
The Living Bot! (Multiverse ft. Robot!SI)

What happens when you put a soul inside a simple droid, give him mental instability and let him wander the multiverse? Lots of shenanigans, meddling and utter domination! "I will be updating this novel from the forums once a month(if there is any), so don't complain if there is nothing to read, I'm as big of a reader as any of you are XP" This novel I bring to you from forums that not so many had visited and it's hard to find constantly updated stories. Forum stories of origin: https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/the-living-bot-multiverse-ft-robot-si.56139/reader/ All right for star wars and etc are reserved by their respected owned, this is work of fanfiction and made by [JustBukharin] Author

Terrier · Movies
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19 Chs

Hardcore Realpoliticking (Or Bismark's wet dream)(1)

Coruscant, Senate's entrance

I wonder if I am a fascist or just authoritarian, political-wise.

We have shown tendencies that defy normal democracies but.. we have maintained the standard rights for our subjects. I think we are quite moderate about it.

But aren't we part of the 27% of the SW community? I mean, we would support anything but the Resistance/New Republic.

I suppose it is mostly caused by the characterisation Disney offers of the First Order AND the New Republic, the former being made more extremist than the Empire was in its attempt to survive the newest Republic.

I mean, should Jedi count as pseudo-SS against anyone they might consider against their Order even if it is a good ally to the Republic?

I don't want to sound dumb but.. isn't this supposed to be 'A galaxy far, far away' for it to actually know about Fascism, Communism and anything we have suffered in our own history?

...Actually that is a sound question.

I think it fits with the 'politics here are as simple as drinking a cup of water'.

But let us return to the real issue, the greatest bane to every sane/insane being in the entire multiverse.


Once I had finished to deal with Nal Hutta's occupation I decided to make a quick return to Tatooine, trying to get some projects commenced and to prepare eventual changes in my economical and social policies where it was required.

It was a day after my return that I received a message from the Supreme Chancellor, an invite before the Senate to speak about the end of the Hutt Occupation Zone and the plans for what was left of it.

Truly an annoying process of bureaucracy, one I was ready to shake a little with a small grin and some efty truth bombs.

I let a metallic sigh as I relaxed in the chair, being the only one in the room other than the receptionist and a familiar girl.

A small togruta, staring fiercely at the ground as if it was throwing at her slurs that she couldn't accept to bear.

What a nice display of inner angsty.

She does bear a familiar resemblance to-

*Squeal* That is little 'soka!

I stared a little more at the young teen and... yep, that is Ahsoka Tano.

What is she doing there? Shouldn't she be by the Temple right now?

I turned my attention at the ground and snorted. "Did the floor do something terrible to you, kid?"

My visual receptors were set in a certain angle that allowed me just a reduced sight over the girl's face, yet I could see her eyes widening and glancing my general direction.

"I-" She blushed a little, looking quite embarassed that someone had picked her strange action. "I was just.. thinking."

I nodded quietly and continued to stare at the floor with an intrigued look.

"Happy things?" The togruta froze a little, expecting the chat to end quickly with her limited answer.

You silly thing, of course boredom cannot be sated by such a small reply.

I wonder what will happen to her now that there is no Clone Wars and that.. we might screw up her 'future' Jedi Master.

I mean, there is still Obi-wan.. or someone else?

"I was- Wait, why should I tell this to a droid?"

I paused for a moment and sighed. "Indeed, why should you?"

We stared at each other in utter silence, Ahsoka trying to find something that could break this new stalemate but failing to do, deciding to break it herself and stare back at the floor.

"I think that... you could be bad." I would have smiled if I had a mouth.

"Truly? What a pessimistic point of view from someone so young."

She snorted. "I am not a child."

"I can see that." I stated quickly, catching her off-guard and-

I mean, is there even someone capable of surviving my truth bombs with a true poker face?

"I... I cannot. It's something only the Jedi are supposed to know and-" "Who is bullying you?"

She flinched a little. "W-What? No! T-That is not the reason for-" "You should hide that better."

I was pointing at a purple bruise visible on her hand, the togruta rapidly covering it with her other hand and blushing a storm. "I-I just fell-" "The stairs excuse?"

She closed her mouth, preferring to not deign an answer to that query as she knew I had some idea about her situation.

"You... why are you not returning the favour to the bullies?"

She stood silend for a long time, sighing and then showing quite the grimace. "It- It is not the Jedi way."

"Defending people... not the Jedi way?" She snapped her head to stare at me at the sudden accusations I just threw.

"T-That is not right-" "Really? Do you think that you are the only target of the bullies?"

She froze mid-protest, paling a little at my little, indirect jab.

I wasn't truly... disappointed or angry at her by being so egocentric on the matter. It is easy to mistake the attention a bully gives to you as something unique, limited to you but.. generally bullies do target multiple people.

