
The Living Bot! (Multiverse ft. Robot!SI)

What happens when you put a soul inside a simple droid, give him mental instability and let him wander the multiverse? Lots of shenanigans, meddling and utter domination! "I will be updating this novel from the forums once a month(if there is any), so don't complain if there is nothing to read, I'm as big of a reader as any of you are XP" This novel I bring to you from forums that not so many had visited and it's hard to find constantly updated stories. Forum stories of origin: https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/the-living-bot-multiverse-ft-robot-si.56139/reader/ All right for star wars and etc are reserved by their respected owned, this is work of fanfiction and made by [JustBukharin] Author

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And finally we let the Powderkeg explode!(3)

Aboard Yamato-Class 'Caliburn'

I was glad my visual receptors blinked back to where I had left my main body.

I let a tired sigh loose as I felt the drain in my psyche catching up on me in the form of a barely acceptable migraine.

This is worst than a hangover...

Maybe switching bodies that are so much distant isn't truly the greatest exploit... this hurts...

"I see you are back, Commander 428." The familiar BX-1 walked in front of me, finishing staring from the frontal windows. "The siege of the planet is undergoing smoothly."

"Define.. smoothly, Lieutenant." A nod then several holographic images appeared nearby, giving multiple sights of the situation in the planet's surface.

"The Hutts have deployed a mixed army of Gamorreans, Rodians and old Droids. Their equipment is scarce but they still throw themselves at our troops, sir."

"Hopefully they are getting minced by the combined firepower-" "They have, sir. Until now our losses had been less than a hundred droid and ten clones.

I was surprised at those results. It seems like the 'Quality+Quantity wins everything' is legit even in the 'futuristic' warfare that is applied in any galactic warfare.

"If I may ask, sir, you seem... weary. Do you need any assistance?"

I gave a long look at the subordinate and sighed at the advanced protocols it had. "Just a... ill thought."

Like the one we had when the Nighsisters were glancing at us as if we were some juicy meatball?

I prefer to not discuss about that very bit of our endeavour..

Yet we are doing something... innovative. I don't think someone had ever planned to offer the 'Siths' a peaceful settlement within a safe environment, to be protected from the Jedi-

I'm still debating if we can trust Maul. He isn't much of a loyal Zabrak and... frankly I don't wish to get pestered by the Jedi so soon.

Well, we kind of bitch-slapped him back to something similar to sanity back in Lotho Minor.


Lotho Minor

"No! N-NO! Master- A liar- he-he lied-"

The BX-1 body I was currently using was less human-like than my main one but I could still easily fit the little arsenal I've prepared for my little adventure.

Dual E-5 pistol blasters and a Vibroblade I found in Tatooine. Quite underequipped but still eager to recruit the former Sith Lord, I had been quite disdained when I found myself in the very junkyard the Clone Wars series had shown.

The dumpster mini-planet was not as endearing as I had hoped but a raving Maul having six spider-like legs? That at least soothed the worries of not finding anything of him.

"Listen, man, I need you to-" "Nonononono! I- No, you are- yes, you are- MAD!"

...My god is he that much deranged. I sighed one last time and, as the spider-Maul approached to arms' range, I swung a nice, loud slap with my metallic, open palm.

The former Sith yelped and recoiled in a panicked fashion, trying to nurse the pained cheek but ending up in a small corner of the room, one I was walking toward with no-patience within my mind.

"Listen up, Fucko, I need you with my plans to screw Sidious and-" He bounced towards me as I voiced his former Master's name but was intercepted by another bitch-slap.

"M-Master-" "Yeah, the old fuck that got you this much screwed and throw you literally in the trashbin."

The Zabrak paused, his eyes still wide open in a broken confusion. "W-What- The p-plan?"

"I bring you back to Dathomir and get you fixed up with some better lower legs."

The former Sith stood silent for a moment and then nodded, accepting my open palm for a handshake with a flinch.

Bitch-slaps can do that to people.


Then we got him fixed and patched, then killed Sheev and finally we got only two pressing issue on the matter-

Yeah, but what should we do if the Nightbrothers and Nighsisters try to pull some Sith Empire BS on us?

We will be ready with our army and-

What if we made them Jedi and Sith do some peace and love?

Impossible. Even through the idea is endearing and 'possible' under certain conditions that would tax us in the long-term process, I doubt we would be able to do that without some conflict with the traditionalists from the Jedi.

