
The Living Bot! (Multiverse ft. Robot!SI)

What happens when you put a soul inside a simple droid, give him mental instability and let him wander the multiverse? Lots of shenanigans, meddling and utter domination! "I will be updating this novel from the forums once a month(if there is any), so don't complain if there is nothing to read, I'm as big of a reader as any of you are XP" This novel I bring to you from forums that not so many had visited and it's hard to find constantly updated stories. Forum stories of origin: https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/the-living-bot-multiverse-ft-robot-si.56139/reader/ All right for star wars and etc are reserved by their respected owned, this is work of fanfiction and made by [JustBukharin] Author

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19 Chs

Then we get the fuel canister...(3)

First week of being the glorious leader of Tatooine and I was already dealing with the perilous mountains that were made of paper and words.

Paperwork is the bane of every ruler's existance but... it's a necessary evil.

But it is still boooooring.

The process wasn't as annoying as it would have been if I had been a non-droid, my body capable of hardly feeling some strain with this kind of activities but this didn't mean I was scot free from the draining effect paperwork has on one mind.

The first thing that had to be done was an official census of the people of this planet and I was thankful the old administration had kept something similar lying around.

There was an outdated census and a recently-updated slaves' list that helped up in finding out whom lived where. A process that would take a week or two to complete but I was already moving with my plans of power consolidation.

That is why a state intevention policy was applied to the rudimentary economy of the planet and several of the activities that had been under the control of slavers were seized, furnished with proper products and given to acceptable candidates to administer them.

It would have been quite difficult to pull this up but that is where I started to think military-wise what to do with the militia I had. After contacting Jango again, I managed to get in touch with some former bounty hunters quite eager to get some money. Some of them were even gleeful at the idea of having some simpler job that reminded them of their former operations and they were overall pleased with the plan I had for the Military Academy that was being established in Mos Eisley.

The premise of the military complex that was picked had been a former military outpost of the ancient colonial militia that just needed some cleaning and some adjustement in some of the sections of the building.

We are sure embracing the dictator's role quickly..

It is because we know how to rule and-

We don't and that is the horrible thing! We have never held a political seat, we never studied for the job-

But we did play Paradox Interactive's games! I think that is a good enough place where to learn how to rule.

Those are only games-

We killed Dooku with wine and I think that counts as a classic Crusader King 2 assassination.


We also led a special operation that resembled much of those funny ones in Hearts of Iron IV.


We are also in a scifi scenario and that is connected to Stellaris.

You know what? Do whatever you wish for.. just don't kill anyone innocent.

Don't worry! This is not going to end like a Tropico game!

That isn't a game from PI!

Next subject of the first week, education and recreative places. Two schools were operative three days after they were commisioned, the teachers being individuals that were experienced with the subject and didn't require a textbook to teach.

A major boon for a leader that was using a very limited budget for his grandiose projects.

To solve the issue of hunger and thirst, I decided to introduce Self-Service cantinas in several spaceports, seeing quite the interesting results in the following few days.

Activities in the streets seemed to almost revived as large crowdes walked around happily, some to go to their work while others were merely enjoying the nice day.

What should we do with the unemployed former slaves?

That is a good question. What should we do with them..

Wat had been contacted and to say that he was pleased with the progress I had achieved would be underrating his reaction. Baktoid, BlasTech and other important dealers within Techno Union were informed of this development too and about the low tariffs set for the industries that would accept the unemployed locals in the newest facilities.

There were already several emissaries on their way but it would take a full day before they would reach Tatooine and that left most of the people without something to do.

The solution was the newest festivity called 'Freedom Day' which was collocated the day following 'Liberation Day'.

While the Liberation Day celebrated the end of the Hutt's dominance on Tatooine, Freedom Day was meant to celebrate the offical end of slavery and would see a festival with games and spectacles where everyone was invited to witness.

I suppose this is like the 'Hold a Feast' kind of solution from Crusader Kings 2..

