
Chapter 1

Lucy's POV:

I walked through the trees and yelled, "Alex!". I knew we shouldn't have gone camping, but Alex wanted it. "Alex!!"

"Okay, so exactly why are you yelling my name? What is it?" he asked.

Alex was such a pretty boy, so much so that I wondered if he was real or even why he was dating me. He always seemed as if he only saw me as a thing he was very curious about and was just with me to discover things along the way. He appeared before me in an instant. His face was zooming in. Lord, he was just perfect! His inky-dark hair had grown past his neck. I felt his hair actually grew too fast because, when we started dating, he had really short hair.

According to him, he'd been living somewhere really deserted, and even he didn't know its name. I bet he just doesn't want to tell me!

So his hair was really short because, according to him, he had long hair initially, but he had an accident with a sharp machine, and that was the end of his beautiful hair.

I really find it hard to believe some of these stories because, for one, I wasn't dumb. He had absolutely no injuries to his head, but the fact that his hair grew so fast actually makes me rethink my hypothesis.

And, oh, his face was so perfect and well sculpted. I would have suspected that he was constantly mewing, but when he talked, nothing changed, which proved that hypothesis wrong again.

If there's one thing I actually got right, it's that he's wearing contacts because I've found myself staring into his eyes countlessly only to notice how unnatural they looked. The black contacts definitely did not leave any chance for me to prove myself, and plus, who'd want to wear black contacts? But that gut feeling always remained.

I think he's a criminal undercover. He's got no identity, which I think is his use for me, and he has absolutely no sense of direction!

"Oi!" "ah! You scared me! Alex, where have you been?" "Aww, did you miss me already?" "No way, Alex, stop running around! were in a goddamn forest!" "Yeah, I hear you." " what?" I interrupted, "Don't tell me you've never been to a first either." Sighing, I dragged him back to the tents. "You know I'm a full-grown man," he grumbled. I laughed, "Oh, really? How old are you again? You could have been attacked, injured, or, worse, eaten," he said, rolling his eyes. "I'm totally fine." "Yeah, stupid! Why do girls always have to be the serious ones in a relationship?" I muttered, crossing my arms and staring straight into his eyes, and he stared right back at me.

The eyes again... So distracting! He soon burst into laughter—a contagious one—so contagious that even I started laughing, real hard! and I forget all about what made me mad at him.

"You're so weird; sight-seeing is nice, especially when we have only an hour to get back home." I glared at him. "It's better we head home." I said, "Anything you say, boss." 

This was not helping! We walked to the car, got in, and I drove off. All the way, my thoughts earlier kept clouding my mind... My boyfriend and I haven't dated for up to a month. Not that I mind his looks, but he kept getting suspicious day by day.    "Hey, you're giving off real eerie vibes," I smiled. "I'm a forensic pathologist... What do you think?" He cupped his chin with his palms, and his elbow kissed his knee.

"Let's pretend like I know what that is," he said. That was it! . "How old are you, Alex?" I asked tentatively. "Ugh, how old are you? he retorted. "That's not the question!Do you know I also studied psychology, Alex?" "Ermmmm..." "You'd better tell me who you are right now. Or else," I said, staring straight at him, and he gulped.

This was going to be messy today.

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