejecting you won't make you so dramatic right.

"I don't hate you…just, I don't like your gentlemanly attitude."

Nodding his head frantically, Naruto promised, "I-I won't do this again, I swear."

Ophis nodded and entered the apartment, naruto followed closely behind, like a little puppy.

Looking around, she was surprised to find that naruto's room is squeaky clean, as if it was just clean.

'How weird…naruto's apartment shouldn't be this clean, right?' she thought as she blankly stared at the seemingly spotless room.

The thought of naruto cleaning his apartment for her didn't cross her mind at all so she just thought it was a bit weird and ignored it.

At naruto's bedroom, Ophis sat on the bed. Because she was only 1.5 m, her feet, covered with white stockings, was hanging in the air and couldn't touch the ground.

(A/N Don't ask why someone would make such a tall bed for a 1.12 m naruto.)

Naruto is obviously such a pure and innocent existence at this age, that's why his attention was focused on the dangling feet of Ophis.

Pure thoughts without any dirt in it.

To be honest, Ophis didn't notice where his attention was focused on but instead was testing out the comfiness of the bed.

As for where naruto sat? Of course on the wooden tiled floor.

He is used to sitting on the ground often when eating instant noodles so he didn't mind it.

This time Ophis didn't bother to check whether there is any Anbu nearby but instead just isolated the space to prevent any of their conversation to leak.

Staring at naruto, she said, "There are a total of 3 steps in my masterplan. The first step is to improve your strength."

Naruto tilted his head and asked, "How do I improve my strength, Miss Ophis?"

Obviously not happy with his interruption, Ophis stared deeply at naruto, slightly scaring him, and continued, "The second step is to continue enduring what the villagers are doing to you so that Lord Hokage won't be suspicious at you."


Question marks popped up on naruto's head when hearing this. His expression seems to be saying 'Isn't the plan to get the hell out of Konoha??'

Seemingly not noticing his expression, Ophis continued: "The third step is to directly leave Konoha through the front gate."

After she finished speaking all the steps of her grandiose plan, naruto seems to have more questions than answers.

The first step is actually great, Improving his strength could increase the success of leaving Konoha. The second step, although confusing but still acceptable.

However, what about the third step? Leave Konoha through the front door? Why can't they leave through the backdoor?

Even if Konoha is not as good as its heyday where dozens of kage-level ninjas aren't too hard to find, it still is very powerful.

A few kage-level ninjas and thousands of veteran ninjas ranging from chunin to Jounin, plus a squad of the most elite, the Anbu.

Not to mention the possibility of calling back the two Sannins, who each have strength comparable to strong Kage-level ninjas, it is extremely difficult to leave discreetly without alerting anyone at all.

And If the jinchuriki just waltz right out of the village through the front door then wouldn't the title of "strongest shinobi village" be a waste?

However, Because naruto has too little knowledge in this regard, didn't think much but raised a very reasonable doubt.

"What about grandpa Hiruzen? He's the 'strongest' hokage so how are we going to leave through the front door without his notice?"

It is quite hard for a responsible hokage like hiruzen to not see the jinchuriki of the village to leave through the front door.

Her lips curved upward slightly, showing a proud look, Ophis said, "I'll train you stronger than the so-called strongest hokage. If you are stronger than him then you could leave the village."

'The expression of the third hokage being defeated by the son of the hero of Konoha would probably be priceless…' Ophis thought badly.

Her original plan was to just bring naruto out of the village in a low-key fashion so that when someone finds out, it'll already be too late.

But now, she changed her mind. If naruto were to leave through the front door and cause a lot of commotion then it would be…more interesting.

Make naruto stronger than the third hokage and leave after naruto finishes his graduation exam at the ninja academy.

As for which village she'll send naruto to, it'll obviously be the land of lightning, Kumogakure. That is the perfect place since the jinchurikis aren't as discriminated there as in Konoha.

After all, they have the eight tails and two tails in their possession, you don't see the jinchuriki being bullied in the village, as a matter of fact, they are treated as a hero.

A veteran of handling tailed beast and jinchuriki.

The two discussed the time and place for the training course as Ophis will be the one training him.

Since she didn't enter the ninja academy due to poor talents and naruto entered the academy, the two decided that training will start on a free training ground at the academy premises after naruto finishes his class.

By the two, I mean Ophis unilaterally deciding for naruto.


After Ophis finished discussing with naruto the details, she left his apartment and returned home.

The moment she step foot outside of naruto's apartment, she found a suspicious cute dark blue haired loli.

She was squatting outside, veins bulged around her pupils, and concentrated on staring at the concrete wall with her white pupils.

This scene is obviously very suspicious. Ophis, being a good citizen, walked towards the loli and kindly reminded her about her weird action.

Though in her mind, she was quite surprised as she recognized the loli.

'Hinata, huh? Wonder why she is here?'

As she slowly approached the loli, she tugged the loli's should, instantly startling the cute loli.

Turning around, the bulging veins disappeared, returning to her normal appearance, and she looked as if she was caught in a naughty act.

Her slightly puffy cheeks were flushed red in shyness, her fingers fidgeted, reminiscent of naruto's action a day before, and her big watery eyes stared at Ophis, hoping she didn't see anything.

Ophis wasn't interested in what she was doing here but instead reminded her, "What you did was weird so please don't do it again."

"It isn't that weird!" Hinata, as if being triggered by Ophis's statement, adamantly defended her actions.

I mean how could she be weird? Obviously she is the eldest lady of the prestigious Hyuga Clan, whatever she does is elegant.

Even if she squats outside a person's house and stares at the concrete wall with her byakugan that everyone knows can see through physical objects.

The indifferent eyes stared down at hinata.

The height different between the two is quite noticeable so Ophis with her 1.5 m heigh looked quite menacing to hinata, who only is 1.11 m tall, a centimeter shorter than naruto.

The indifferent look made hinata a bit scared and the Hyuga guards hiding in the dark was ready to take action.

"Hm…It is weird. Well, I don't have time to argue with you, I'm leaving."

Turning around, Ophis began heading to the direction of a nearby restaurant. She didn't care nearly enough to argue with hinata and she is craving for some barbeque right now.

Seeing that Ophis is actually waiting, Hinata was a little nervous, what if news spreads out that she is a very weird person? Her reputation would collapsed!

"W-Wait! Wait a moment!"

She hurriedly catched up to Ophis and tried to stop her in order the clear up 'misunderstandings'.

Ophis obviously would not stop just to listen to some bullshit made up by hinata so she continued walking.

In the end, hinata followed Ophis to a restaurant. Hyuga guards followed behind, speechless at the scene where their eldest miss was willingly 'kidnapped' by a loli.

(A/N Ye, naruto and hinata is too mature for her age even in the ninja world but it would be boring without some personality changes. You wouldn't want naruto and hinata to be reborn from the future right? It would directly cut the possibility of hinata joining Ophis's loli empire/harem XD)

(Edit: Let's just say some things here are different from the Anime Naruto. Some details may have changed completely but you don't have to mind it. Ahem, killer bee and Kumogakure, Ahem!)

All I'm offering you guys is a subpar fanfic with no character development or anything like that. I will write how I feel like so don't be too disappointed if you feel the quality has fallen of a cliff :)

Mr_SlimePBcreators' thoughts