You are finally warming up to us! Good!

I was actually remembering that the decision could easily backfire on the user.

Nope! Still the usual optimistic.

There were still some issues I found myself unable to truly solve, one of them being the integration of the Tusken in the major spaceports without getting some conflict between natives and colonials.

While the Sand People had learnt to accept my orders, the same wasn't for the people living in the major hubs. One small mistake and rebellions were going to pop like popcorn.

Mhhh, I miss them-

Don't! It's already difficult trying to cope the lack of proper body needs, I don't need to be reminded so easily of food.

Maybe we could find some way to.. leave this body?

As much as tempting that sounds, that would leave me the most vulnerable in this universe and that is a big no-no considering that we pissed off Palpatine.

Actually, what are we supposed to do now that the Republic knows about our existance?

We do what we do best. We play the blame game.

I had planned to wait for an offical attempt to call my little coup out but I decided against it when a small and devious idea made its way in my mind.

The communication device buzzed as I waited for the other side of the call to answer and a small *bzzt* revealed a little green creature, frowning in the hologram.

"Am I speaking with Grand Master Yoda?"



Cham Syndulla aimed his Blaster at the two Gamorreans keeping their assault at bay.

Every since the news of Jabba's death had reached the homeworld of the Twi'leks, the Resistance had rekindled the rebellions around the whole planets against the now-headless Hutt administration.

Most of the attacks were going fine but the leader of the freedom fighters spotted a major issue, one caused by the lack of proper preparation and equipment.

Losses were almost as much as the more numerous guards were and medical instruments were something his group had planned to bring back so soon.

"Sir! They are around us."

A foul word escaped his mouth as he tried to find another position were to hide from the enemy's shots.

Two more of his group fell on the ground, burning sounds reaching his ears as he prepared to make this his last stand.

He closed his eyes and prayed for a miracle to happen, for their people to be finally free from the yoke of the Hutts.

Powerful explosions followed his last preaching, fire engulfing the approaching Gamorreans as a volley from unknown blasters teared down the remaining forces of the Hutt Empire in the area.

Sounds of metallic footsteps caused a renewed surge of dread. The slavers were using droids?!

Indeed several droids started to rush the area, the tallest of them all, grey and much more human-like, crouched near him. "Cham Syndulla?"

The Twi'lek blinked but then nodded, confused by this development. "We are here to bring you and your men and women to safety."

"S-Safety? Whom are you working for?"

The droid was about to leave but paused at the question. "We are allied with the newest government in Tatooine. The Governor-General says that 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'."

Cham took the helping hand from the droid and nodded. "I see... then tell your leader that the Resistance is willingfully accepting this gracious offer."

The Rebellion renewed its strength as several others droid battalions were deployed in the major fighting spots.


"Sir! We made contacts with Cham Syndulla!" Wat tilted his head at the monitors showing the various frontlines the droid were intervening on Ryloth.

The planet was rich and the foreman hadn't been shy in the past to voice his claim over the planet, but now there was an opportunity that sounded appealing but also disheartening.

While his 'helping hand' wasn't going to conquer the whole planet for him to rule, he would still get a hefty series of concessions thanks to his contribution in the Civil War, enough to gain twice the resources spent in this war.

Yes, this was truly a bittersweet victory but... maybe this was fine.

Afterall there was no sign of true danger to his life as of now.

He glanced at the Coruscant News with a gleeful expression, the greatest treat having been displaying there for quite few hours.

"Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine found missing after a Jedi Inquiry posed to the Senate during an emergency meeting!"

The old fool had been dethroned and it was going to be a matter of time before he meet a just and rightful end.


This one is particularly short and I intend to upload a second chapter. Few more for Star Wars and then we move to... another universe which isn't particularly used in this kind of stories for... reasons. Reasons about being too boring. (Maybe it will be liked there but... I will be fine if I leave some confused.)

Originates from:


Terriercreators' thoughts