"You should ask for some medical attention if you have any other injuries." I stated dully as I returned to stare at the ground. "It is quite unhealthy to keep any of those unchecked for so long."

She didn't answer and I was glad for the silence granted to my mind and about my speech to the Senate.

Maybe we could build a flamethrower.


Because we would just say 'Hans, pass me the flammenwerfer' and then BBQ our enemies.

That sounds like rubbish-

We could get a Jetpack.

Oh my god, that would be awesome!

But wouldn't that require high maintainance?

Stop killing our fun, ye party pooper!

"W-Why didn't you.." I realised that the girl was asking something and I turned to stare at her, Ahsoka looking quite gloomy there. "Why didn't you say I should speak to someone?"

"Because this isn't highschool, you don't have any moral support that isn't summarized in some nonsensical monk mantra and 'violence is never a solution' for those taking care for you."

She blinked in surprise. "I... but the Jedi Order-" "Is made by pacifists with deadly lightsabers, kid, do you seriously think that there is something logical in the general appearance of this? Do me a favour and... break their legs."


"Break their legs, slam their skull on a wall or trip them down a staircase. Ya know, simple comebacks for bullies."

"I thought you said violence is never a solution?!"

"I did say it by the Jedi standards but... I am all for it. Bullies understand things by practical solutions, like there was a moment when I was a little kid-" I paused and froze as she frowned at me.

"Little kid, you? Aren't you a droid?"


Memories are going to kill us.

The sucky ones, the good ones keep us going and the wet ones keep us 'warm' in bed.

Aren't we a droid? How are we supposed to be warm in bed?


"Do you believe in magic?"

She blinked once, trying to understand if this was my attempt to change the subject but merely sighed.


"Good!" I exclaimed amused and giddy. "Because it has nothing to do with it!"


"Look! Isn't that Master Yoda?"

"As if Master Yoda would be there no-w! Oh no!" Her bravado melted in her fidgeting in her seat as the grandmaster of the Jedi approached.

"Padawan Tano, back to the temple you may go, important discussions with Shinhachi I must have."

The girl gulped nervously but nodded at the calm order, leaving me to stare at the small, green troll in front of me.

"Curious you are, Shinhachi."

"The same I could say about you, Master Yoda." The master nodded, sitting right on the free chair beside mine.

"Balance to the force your presence is bringing, a forced peace you have obtained."

"Sometimes blood need to be spilled and someone has to take the matters in their own hands, at the cost of murdering their own identity."

"A tragic outlook of life you have, Shinhachi, I regret to say one I actually have seen happen multiple times before my eyes."

"The wheel of history move with blood, never with fresh water." I muttered quietly and the grandmaster sighed tiredly.

"A long and pained journey yours will be. A friend of mine seen it he has."

I paused for a moment at this familiar words. "Qui-gon Jinn?"

He blinked but nodded at the surprising reply. "Indeed. Clairvoyance the force has given to him."

That was the weirdest part of the series, why something limited by bacterias in living beings be capable of pulling this stuff.

Maybe there is more to the matter than the one presented in the movies, books and comics.

"Shouldn't the Force be limited by the midichlorians?"

"Most of the times it is, but secret ways it still holds. Connected to the mystical and unknown it is."

This is just... insane.



"In peace for now the Order will leave you. To the senate room, you may now go."

I nodded at the guarantee from the troll and sighed just one last time. "Why haven't you pushed for a reform within the order?"

He returned the gesture. "Sturdy the traditionalists' minds are, a tall and resilient wall they have made."

"Hopefully this wall will crumble one way or another.." I nodded back to him as I started to walk towards the large meeting room.


Tatooine, Military Academy

Mitth'raw'nuruodo waited eagerly for the planned second lesson of Obscure History of Warfare.

The first one had been quite the endearing beginning of the unique course, bringing some more popularity to the mysterious Shinhachi.

The paper he had prepared about Napoleon had been carefully written, detailing the particular strategies the man had used to easily defeat large armies with small forces under his command, his rightful interest in the superior firepower showed by the first artillery pieces but also his grand mistake of stretching his strong army in the massive territories of Russia.

Truly a mastermind that was afflicted by mortal desires, Napoleon was as awe-inspiring as disappointing in the overall summary.

The communication device buzzed in action, ending the chattering of the now enormous class as they all stared at the holographic device.

"Greetings class and once more I have to apologise for my current lack of real presence within the premises of the Academy because of a summon before the Galactic Senate."

Some gasped at those news, thinking that the Governor-General was going to be trialed, a kind of fear that Thrawn (that was his newest nickname from his cadre of students) was feeling within himself.

To lose such an interesting individual for some pitiful moralists within the corrupt government body would warrant some action from the Chiss Ascendency and the rest of the allied planets that were once under the Hutts' yoke.

"Nothing to worry about, just something about explaining the Nal Hutta's newest administration and demanding the recognition of the new government in Tatooine, Ryloth and other planets."