It's not truly... difficult. Maybe a conflict could be avoided because... Tarkin?

You- I- Actually, I see now an opportunity, a slim one, but I doubt our luck will get allow us this kind of things.

Always the optimist and.. now I'm bored.

"Sir, there is also a pressing message from Jango Fett." Now that is interesting. "He asked about any other instructions during his stay at Tatooine and proposed a small project from decades ago."

"Did he explain what kind of project he was talking about?"

"It was related to the creation of underground living compound for the newly arrived people-" "Expanding the city vertically... but not by elevating it. Ingenious.."

"Should I send an affirmative response to it?" I nodded at the droid and the unit pressed some holographic buttons in his datapad.

And now.. let us return back to our little punitive expedition.



Wilhuf Tarkin was still recovering from the victorious election that saw him elected as the newest Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic.

Sure, he had already started to keep his promise about new amendments to the Reformation Act, something that the former Governor of Eriadnu knew required quite the precise legislative accuracy to have it passed by the Senate.

It was quite annoying that ever since his victory, three days ago, there was already someone promoting a coalition against him.

The 100 Petitioners reunited in the Delegation of the 100 was something that barely scratched his capacity to rule, but still proved that his mandates were not going to be as smooth as he had planned.

It was a meek resistance block, formed by pacifists and nobles trying to keep the status quo for their illicit actions, created by the newest senator from Aldeeran, Bail Organa, by the senator from Chandrilla, Mon Mothma, and by the senator from Naboo, Padme Amidala Naberrie.

A small but very interesting group, one that Tarkin was more than eager to ridicule and make disappear indirectly thanks to the popular demands.

Yet most of his attention was shifted to climax of the Revolutionary War against the Hutt Empire. A name that sounded too much passionate for its sake but the newest Chancellor could see a reason for it.

It needed to make the rebellion look good to the spectators of the conflict, to make the Hutts look the real villain and.. it wasn't difficult to truly do so because of the latter's well-known criminal regime.

"Chancellor Tarkin?" The former soldier looked at the officer that had just entered the room, a young man that had been forced into retirement far too early for his taste.

"Lieutenant Wulff Yularen, you served in the Battle of Malastare Narrows, correct?"

The youth nodded, a grimace in his face at the disastrous battle for the Republican Navy. "I served in the battle, sir."

"Following the battle records and the witnesses' accountings, you have been one of our most effective men in the field in leading our fleet during that difficult fight."

"With all due respect, sir, we almost lost the entire main fleet in that battle and-" "But it is still there, isn't it?"

The man paused and frowned at the interruption. "While the fight couldn't be seen as a pleasant victory, you still managed to pull together your Task Force and avoid to endanger your men further than it was possible."

At this point Yularen was showing his full disbelief at the situation, too surreal for someone his rank. To be in the presence of the newest Supreme Chancellor, someone that had worked in the military too.

"Chancellor, why am I here?"

Tarkin allowed a small smile. "I wish to expand the Navy and the Officers' corp, Admiral Yularen, and I wish for you to reach Tatooine in the next week."

Wilhuf didn't let the curiousity he had about the man's suprise be seen in his facial traits, deducing it was a mix of surprise for his sudden promotion and his newest order.

"T-Tatooine, sir?"

"Indeed, Admiral Yularen. I managed to get in touch with members of the Kuat Drive Yards to try and get a contract for some of their newest Yamato-class ships, ending up getting both the contract and.. a year-worth assignment in the newest Military Academy that was built in Tatooine."

"In what role, Chancellor?" Possible dismay from being downgraded to a mere student wasn't forethough by Tarkin.

"Advisor, Admiral Yularen. You will be capable of holding some lessons and even watch any from the other teachers."

"A-Any particular reasons that would entice such request, sir?" Just as he had expected the new Admiral had seen part of his overly-interested state over a peculiar news from the Military Academy.

"I have heard from the same emissaries that the Academy got hold of a prodigy specialised in Naval Warfare. I wish to know more about this curious individual and, if it is possible to convince him or her to join the Republic Military."

The young man paused for a moment before nodding, a sigh leaving his lips. "I accept the orders, sir."

"Good." Tarkin voiced positively. "Then I hope to hear more from your exploration about the planet, Admiral Yularen."

Hopefully this will end up getting him more favour with the massive military force and avoid possible aggravating actions against the Republic.


You know things are getting too much weird when some ladies want to bone you but you are a droid without the proper bone.

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