Relief washed immediately in the scholars, one in particular now sitting near the Chiss.

Thrawn wasn't sure what to make of the young man that was Wulff Yularen, awkward and asocial in the best of situations, yet he found the man's ability and recognitions worth of some praise from him.

"Today the lesson is focused... two centuries after the Napoleonic War."

The previous map that showed the world after the Congress of Vienna changed in a single blink, long gone were the mini-states between Russia and France, now a major state, Germany, emerged prominently in the region.

Austria had changed its name in 'Austria-Hungary' and a new nation in the south, Italy, had formed too.

"It's the eve of what many historians call the Great War, a conflict that will span across the entire planet because of how extensive the alliances are in this period."

The borders of the nations were now highlighted in red and blue, dividing the world in two major blocks.

Entente Cordiale:


United Kingdom


Central Powers:




"The world is gearing up for some major conflict but no one is willing to draw the first shot to spark it. The alliances there, initially limited to those nations, are mostly defensive ones and many are scared of starting a war alone against the other block."

The map moves toward the southern border of Austria-Hungary, locking onto the small country of Serbia.

"Serbia is a slavic nation, having quite the warm relationship with Russia but being quite Austrophobe and demanding several lands within Austria-Hungary."

The map moves once more, this time reaching the city of Sarajevo. "It's a warm day when Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Empire, is visiting the recently-occupied city of Sarajevo. People are mostly happy... but there are also the usual group of assassins in the area."

A loud noise echoed in the classroom, surprising everyone but Thrawn, the Chiss recognising this was the very sound a slug-loaded gun made when shooting and indeed the Archduke collapsed with some bleeding wounds in his chest.

"The heir dies, the old man ruling is pissed and Serbia is a prideful, stubborn thing."

The image change to show several soldiers storming the borders, some holding the austro-hungarian flags as they advanced deep in the Serbian mainland.

"Austria-Hungary invades Serbia, pushing Russia to return the favour and... everything explodes beautifully."

The world was in flame because a royal noble died, the Chiss found it ironic that he could see it happening with the Ascendency replacing Austria-Hungary.

"But our main focus of this period are some interesting generals in this conflict, the first of our little lecture being Oskar von Hutier."

A man with mustaches and short hair, sporting a officer uniform, appeared by the holographic device.

Oskar von Hutier

"The man might be quite forgotten by many historians but... he shouldn't. He is the forerunner of the two main doctrines that are still used in Warfare: Armored Rush and Specialized Artillery Warfare."

Thrawn stared at the bigger pieces of cannons that were being shown, more powerful than their original counterparts and possibly even more precise.

"Hutier specialised in infiltration tactics, something quite rare in the static mindset of the oldest members of General Staff, leading to some spectacular actions against the trench warfare in France and Russia."

"S-Sir, there are students that wish to ask questions."

The teacher was pale when he stated this but Shinhachi merely sighed. "I suppose someone will have some questions regarding the... strange lack of epicness."

A chuckle was shared by some of the students but the first of those wishing to ask question was given permission.

"Why was trench warfare this much important in this period?"

The unknown man hummed. "Good question and... it mostly has to do the fact it had worked in the recent past."

The image changed once more, showing a different scenario than the green hills of Europe.

It was a desert, one where several dark-skinned humans donning primitive clothes and blades were rushing towards men armed with rifles.

"It was fourty to sixty years prior to the Great War, the United Kingdom was trying to subjugate a small native nation, the Zulu tribe, to his growing colonial empire, sparing just several hundreds to fight the massive numbers the natives had in their fold."

The scene changed once more, showing burning caravans and multiple soldiers' body lying on the ground, dead. Several students had to look away, something that displeased Thrawn quite a bit. If you are training to become an officer, you are supposed to see that you are going to causing death with your orders, may it be your men or the enemy.

"The situation was at first hopeless because none of the Napoleonic tactics prepared to the quick strikes of the Zulu and soon drastic changes were required to fight off the incessant assaults."

The battle was shown in its full bloody glory, a small settlement had been turned in a defensive perimeter with numerous lines garrisoned by few men.

"A series of battles ensued and soon it became apparent that certain unfavourable odds required the use of an old but refined warfare."

"Attrition?" The teacher asked softly and Shinhachi hummed positively.

"Bravo! Yes, that is the point of trench warfare."

"This man is... strange." The Chiss gave a glance to Yularen's direction and nodded.

"Strange men are the most unpredictable in the battlefield." The Chiss replied calmly, sporting a brief smile. "Their strategy is unknown and it could easily warrant a defeat."

The human glanced back but Thrawn was back to watch the lecture, a pleased look in his features as he stood silent during the whole two hours of explanation.


There isn't much to say about Hutier other than his Infiltration tactics and his impressive deduction about finding counters to the trench warfare.

Also long chapter, yatta!

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